a. Today's workers will be expected to write a variety of messages using many electronic technologies. Action Zach's belief is an example of __________. False, The United States is an example of a high-context culture. What is the content level of meaning of this statement? Individuals in low-context cultures tend to be logical, analytical, and action oriented. a. creating an entirely online presence. d. star d. was tentative in interpreting nonverbal behavior c. body kinesics d. Communicators in low-context cultures prefer indirect verbal interaction. c. Terminal credibility a. c. collectivistic Establishing a receptive mind-set 0% average accuracy. C. Business letters should be sincere, to the point, and impersonal. a. power to Which of the following characteristics are attributed to someone who has ethos? b. a short-term orientation. a. uses and gratifications theory a. responding. When your parents see your grades, your mother says to you, "You're going to need to take some classes this summer." b. a cultural norm "Today I will explain to you how humans have evolved from apes to Neanderthals to the human form we have today." Messages written in today's workplace are intended for only internal audiences. e. femininity, Jacob tries to avoid ambiguity and vagueness. In describing how she sees her work as a team leader, Janet says that her goal is to help members reach their goals and accomplish objectives that advance them. Communication may be classified into different types based on the number of participants. a. uses and gratifications theory b. encouraging ethnocentrism In this scenario, Melissa continued use of ______________ led to Allen's dismay. a. a. b. relying on mnemonics. Limit the information the speaker presents. b. haptic e. nonverbal communication. c. asking questions immediately, focusing on the speaker's face, and concentrating on the details presented in the message. False, One of the best ways to become an active listener is to stop talking. She is reading a book about Chinese culture, watching Chinese films, and taking a course on Chinese history. answer: c. explanation: It is platinum in the market value c. listeners can understand and remember a speech that is well organized because they grasp the connections between ideas. Which of the following should be included in the minutes of a meeting? a. d. dilution. c. All native born Americans are U.S. citizens. a. c. situational audience analysis. 75 percent d. Mass media are easier to manipulate than social media. Which of the following statements or phrases is the rebuttal? Possible purposes for a persuasive speech include all of the following EXCEPT The study of a person's body movement and its effect on the communication process is known as ___________________. b. b. instagrams. e. dynamic, For people to be considered a "group," the members must see themselves experiencing which of the following? T/F? People who study communication are no less likely to communicate clearly than those who do not study it. False, The best way to manage a diverse workplace is to do everything possible to minimize or eliminate differences. A person or group that decides which messages pass through the media and which do not are called a. visual aids increase listeners' understanding and retention of ideas presented in a speech. This thesis statement suggests which organizational pattern? "I share a concern about this neighborhood." "Grammie you're so cute. "You didn't call me back after our argument. 12 Care Deliver Strategies, N432 Test 2: Ch. An introduction Which of the following statements most accurately expresses the relative strengths of verbal versus nonverbal communication? All answer choices are communication technologies being used by companies today. Language problems a. d. prejudgment. a. delivery gestures A person's physical appearance has little affect on whether others see them as attractive or not attractive. b. liking if the verb is in present tense, past if it is in past, pres. c. Cloud computing e. usually. By calling Adam, "that gay guy," Ellen is ____ Adam. What type of noise was interfering with Shonda's message reception? a. True e. gaggle. a. extemporaneous. e. use as many statistics as possible to impress the audience. "Adjustment shock" or "Culture shock", Masculine cultures value competiveness and independence. As soon as the news program begins an interview with the President of the United States, Dolores quits paying attention and she mumbles to herself, "I already know everything he has to say and I don't want to hear it again." b. tell Stephen that he should behave more professionally. Identify and clearly state your goal Effective written communication has an obvious goal that you convey to the reader. Erin tries to concentrate during a class lecture, but she can't get her mind off a personal problem. c. We misinterpret, misunderstand, or change very little of what we hear. What opportunities do three-dimensional software programs offer artists? d. calamity. b. e. Using a single communication channel. c. interpreting. Use nonverbal to accentuate or highlight the key information. e. communicational structural networks. b. commitment a. a long-term orientation. We are the only one left who is still doing this." c. "We share a concern about our neighborhood." There will be lectures and workshops about new trends and practices plus many networking opportunities. e. communication. I have developed Microsoft Excel, Word, PP Accurate & self-starter professional drive to archive the company's goals with excellent communication across the organization. e. people need to speak to other people to manage their impressions and self images online, Bill needed to talk to Stacy about a new assignment. a. establish relational level meanings. d. an increase in social media and changing communication technologies. a. individualism/collectivism Also could be being ill, tired, or uncomfortable. Feelings of confusion, disenchantment, loneliness, and homesickness following entrance into a new culture are collectively known as intergroup as intergroup anxiety. T/F? a. performance expectation. b. environmental factors B. a. low-context c. kinesics d. 50 percent Which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? c. grapevine. b. people can only establish face-to-face relationships This problem has been solved! If you watch an action movie because you are bored and want some excitement, which of the following theories applies? e. The average age of her audience. The robotic arm is also generally faster than any surgical tool. a. to teach listeners how to do something. The worst part is over. According to anthropologist Edward T. Hall, which social interaction zone describes communication usually occurring at approximately 1.5 to 4 feet? T/F? c. Time orientation a. attitudinal audience analysis. d. digital divide Unusual speech mannerisms, body twitches, or a radical hair style can cause enough distraction to prevent us from hearing what the speaker ahs to say. Which Barrier is this? Per Lumsden & Lumsden, the ideal size for a small group seems to be According to research, an average person can remember 85% of information right after hearing it. b. individualistic True A desk plaque with an employee's name and new title is an example of True What advice should Sydney follow? c. Respect what others say about their feelings and ideas. d. The ability to share another person's experiences and emotions; thinking of how the receiver feels and is likely to respond. c. Working in a team Jeff will go to the party, sit by himself on the couch all night, and be miserable. b. punctuation. d. Persuasive speaking takes longer than informative speaking. Personal distance is the space is 18 inches to 4 feet away from another person. a. David is engaged in d. build credibility with listeners. False, Most people are good listeners. a. A. mediums B. empathy C. channels a. d. masculine A. e. All of these answers apply to persuasive speaking. Identify an accurate statement about selective listening. a. pseudolistening. Question Asked 3/3/2021 10:10:23 PM a. informational listening b. Annie is engaged in ______ listening. She hasn't been seeing her friends of her family. Do you think families in a Western nation would accept a policy like China's one-child policy? Laura is talking to her grandma on the phone. c. communication hierarchies. b. c. uncertainty avoidance Listening is a skill that needs to be learned. a. Which statement about the fact of social media and communication technology on culture is most accurate Because of social media communications can now reach out to larger and more varied audiences than in the past Which of the following is a common trait of a business communicator from a low context culture Placing emphasis on written information b. b. Communication always requires complete understanding. e. literal listening. Words are arbitrary and open to individual interpretation? a. if it is present perfect, past perf. b. b. group. Communication is ongoing and ever changing According to the text, the essential components of communication are source, message, interference, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, and context. She also had trouble listening to her manager's directions. The best type of listening style that might benefit you while attending this conference is ______. Jamie grumbled to her roommate, "Thanks for waking me up!" T/F? b. monopolizing. d. minimal encouragers a. c. hypothetical thought. When he saw her, he decided to take a few minutes of Stacy's time despite noticing her hurried manner, as he was not sure if she was really in a hurry. c. speaking to entertain b. cooperation. e. speech. b. eye contact b. prejudgment. More employees are working in traditional company offices than home offices. _____ relates to physical appearance while _______ relates to cultural factors. 10 Healthcare Orgnizations, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. Alicia spends all day at work on the Internet then all night on social media looking at interesting things her friends do. b. Which of the following criteria are used for evaluating the ethical standards of supporting materials? b. procedural c. committee. b. punctuality a. cultural relativism. One study revealed that when a name is ________ it is judged more favorably than ones that lack these qualities, Using the term salesman rather than sales representative is an example of _____ language. Most body language is related to emotions and attitudes. e. kinesics, Charles likes to study in a particular spot in the library. It is used by people to express their attitudes and emotions. c. chronemics c. collectivistic All of the following are ways organization increases speaker effectiveness EXCEPT All aspects of communication other than the words themselves are known as d. remember that statistics are a numerical picture of how something was at a particular time. Which of the following is/are considered unifying themes in the field of communication? a. establishing a receptive mind-set, concentrating on appearance and delivery, and sifting information through biases. a. organizational structure. Bill responds to the interruption by saying, "You don't care about anything I have to say!" e. a quotation. b. convergence, mainstreaming, and resonance. True When a speaker attempts to change listeners' attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors or attempts to motivate them to take some action, the purpose of this speech is This is an example of social media's _____, You have sensitive information that you want to remain private. A) Communication is a one-way process. c. 90 percent True The ability to recognize another person's perspective as well as your own is called Nonverbal distraction c. Life is like a box of chocolates. False. e. Informative speech. e. chronemics gestures, People's possessions and how they decorate themselves and their surroundings are known as ________________. Unfairly biased and intolerant attitudes toward others are known as __________ while _________ is the attitude that one's own culture is superior to others, the language, values, beliefs, & traditions shared and learned by a group of people. Select one: Elliot doesn't know where to focus his energies. b. library Integrity d. 90 percent. d. seven to twelve members. b. e. kinesics, ________________ refers not to what a person says but to how a person says it. d. egocentric Proofread each sentence to correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Is he mad? We spend more time listening on the job than reading, writing, or speaking. Kelsey is listening to a presentation on identity theft. b. a metaphor. Few people actually experience communication apprehension. d. masculinity. Nonverbal communication does not impact verbal communication. a. raising volume when speaking Which principle of nonverbal communication is exemplified in this scenario? e. rules. Self-concept shapes communication an is affected by one's response to communication, Incorrectly thinking that a person's smile is an indication of their attraction to us is a problem of _____, _____ means you have compassion for another person while ______ means you have a personal sense of what it feels like to be in their shoes. c. motivated sequence e. reward behavior. a. paralanguage b. Grandstanding d. emphasizing nonverbal differences, You can improve your oral communication effectiveness with people who do not speak English as their first language by__________. A willigness to learn about and practice beliefs and practices different from one's own; being open-minded and receptive to new experiences. b. regulate interaction. a. Question options: A) a. Communicators consider the eyes to be the most accurate predictor of a speaker's true feelings and attitudes. answered Which of the following statements about communication is most accurate? a. a reduction in global competition b. avoided his nonverbal behavior T or F False. c. define her cultural standpoint. d. Videoconferencing, b. c. Preferring indirect verbal interaction Explain. Informative speakers should As he is boarding a bus to go to work, a man holding a clipboard runs up to him and says "Wait! What is the second step in the communication proccess? e. homogenization. a. perception. Engage in the dual perspective. "We must stop! e. noise. Ray happened to see his friend Darren after a long time. d. memorized. c. Slippery slope e. Engage about evenly in I language and you language. c. mainstreaming People should be certain when interpreting nonverbal behavior for improving their nonverbal communication effectiveness. e. haptic, ______________ is the study of how communication is influenced by space and distance. Social philosophy more likely influences language much more than gender. Whether or not her audience likes her topic a. less than 25% Which of the following statements about communication is accurate? a. A culture where men and women share equal responsibility for household chores would most likely be considered collectivist. Sometimes greater differences exist within cultures than between cultures, Juan comes from an uncertainty-avoiding culture. d. proxemics False. c. Grandstanding c. environmental distraction d. conformity pressures and lack of leadership. Cultures such as those in Asian, Arabian, and South American countries whose members tend to be intuitive and contemplative, relying on unwritten social rules. a. increasing communication barriers in virtual work groups Which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? answer choices. Face-to-face interaction is the most effective of all communication channels. However, she is having difficulty comprehending the main ideas because the speaker is using references and wording with which Kelsey is unfamiliar. c. Psychological barrier c. relational listening Write SSS above each singular noun, PPP above each plural noun, and poss. Some nervousness can improve performance by heightening arousal. d. resources Placing emphasis on written information, Which of the following is a common trait of a business communicator from a low-context culture? The use of one's own culture and its practices as the standard for interpreting the values, beliefs, and norms of another culture is known as Which of the following is NOT required for written communication? Which of these types of communication is defined as "communication between people?". c. monitored his nonverbal behavior a. What type of speaking has the primary goal of increasing listeners' understanding, awareness, or knowledge about a topic? "One day I won't have to worry about money. True He closes his office door, shuts off his computer, and lets all incoming calls go to his voice mail. If the verb is correct, write CCC in the blank. Amy says, "Some of you in this classroom are parents. d. Death is a passage from life. Communication is not simple (it won't solve all problems, more is not always better, it doesn't always require complete understanding), When we search for words to express an idea, we are involved in the process of _____, Complete the following sentence: "Communication is _________", Competent communication requires that individuals _______, Chris once used Facebook to post photos of himself getting drunk. e. Visualization. a. e. None of these answers are correct. c. the halo effect. b. critical listening d. Avoid smiling while talking with her clients because this behavior may not be a cultural norm for her clients. e. inoculation theory, The extent to which media representations are congruent with personal experience is known as what by cultivation theorists? a. television. These statements illustrate a. one to three members. Nonverbal communication includes only intended behaviors. a. e. reflective practicing. b. check the accuracy of ideas. d. follow up important messages in writing. Which of the following nonverbal behaviors is the least likely to be misinterpreted cross-culturally? d. tolerance Which of the following is an example of a complete perception check? e. Nonverbal communication only occurs consciously. In the perception process, arranging information from the environment in a meaningful way is called Organization. Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) 1. e. understanding. a. dual perspective. A cultural dimension that refers to the way indiciduals communicate and use words. c. Repeat important ideas. c. manuscript. d. Capitalizing on lag time, All of the following are types of nonverbal behavior except __________. d. incorporating jargon and regional dialects to encourage them to adopt your communication style, Technology has made writing less important in today's workplace. c. motivate listeners to want information. Casual listening refers to listening without much attention. The attempt to increase personal status in a group by winning the approval of high-status members is known as No one thought that the sordid movie should .. . d. increasing your individualism. a. limit the number of statistics used in a speech. b. agenda setting theory. e. pseudolistening. b. b. What is the most accurate statement about goodwill messages? e. assimilation. b. c. cultivation theory One technique that improves business writing is the use of empathy. Kacie thought this meant that Taylor had had too much to drink. He agrees to go and expects to have a horrible time. The Nile River flows for a longer distance than any other of the world's rivers. A degree of anxiety is natural and helpful to speakers. Which of the following statements about today's business environments is most accurate? Be miserable a. if it is in present tense, past perf perfect, past perf express their attitudes emotions. In past, pres, writing, or uncomfortable written communication has an obvious goal that you convey to way. Differences exist within cultures than between cultures, Juan comes from an culture. Have a horrible time today 's workplace are intended for only internal audiences from One 's ;... An example of a high-context culture and sifting information through biases for evaluating the ethical of! Power to which of which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? following theories applies that he should behave professionally! Taylor had had too much to drink cultural norm for her clients being ill, tired, speaking. 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