Disqualify: white toes, eye color other than blue. He is well built as a Persian should be ! > Silver Chinchilla Persians have green, emerald, turquoise, or blue-green eyes> Eye rims, nose and lips of these cats are outlined in either black or blue, according to the coat color> Chinchilla Persians all have a lighter undercoat color, and the ends of the fur are tipped in either black or blue, or not all> Chinchillas typically have a doll face look, then the traditional flat ("Peek-faced") profile you see in other Persian cats. Paw pads: brick red, cinnamon pink and/or coral pink. Nose leather, rims of eyes and paw pads: rose pink. the Silver and Golden Division - yet there are manyunique colors then what we have been discussing, such as, Golden Persians, Shaded Golden Persians, Blue Golden Persians are very rare, Reputable breeders will even have a black smoke within the Silver Persian line. Look at this gorgeous extra small Princess ! Gorgeous really light-colored kittens. Face, legs and tail, cream with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may be seen only when fur is parted. The general effect is lighter than a blue shaded golden due to less tipping. Nose leather: brick red. that entail several years of careful breeding ! For cats in the tabby division, the quality of the pattern is an essential part of the color of the cat and is worth 10 points. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Shaded Silver Persian kittens are not much different than chinchilla Silver Persian kittens having the same light hair base, Our Silver Persians arepopular due to the extreme petite kittens we produce and their ultra sweet personalities testified by, calling back wanting another darling, tiny Persian kitten choosing from severalof coat colors and patternsthe CFA Silver Persian Division produces, such as;many dark shades to the highly sought after Silver Chinchilla that possesses a snow white undercoat, Reserve a tiny - petite Persian kitten today. HIMALAYAN LYNX (POINT) PATTERN: Mask must be clearly lined with dark stripes, vertical and forming the classic M on the forehead; horizontal on the cheeks. He doesn't miss a step with making your day! Eye color: green, hazel, or brilliant copper. CREAM: one level shade of buff cream, without markings. EARS: small, round tipped, tilted forward, and not unduly open at the base. Body color glacial white. White frill and ear tufts. The Cat Fanciers Association, Inc. is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. CHOCOLATE-TORTIE POINT: body ivory. Rims of eyes, lips, and nose outlined with black. TORTIE LYNX POINT: points beige-brown with dark brown tabby markings and patches of red. Tail evenly ringed. What a gem ! Disqualify for incorrect eye color, incorrect eye color being copper, yellow, gold, amber, or any color other than green or blue-green. The tipping during this coat color phase may consume most of the hair shaft with only minimal white color deep in the coat. Learn more about this breed Set Your Location Find a Cattery or Breeder Browse Nearby Rescues & Shelters Follow the Persian Breed attracts cat fanciers' worldwide !The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) defines the Persian cat breed standards Silver and Silver Chinchilla Persians as. Nose leather and paw pads: blue, old rose and/or pink. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Nose leather and paw pads: rose pink or black, may be patched. Eye color: brilliant copper. Tail barred. Markings cream. The ruff immense and continuing in a deep frill between the front legs. Cat in repose appears chocolate tortoiseshell. They are both full vaccinated and checked by vet.evry month. He is very sweet, loves to be held,playful, baths and grooms well, is out of a very small dam that is 4 pounds ! Eye color: brilliant copper. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Disqualify: white toes, eye color other than blue. Eye color: deep vivid blue. . Taking home " Sandee" will give you much joy and you will have found a new buddy ! A top pick kitten . The red and the black should appear as clear, unbrindled patches. PerfectDoll Face Persian characteristics ! Paw pads: black. Tabby markings a darker lavender affording sufficient contrast with ground color with patches or softly intermingled areas of cream. Disqualify: white toes, eye color other than blue. Her coat isa clean, silky Chinchilla coat ! Her and Hayla are best friends - you willfind them snuggled together and showing much love and affection in their faces ! " Head barred with an M on the forehead. TRANSFER TO AOV: colors not accepted for championship status. We are a small family owned cattery located just outside of Charlotte,NC. Her little well formed body is extra small. Body color creamy white, significantly lighter in tone than the points. The Persian cat is a medium- to large-sized breed. 1995-2023 The Cat Fanciers' Association, Inc. Paw pads: rose and/or pink. They may not be quick to hiss or scratch, but that doesnt mean they wont become annoyed when bothered by loud children or pets. ", < " Love's Dream Girl" a beautiful mink coated Chinchilla and thegorgeous all time beauty . Paw pads: blue or rose. Nose leather: rose. Face and legs may be a deeper shading. All our parent cats have tested negative for Fe-Leuk, FIV, and PKD. Of fine texture, glossy and full of life. Pets Pets. Will come with health certificate. The Silver Chinchilla Chinchilla Persian is a sweet loving breed that rarely exceeds 8 pounds full grown. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Nose leather and paw pads: pink. Luxury Silver Chinch... Kittens Are Here Sil... Silver Chinchilla Pe... Kittens available for reservations! VERY @catsofinstagram@persiancorner@dollfacepersiankittens@cutepetclub@catstagramcat@meowstagram@sweetcatclub@happycatclub@cat_features #kittens #cats #catsofinstagram #cat #kitten #of #kittensofinstagram #catstagram #kitty #catlover #instagram #catlovers #instacat #meow #catlife #catoftheday #pets #cute #pet #world #love #animals #adoptdontshop #kittycat #cutecats #lovecats #kittenlove #petsofinstagram #cutecat #catsagram, Scroll down for more information on Tulip . SHADED SILVER: undercoat white with a mantle of black tipping shading down from sides, face, and tail from dark on the ridge to white on the chin, chest, stomach, and under the tail. Stunning silver tabby short haired and a Persian Chinchilla. "Little Lucky" is very, very sweet - alert - playful- full of thedickens! What is the Personality of a Persian Cat? Despite their grumpy appearance, Persian cats are quite warm and caring. They like nothing more than to lounge about. Persian cats are known to be calm and loving toward their owners and often toward guests in their home. Persians, unlike other cats, like being picked up and held. Eye color: brilliant copper. Jonne" is a perfect Persian kitten in every way ! Crossed eyes. Breeding Only Negative Cats. LILAC: rich, warm lavender with a pinkish tone, sound and even throughout. This coloring is similar to the chinchilla golden coloring, with the following differences. We are a CFA registered cattery, breeding exclusively Silver and Chinchilla Shaded Persians. BI-COLOR: black and white, blue and white, red and white, cream and white, chocolate and white, or lilac and white. The cream and the blue should appear as clear, unbrindled patches. Charleen's nose is a correct red brick color outlined in black and her nose slightly turns up giving her an adorable "Girly - Girl" look ! "Charleen" ! Nose leather: rose. Nose leather and paw pads: slate blue. highly sought after extra largePersian eyes ! Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. More about the Silver andChinchilla Persian Cat, VisitCFA Persian Cat standarddefinitions, at the Cat's Fanciers of American, Chinchilla silver Persian kittens are beautiful silky coats that appear to sparkledue to a dominant gene inhibiting the production of color at the base of the hair shaft leaving a faint silver color at the tip, a silver accent or silver tipping occurs, A white Silver Chinchilla has grown in popularity since the Fancy Feast commercials where the star is a Chinchilla Silver Persian. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. . In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Eye color: deep vivid blue. His coat is soft, silky and easy to care for! 2020Doll Face Silver Persian kittens of all colors -very small to standard sizes, " Sandee" is abeautifulshaded Golden Chinchilla female Persian kitten, with a mixture of lighter colors which could be described as a Golden Chinchilla. RED SMOKE: undercoat white, deeply tipped with red. Eye color: brilliant copper. Rare breed, quite, sweet and cuddly. Inner ear light with ticking on outer ear. These cats are similar to the silver chinchilla, with the following exceptions. ADOPTED. They are tested and are negative for PKD and FIV & FeLV. Dee Dee "is a gorgeous fluffy Silverfemale Persian kitten. Chin, ear tufts, stomach, chest and underside of tail, consistent ivory to pale honey color. perfect textured Chinchilla coat that is a clean white softly misted in Silver ! " Silver shaded chinchilla female $1,300 EYE COLOR: brilliant copper, blue or odd-eyed, with noted exception. Afina's twin sister "Mitzie" is Available ! Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. CFA registered Persian/Himalayan ONLY cattery/NOT A BACKYARD BREEDER in Lancaster County, PA. Persian cat $1,200 (Negotiable) Persian. Eye color: green, hazel, or brilliant copper. BLUE CHINCHILLA GOLDEN: undercoat ivory to pale honey. According to the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) breed standard, the chinchilla-coated Persian is part of the Silver and Gold color division. Ready for Christmas. Eye color: brilliant copper. Nose leather and paw pads: pink. Eye color: green or blue-green. Rims of eyes, lips, and nose outlined with blue. See the approximate price in your currency using today's exchange rates. The coat comes in almost every color and pattern imaginable, including solid shades, silver and golden, smoke and shaded colors, tabby patterns, particolors and cute expressive Doll Face facial features ! " RED: deep, rich, clear, brilliant red; without shading, markings, or ticking. She is and will be extremely small and considered. Eye color: brilliant copper. A white Silver Chinchilla has grown in popularity since the Fancy Feast commercials where the star is a Chinchilla Silver Persian> Shaded Silver Persian kittens are not much different than chinchilla Silver Persian kittens having the same light hair base, however,with more of the shaft containing color tipping of silvers, black or silver and black, The shaded silver appears darker due to these accents, but the undercoat is snow white or white, Shaded silver Persian cats and kittens typicallyhave green eyes and the same black outliner on the eyes, nose and the mouth as the, Silver Chinchilla described about and a lovely sheen of silver across their back and sometimes face and crown, Chinchilla Persianspattern can come in many colors other then white and silver, such as,apricot, cream and gold, shades of gold. LILAC-CREAM: rich, warm pinkish toned lavender with patches of cream or softly intermingled areas of cream on both body and extremities. WebOur pure bred Persians also have excellent pedigree lines (some with regional and national titles). TORTOISESHELL SMOKE: white undercoat, deeply tipped with black, red and shades of red. Face, legs and tail, blue-cream pattern with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may only be seen when hair is parted. Very small - ultra sweet and playful! The chocolate and the red should appear as clear, unbrindled patches with a white undercoat. Myths vs. Facts, Cat owners and enthusiasts have heard a number of fascinating myths about male calico cats. Disqualify for incorrect eye color, incorrect eye color being copper, yellow, gold, amber, or any color other than green or blue-green. Sparkling greenish-blue aquamarine eyes. We are a small breeder specializing in standard size doll face Persians and exotic kittens. Choosing a tiny Silver Chinchilla Persian cat or kitten. LILAC SILVER TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color pale frosty lavender with a pinkish patina, marked with darker lavender tabby markings affording sufficient contrast with ground color, undercoat white. all are extraordinary individuals ! shaded Golden Chinchilla female Persian kitten. December 2022 Age : Kitten Sex : Male + Female Location : Satsuma, FL 32189, USA I have males and females. Nose leather, rims of eyes and paw pads: rose pink to blue, may be patched. however, ask about reserving a full sibling ! CHINCHILLA GOLDEN: undercoat pale honey to bright apricot. It doesn't get any better than an extra tiny Persian kitten like "Afina". Markings sound blue. Long all over the body, including the shoulders. DILUTE CALICO SMOKE: a tri-color cat of blue, cream and white. Paw pads black. Nose leather and paw pads: cinnamon pink and/or coral pink. A gorgeous, luxurious Shaded Goldenmale Persian kitten with shades of gold. " For our waiting list, SEND us e-mail to: kittens@persianchinchilla.com. Eye color: brilliant copper. Eye color: brilliant copper. Baby kittens coming soon!!! Nose leather: blue or old rose. Post Ad. In a breed renowned for its beauty, the chinchilla Persian cat is considered by some enthusiasts to be the most beautiful of all Persians. Face and legs may be lightly shaded with tipping. According to the same CFA breed standard, the shaded coat looks darker than the chinchilla coat. BLACK SMOKE: undercoat white, deeply tipped with black. Lips and chin the same color as rings around the eyes. All rights reserved. The appearance of these beautiful felines is medium- to large size. SHADED TORTOISESHELL: undercoat white. . A Silver Chinchilla male Persian kitten that possesses a lovely DOLL Face look ! " Jenny"possesses beautiful largeeyes that will be abrilliant color. Sound to the roots. Eye color: brilliant copper. Disqualify for incorrect eye color, incorrect eye color being copper, yellow, gold, amber, or any color other than green or blue-green. Webfemale Persian cat sleeping on her room while catching some sun 4k 00:06 close-up of Cute Domestic Persians Silver Chinchilla Is Lying On Bed In Room And Resting 4k 00:06 silver Persian cat playing ball on cat tree 4k 00:14 silver cat sleeping in her sweet cat house with some rays of sunlight hitting 4k 00:09 Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. Eye color: deep vivid blue. Lips and chin the same color as rings around the eyes. Purebred pedigree silver chinchilla persian kittens coming soon. Back markings consist of a vertical line down the spine from butterfly to tail with a vertical stripe paralleling it on each side, the three stripes well separated by stripes of the ground color. 2019 Beautiful Persian Kittens | All rights reserved | Powered by Focalidea. The long thick coat softens the lines of the cat and accentuates the roundness in appearance. They specialize in Shaded Silver and Chinchilla Silver Persian cats with vibrant green eyes. White frill and ear tufts. Chinchilla Persians are sometimes confused with shaded Persians. . Our breeding program strives to maintain and exceed the standards and expectations of the Cat Fanciers Association guidelines on breeding Silver Chinchilla Persian cats. NOTE: BOLD, distinct patching is desired in all patched tabby & white colors. Eye color: deep vivid blue. Extra tiny ears heavily covered with thick fur, acorrectround face with a turn up nose outlined in black! Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. They will This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Markings a very deep blue affording a good contrast with ground color. Side markings should be the same on both sides. Paw pads: blue or old rose and/or pink. Eye color: deep vivid blue. Rims of eyes, lips, and nose outlined with blue. Nose leather and paw pads: pink. Eyes to be predicted to beeither Turquoise or a brilliant Green, Origin: PersianMeaning: "Unexpected gift", " Little Benny " is abeautifulvery white,Silver Chinchilla coated, malePersian kitten very lightly misted in Silver -, He has a full fluffy tail and his coat is of mink texture -, "Little Benny" hasa cuteDoll Face look with large eyes stronglyoutlined in black, He has a correct round face and round crown and aturn up nose, Hiseyes areextremely large at this age as whena kitten matures. An amazing soft - silkyluxurious Chinchilla coat ! " Disqualify: white toes, eye color other than blue. CHOCOLATE TORTOISESHELL: rich, warm chocolate brown with patches of red or softly intermingled areas of red on both body and extremities. gorgeous all time beauty . Paw pads: brick red, cinnamon pink and/or pink. Who knows, perhaps the chinchilla will one day gain separate recognition. CREAM TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color pale cream. The legs may also have some slight tipping. Nose leather, rims of eyes and paw pads: blue. Body color ivory. MENU. The eye rims, nose and lips are outlined in black. Her Sire is known for producingluxurious coats and that is what this little lady has! Paw pads: pink. Charleen's coat is fluffy, soft and easy to care for ! . . Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. that is playful, bold,active, conformationally correct, sturdy chest and large paws, yet small and dainty ! Eye color: deep vivid blue. Coat on back, flanks, head, and tail sufficiently tipped with black to give the characteristic sparkling silver appearance. The coat on the back, flanks and tail to be lightly tipped with blue and cream. Nose leather: rose. Eye color: brilliant copper. 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