cadc written case presentation example

Racism may jeopardize the mental health of minorities in all of the following ways EXCEPT that. What thoughts/fantasies are you aware that you were having about the client during the session? - ustedes - (dibujo: baln de voleibol). Documentation regarding referrals and referral outcomes. b. faire du ski c. I need to ask you a few questions about suicide. p 26. Feedback/Consultation:The group members respond to all of the information obtained by stating how they would handle the supervisees issue, problem, client, etc. I have found that new internal medicine inpatients generally take 5-10 minutes to present. O = Objective Account Client was polite and joking throughout the meeting. We apologize for the inconvenience. 105. ii. According the DSM-5 criteria, a client that has previously met the criteria for stimulant use disorder but now has not met the criteria for stimulant use in 10 months (except for craving) would be termed to be in ______ remission. Which of the following is NOT a primary learning style? Due to the COVID 19 Pandemic our office is currently Scheduled Test Applicants and Scheduled appointments only and not accepting any Walk Ins in person. 138. 8. Can deliver appropriate confrontations. 48. Overall, I found supervision to be helpful to me during Practicum or Internship. 2. Describe the feelings you were experiencing toward the client in the session. 83. The supervisee tells group members which of their statements were helpful, which were not helpful, and why they were beneficial or not. A systematic approach to peer group supervision. The general limits of confidentiality and privileged communication are when harm to self or others is clear and imminent, when child abuse, elderly abuse or abuse of persons with disabilities is suspected, or if court proceedings compel the supervisor to testify. 108. WebExample: Mr. 37. PDF | This is a sample of case presentation. Can direct the session in a meaningful manner. 1. )(V2 PCqVK!-jw NtWC{G*O_ Bi#8m5@H)=" tk|}5.Zh[!UUHMd Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ACP's annual meeting will be in San Diego, CA from April 27-29, 2023. If this occurs, what is the counselor's BEST response? | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Presentation PDF Available Counseling Case When older adults enter treatment, how do their rates of attendance and incidence of relapse, compare to their younger cohorts? Compensating issues needed to cope with addictive dysfunction. Which of the following is NOT a particularly important reason? Can demonstrate an appropriate use of affective interventions. The purpose of this site is to share information with others. What is the key difference between a current treatment plan and a current progress note? Test of Justice: Assess your own sense of fairness by determining whether you would treat others the same in this situation. WebOutline Clinical Case Presentation 1. What happens as tolerance for barbiturates develops? Dr. Scarborough addresses the issue of evaluation as a fundamental component of supervision. 5. Review the outline with your mentor or interested colleagues, and listen to their decisions. All the information published on this site comes from known sources such as textbooks, manuals, research articles, and online sources. What themes were evident? 85. For sectional tape script: Transcribe verbatim dialogue covering 5 consecutive minutes. c. Habilitation helps clients learn new skills they never had. 57. This is the most important part of your presentation and allows you to show your team how much you really know. Which is the model that views dependency as a learned behavior that can be modified? b. Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan. Which principles (autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, and fidelity) apply to the situation? Encouraged me to be spontaneous and creative, 21. Bernard, J. M., & Goodyear, R. K. (1998). The supervisor summarizes the feedback and discussion, and the counselor indicates if supervision needs were met. Practicum: Individual Supervisor: 1 = needs improvement;2 = adequate;3 = good;4 = a strength of the student5 = excels in this area. More info coming soon. Dr. Jennifer E. Heasley Mylan School of Pharmacy Duquesne University Ambulatory Care Resident August 25, 2009 How do you assess the progress of this group? ACP advocates on behalf on internists and their patients on a number of timely issues. p How do you decide what to cut? In providing counseling treatment, what are counselors encouraged to do? Or if the student had 4 patients to work up, it should take 10 minutes to present all 4 patients to the preceptor? When outcomes from cognitive-behavioral coping skills therapy and motivational enhancement therapy are compared with outcomes from twelve-step facilitation, how do clients fare BEST? }~trin91?L^Ot]|^*g'}z~9Z,PuaCntr2g7oX+*fU89Tw A'2mAt*w^1:"B3a1`8V9@?UVTLNd|=L")x%c"uX':EFr{L;zG`sQ{h6\M71y] X. What is the trend for cultural diversity in the United States? HIV remains a profound problem in the United States. It is not affiliated or sponsored. What group dynamics did you observe? Response Statement: The group members remain silent and the supervisee, in round robin fashion, respond to each group members feedback. National Business PowerPoint template is a free case study template for PPT with a world image and a zoom design focusing on Europe. 20. 6YYXKIeUWQk*5A\.jdWM6P.zi,g9cK7Vhzm (Identity) What is the theoretical approach? The relapse and remitting model addresses cycles of relapse and recovery common to addiction. Learn and remember the global criteria for each core function. p %%EOF 113. 8 0 obj How are substance abuse treatment programs for adolescents described? Were you confused by the client at all? 67. modelo: 4 0 obj 65. WebCase Notes Example 1: Medical Checkup S = Strengths Client reported difficulties in keeping appointments with providers including this case manager, ADAP, and the doctor. Which of the following substances lack effective treatment medications? 81. 22. a. Treatment was initiated with corticosteroids, anticoagulants, antiplatelet drugs, and oral vasodilators. WebWritten informed consent for publication must be obtained from the patient (or their parent or legal guardian in the case of children under 18, or from the next of kin if the patient has died). 117. Avoiding client challenges of records and documentation. To reflect positively about clients ability to have relationship with co-workers. 141. X is a 78-year-old female with a past medical history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who presents with shortness of breath in In such instances, other faculty members are informed and the procedures established by the program are initiated. Which of the following is not a drawback to community reinforcement (CR) and contingency management (CM) approaches? endobj Explain changes (or expansions) of your treatment plan for this client. endstream endobj startxref Now, lets go over how to present a case. 5 0 obj Assistant Professor,Syracuse University. x @\7~{3 `X&@%l2 c&@Xh1*VkVk:!.juKjhkw.1]s_sof ruW5ek=QSYyfk*NJ]"u5U "r4MQF$.TQN3!ro~l}_C;|#BzwKVU"|d`oBGCSoy This should also include information regarding the patients clinical stability. i. Interested in Becoming a Fellow? Describe the events that preceded the patients presentation in chronological order. Identifies appropriate process goals. The time to implement your organization plan is when you sit down with the client, not when you are faced with a presentation or written notes. For more information, please see our editorial policies. Because professional counseling emphasizes strengths and protective factors, counselors should feel supported in identifying and incorporating these elements in their case conceptualizations. How does motivation for participating in treatment differ from motivation to change behaviors? For example, if you are concerned about a pulmonary embolism and your patient recently completed a long-distance flight, that would be worth mentioning. Given the information provided, how is his use of cocaine BEST described? (counseling, psyco-ed, task, theme centered, open-ended, etc.) The term "drug use trajectory" refers to: a. b. The following is an example based on the resources in the community of Sonoma County and illustrate how a case plan involving active The ability to deliver oral case presentations is a core skill for any physician. Prepare examples for the questions you will be asked during the oral examination. Step 1. The remainder of hospitalization was uneventful. Janna L. Scarborough is an assistant professor in the Counseling and Human Services Department at Syracuse University. Clients with a history of abuse have a tendency to place themselves in situations in which further abuse is likely, particularly an unsafe relationship. Every specialty presents patients differently. Asking permission of the client to talk with them, telling them of any concerns you have, and then asking for their thoughts on what you shared. Which one of the following alcohol abuse screening tests is designed specifically for use with adolescents? As you begin to "fit" your talk into the allotted time, certain content you originally thought of as "elaboration" may be dropped to the "nice-to-know" category due to time constraints. She is disturbed at the illicit nature of the drug and the long-standing use. Learn about where ACP stands on the following areas: Copyright 2023 American College of Physicians, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 264 0 obj <>stream I recommend that you create a fake client and write his/her case, addressing each one of the 12 Core Functions. Like the real test, you should complete it in no more than 2 ho urs. Once you have finished reporting the patients history, you should transition to the physical exam. There are numerous classification systems describing various stages of recovery. 111. If a client begins to act out inappropriately, what is an IDEAL grounding technique? 38. Dealing with smoking cessation during a substance abuse treatment program is. Indicate what we should be listening for. What was the original CIWA-Ar scale designed for? What does the SOAP progress note acronym stand for? This should include the following information: The patients medical conditions, including any that were not highlighted in the opener Any past surgeries the patient has had and when they were performed The timing of and reasons for past hospitalizations Any current medications, including dosages and frequency of administration, The next section should detail the patients relevant family history. c. Every thirty to ninety days or as changes or progress indicate a need. Briefly lay out the background of the idea. Normal vital signs. Is able to recognize normative from problematic behavior during assessment. Remember, this is an iterative process; your decisions are not final. c. faire du camping. WebWitnessing his brother's death, Ray stated he began to lose his sight slowly. Ud. 36. c. Substance abuse-induced disorders that require continued abstinence. During this step, the supervisee remains silent but may take notes regarding the comments or suggestions. 11. You may replace the history of present illness with any relevant interval history since his or her last visit. Helped me see my influence on the client, 7. hb```,@( Dr. Scarborough is a National Certified Counselor and Approved Clinical Supervisor. p Question Period: The supervision group members ask the supervisee questions about the information presented in Step 1 and 2. Which of the following subcategories of alcohol use disorder onset is NOT found in the elderly? In general, surgical and OB/GYN presentations tend to be much quicker (2-3 minutes), while pediatric and family medicine presentations tend to be similar in length to internal medicine presentations. She received her Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Virginia. 52. Describe other important information that was learned during the session, including contextual information. Be sure to include initial ED vital signs and any administered treatments. What would have added to the session? Much higher attendance and much lower relapse rates. What is this screening instrument designed to screen for? a. faire ses devoirs c. Confidentiality in areas of alcohol and substance abuse. 27. 23. How does the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) recommend that substance abuse be considered and treated? p Given a client's history, referrals for co-occurring disorders as well as medical, educational, and psychological needs should be ongoing as discovered. Sponsor a Fellow CL: Ive been having a little trouble with my new job. viii. Think of it as an interviewyou would not go to a professional job interview wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and flip flops, right? Webhusband and reconnect with him within their small family unit. This business case study template PPT for free is 892 Kb has a 4:3 aspect ratio. a. 800-ACP-1915 (800-227-1915) or 215-351-2600. Ergotamine preparations were stopped, intravenous nitroprusside was begun, and she showed clinical improvement within 2 hours. After the initial presentation, subsequent presentations can be delivered via SOAP note format as follows: Before you present a patient, consider your audience. I was hoping to makesome friends, but the two girls in my office dont get along and Im caught in the middle.CO: Are there people at work that you do things with? 91. Dr. Scarboroughs training in supervision includes coursework and supervised supervision in her doctoral program as well as supervision presentations at the national, regional, and local levels. Establish Context about the Current Situation. From the perspective of Cognitive-Behavioral, I. Or As existential theory, I., The picture of the counseling process that comes to mind is.. A treatment program client asks you to become his or her twelve-step sponsor. Is able to organize session data into meaningful frameworks. Learn and understand how the 12 core functions work with real clients. 13. Members of the certifying board will evaluate your competence as a counselor, and this includes not only your knowledge but also your professional appearance. If you have done your job well, the content you have retained will answer the following questions: What happened to the patient? stream The supervisor facilitates the discussion as needed, functioning as a moderator and process observer. List relevant diagnostic impressions including code and axis. How do group therapy and 12-step groups compare? Peers are assigned (or choose) roles, perspectives or tasks for reviewing the taped segment. 97. 15. p Group members should not converse with the supervisee during this break. Which of these key elements does NOT bolster a client's desire to complete the program? Describe the sessions you have had thus far with the client (general topic, interventions, tone, etc.). Can assist the client in considering different components and sequences that make up and sustain problems. 127. ). What was the time course of these events? 35. 32. In providing case management services, beyond providing seamless care and being client focused, what is the primary aim? First person is used, e.g., If this were my client, I would The process is repeated until there is no additional feedback. iii. c. A shared set of beliefs, norms, and values among any given group. How must assessment information be handled to be the MOST effective? Lesson 2: The value of a complete history and checking the medication list. Challenged me to accurately perceive the thoughts, feelings, and goals of my client and myself during counseling, 20. You should begin by reporting the patients vital signs, which includes the patients: Temperature Heart rate Blood pressure Respiratory rate Oxygen saturation (if the patient is using supplemental oxygen, this should also be reported)Next, you should discuss the findings of your physical exam. Choose a section on which you want specific feedback. 64. The arteriogram of femoral arteries showed smooth segmental narrowing and bilateral vasospasm suggesting large-vessel arteritis complicated by thrombosis. In intensive care units, you can organize the patients medical problems by organ system to ensure that no stone is left unturned (if there are no active issues for an organ system, you may say so). 1. vi. While delivering oral case presentations is a core skill for trainees, and there have been attempts to standardize the format, expectations still vary among attending physicians. 93. X is a 78-year-old female with a past medical history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who presents to the hospital after she felt short of breath at home.. First, identify the basic information in the three major categories that you simply must present. 25. Arteriogram of right femoral artery shows subtotal stenosis, collateral filling of the popliteal artery, and pseudoaneurysm formation. The Addiction Severity Index has been formally adopted by which organization? Dr. Scarborough also provides each supervisee with the names and phone numbers of agencies that respond to crisis situations. (Scanning, linking, confrontation, trust-building, etc. Other than through a written information release, when do exceptions to confidentiality exist? Before presenting, consider which results will further support your proposed diagnosis and exclude alternatives. 139. It should describe how a similar case should be approached in the future. 95. Since you will have only ten minutes, you will prioritize the topics to determine what to keep and what to cut. 59. 79. 61. 122. Topics addressed in psychoeducational groups are typically. Discussing a trigger event with someone trusted before and after it occurs. This is an evaluation of who you are as a professional counselor. %PDF-1.7 % If you have already prepared a paper for publication, it can be a rich source of content for the topic outline. The 3 Month (100 Day) MCAT Study Schedule Guide: 2022 Edition, The Secondary Application: Bragging vs. Confidence. What to Expect and How to Prepare for the Certification Exam for Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Home LCDC Exam 2015 How to Prepare and What to Study for the Oral Exam for Alcohol and DrugCounselors. Do not read the presentation! Test of Publicity: Ask yourself whether you would want your behavior reported in the press. 14. The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 42, Part 2, addresses client confidentiality. To counter the typically disordered lives of substance-abusing clients. Write the case following the outline and directions below. What do these guidelines address? What is the proper, thoughtful response? spreadsheets). Appropriately addressed interpersonal dynamics us, 15. endstream endobj startxref %PDF-1.5 % Get answers now. WebApplying for the CADC requires no prerequisite SUD certicate or degree, however many colleges and universities oer these programs that will help prepare you for the workforce a. CR and CM are most effective if used together. Sancho - (dibujo: tablero de ajedrez) What does the experienced effect of a drug depend upon? T is a 32 year old man with Crohn's disease who presents with bloody diarrhea of 3 days duration. History of Present Illness (HPI) Purpose: Provides a complete account Two clients in a treatment group begin dating. The term "homeostasis" in family therapy is best defined as: 125. Dr. Scarborough understands the value and importance of maintaining and enhancing professional skills. Which form of substance abuse is naltrexone used to treat? Patient Case Presentation 1. In addition, she has experience in individual and group supervision of counselors-in-training working with legitimate clients in school and higher education settings. Accurate records are the basis for the treatment plan and measuring client progress. a. drugs of abuse can successfully treat depression. Helped me to prepare for subsequent counseling sessions, 19. 107. Note what the client did. When behaviorally assessing for a co-occurring disorder, what is the MOST important variable to consider? This and subsequent articles will focus on planning, preparation, creating visual aids (slides), and presentation skills. His drug of choice is cocaine, which he has been using episodically with friends at a poker gamebiweekly to weeklyfor p a. WebCase Presentation The case report should be chronological and detail the history, physical findings, and investigations followed by the patient's course. In time, you will become proficient in this essential medical skill. Which of the following is NOT a basic chemical class of amphetamines? Less likely to continue to use alcohol or drugs. 10. 1. Choose a real (but anonymous) case that covers all (or most) of your work with a client. Helped me feel at ease with the supervision process, 3. To identify those with versus those without issues of drug dependency. 34. CL: Yes, there are some other people at work that I get. Provided me with specific help in areas I need to work on, 4. Heres a short summary of each of the parts of a convincing business case presentation. Normal laboratory studies. a. Provided me with useful feedback regarding my counseling behavior, 2. 2. Web(LCADC) or Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC): Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the LCADC/CADC Process NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, Note what the session accomplished. WebWRITTEN CASE PRESENTATION 3 includes back and shoulder surgeries approximately 30 years ago. H+-;m>4)LN^f=s~)CP[:)-iy%>Dl+"LqNMpccXdy 7'+$t;{I KU-52A_2RHL$TW3w >y5Grs@ 5xFB6O%AVlU!+ For students, this should consist of 3-5 potential diagnoses. 87. Which of the following is NOT a core treatment and recovery skill? Which of the following is NOT a strength of twelve-step programs? The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 42, Part 2, Subpart E, addresses situations where law enforcement or courts can breach client confidentiality. Use the following code system to track your prioritization decisions: A = Must-Say WebCADC specializes in direct voter contact on behalf of progressive candidates and causes. Since 2018, we have worked to build one of the largest and most effective grassroots Beware of jumping back and forth between descriptions of separate problems. 56. Adequately emphasized my strengths and capabilities, 8. a. Can demonstrate an appropriate use of cognitive interventions. Summarize the key issues discussed during the session. 126. This step allows group members to obtain additional information or clarify any misperceptions concerning the summary information. Coach them to explore the situation, issues of risk, and self-endangerment. As compared with current older adults, what is the upcoming baby boomer generation (born between 1946 and 1964) expected to have? Ethical, Legal, or Moral issue (or combination). Is able to work effectively with multiple clients. 150. How many sequential stages must outpatient clients work through, regardless of the level of care at which they enter treatment? Case Management Describe the purpose of case management and how it applied to this client. d. A working relationship with a client outside the professional domain. The client's parents made the decision to send Ray away to She is an only child, and she denied any history of childhood emotional, What was learned? State the specific feedback that you particularly want from the group. Sancho juega al ajedrez. 106. Is comfortable with a variety of feelings and/or issues shared by the client. /Length 145552 ii. 13. Many substance-abusing clients suffer from high impulsivity. What do the guidelines deal with? 27. In order to help you visualize the type of content you might include in the outline, an example of a topic outline for a clinical vignette is presented. J8j6PR3vV;w/r`q]:eWjuSIT#/8@UFn4)QR d. To determine the need for placement or referral. 77. On the fifth postoperative day, the patient experienced a return of burning pain in the right leg. 33. 25. Web1. d. Insufficient, unless a qualified hearing is first held in court. I hope this helps, and good luck to you all! Tags: how to prepare oral exam addiction counselors, how to prepare oral exam substance abuse counselors, oral exam alcohol drug counselor, oral exam for addiction counselors, oral exam substance abuse counselor. Use multiple counseling approaches to meet clients' needs. 6. (Member roles, communication patterns, stage), What leadership skills did you employ? This section includes the results of any relevant laboratory testing, imaging, or other diagnostics that were obtained. What is physiological dependence on a drug determined by? If a client becomes verbally agitated, angry, and elevated with a counselor, what is the BEST response? Vasospasm is due primarily to the direct vasoconstrictor effects on the vascular smooth muscle. 15. Based on the stage of the group and the dynamics you observed, what are your process goals for the next session? 145. 116. a. iv. His drug of choice is cocaine, which he has been using episodically with friends at a poker gamebiweekly to weeklyfor some years. Disulfiram (Antabuse) is contraindicated for clients whose alcohol abuse is combined with which of the following circumstances? At a local dance club, a counselor spots a client drinking at the bar. Beyond the culture of the client, what is another key cultural issue? A useful mnemonic to use when deciding what to report is OPQRST, which includes: The Onset of the patients symptoms Any Palliative or Provoking factors that make the symptoms better or worse, respectively The Quality of his or her symptoms (how he or she describes them) The Region of the body where the patient is experiencing his or her symptoms and (if the symptom is pain) whether the patients pain Radiates to another location or is well-localized The Severity of the symptoms and any other associated Symptoms The Time course of the symptoms (how they have changed over time and whether the patient has experienced them before)Additionally, include any other details here that may support your final diagnosis or rule out alternative diagnoses. How much you really know been having a little trouble with my new job designed! 0 obj how are substance abuse is naltrexone used to treat Objective Account was! 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cadc written case presentation example

cadc written case presentation example

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