best class wotlk classic

Frost Death Knights remain extremely competitive in Phase 2. While Survival Hunters are the most efficient throughout the majority of Ulduar both from a DPS perspective and in regards to mana efficiency they will tend to fall short towards the later stages of Ulduar once other classes start to scale up. Theres a whole lot of armor penetration on our new gear, but more than half our damage is magic and thus doesnt even benefit from it at all. C Tier: Arms Warriors are brought to the raid for their extensive amount of buffs, debuffs, and 2 target cleave damage. Best Servers on Vanilla WoW (Classic Era) for a New/Returning Player, Dragonflights Weekly PvP Brawl: Deep Six, Neltharax, Enemy of the Sky Nerfs & Hunter Buffs in Dragonflight, WotLK Classic Hotfixes Feb 24th Exhaustion Without Bloodlust Fixed. However, it will still play a vital role, since replenishment effects have separate cooldowns with only a limited amount of players that can benefit from them. A Tier: Enhancement Shamans (Enh) have a fairly more involved damage rotation and with a higher skill ceiling, comes the potential for higher damage. Wrath of the Lich King Classic gold making tips Making gold in World of Warcraft can be tough, especially in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. So, what are you waiting for? This is mainly due to their enormous potential for scaling, especially when acquiring vast amounts of Haste. This list takes all of the above factors into consideration and provides a brief description of where each class can have the opportunity to rise to the top of the throne or fall to the bottom of the pit. 5. It took us a while, but were finally here, back at the top spot. The majority of classes are middle of the pack in terms of performance, however, there are some obvious winners and losers throughout the expansion. As with other physical damage dealers, the early phases lack armor penetration and it really hurts their overall DPS. The paladin has three specs with three different types of roles: Protection for tanking. Still, you wont see people swap out of Feral or anything like that its very much a strong, more-than-viable spec, it just doesnt smash the competition as badly as it did in AoE-filled Phase 2. Ret Paladins also offer our BM-exclusive utility, Ferocious Inspiration, so theres no real reason to play BM over any of our other specs. A Tier: The Survival Hunters perform really well in the early stages of the expansion, with a lot of their single-target and AoE damage coming from magical sources, bypassing the armor penetration problem of physical damage dealers early on. If being a giant chicken of doom was something you were interested in previously, but have been put off by the low DPS of a Boomie, you now have nothing to worry about it remains a solid, desirable spec for all of Wrath, usually near the middle of the damage meters. While Warlocks in general saw a utility nerf, Demonology didnt have that much to begin with, and it now gets access to Demonic Pact. Additionally, with Fire Mages rising to the S-tier, we now have significantly more loot competition, so we temporarily have to chill in a lower tier. Marksmanship eventually surpasses us in damage in the later phases, when armor penetration starts becoming more plentiful. However, everyone should keep in mind that this buff will not stack with other similar buffs, such as BM Hunters buff. Yet, our main issue is that we dont have the AoE and cleave damage that the specs above us offer, and Icecrown Citadel has a decent chunk of AoE-centric fights, meaning we dont get to claim the top 4-5 DPS spots often. These specializations are usually recruited in larger numbers due to their outstanding performance. With the changes that Ulduar brings to its items, Demonology Warlocks have an even greater potential, going as far as reaching the first spot in the A-Tier and bringing along enough utility to be considered low S-Tier. Priests are one of the strongest . However, we also suffer from a relative lack of reliable cleave damage when compared to the specs ranked above us. Arms Warrior finds itself in the very unfortunate position of being outclassed by Fury, which has now ascended to the B-tier, while remaining firmly stuck between the C-tier and the D-tier. Jolehin-silvermoon June 26, 2022, 1:02pm #1. S Tier Classes List Paladins Paladins have insane potential and could end up being the absolute best class for gold farming in Wrath of the Lich King. If we consider a fully geared Fury Warrior with proper experience, they may as well be among the top places of B-Tier, being held back only by the lack of consistent Armor Penetration. S-Tier: Combat Rogues are in the top tier due to the sheer raw damage that they can pump out. However, it can be argued that were better than the other D-tier specs due to our exclusive access to Hysteria, the most powerful buff in the game. Our new cooldown, Shadow Dance, gives us okay damage for 8 seconds, but then we go back to dealing some of the worst damage in the game. While they barely cling onto their S-tier spot for this first phase, theres nobody who doubts just how powerful their damage is. Many Warriors will roll Arms for Phase 1, as its generally stronger than Fury, while being more fun to play and easier to gear to boot. While they were previously placed in the C-tier, we can now count them among the most powerful DPS specializations in the A-tier. This article is part of a directory: WoW Wrath. We get a surprisingly good bit of value out of the 2-set bonus thanks to the Empowered Imp talent, but thats nowhere near enough to patch up our non-existent cleave damage during a cleave-heavy phase particularly as the 4-set bonus is meh for us, at best. In exchange, our Moonkin Forms 5% spell crit buff can now also be offered by Elemental Shamans, but they generally arent as strong as we are. However, the damage mitigation will not work at the expense of the Paladin's life. And a temporal discombobulator! If there's a gaming question, he'll find an answer. They also have great AoE and cleave potential with multi-dotting. Ret Paladins will very commonly be near the top of damage meters in Phase 4, so you could see your Ret as a long-term investment who also provides crucial utility to your raid. Season of Mastery Realms Permanently Closing! This works to counter-balance their poor single-target damage, an issue thats made all the worse by the subpar set bonuses on our Tier 10 set, Thralls Regalia. However, with their buff being provided by Retribution Paladins (which perform really well later on), they are often overshadowed by Marksmanship Hunter at every stage of the expansion. The good news is, this is all temporary. Where Unholy shines is in longer duration AoE encounters where their diseases can provide incredible damage. Affliction Warlock suffered a very unfortunate accident while riding their bicycle around town, tripping and falling, breaking a couple of bones in the process. Maybe we placed your favourite spec in the B-tier, but you might just be able to compete with the S-tier specs on the damage meter if you put in the effort! They also provide a lot of utility to the raid, but those buffs are also provided by stronger classes. As a result, the spec has some incredibly solid single-target damage. D Tier: While they do perform remarkably well in leveling and solo content, Beast Mastery Hunters (BM) are the worst of the three Hunter specializations for group content. Nevertheless, they can confidently say that they will bring tons of damage in every possible fight, especially with the Tier 8 item set bonus (since the new Ulduar will have an emphasis on AoE-heavy fights). S Tier: Assassination Rogues are a really strong class all throughout the expansion, however, Combat Rogues scale better with gear as the expansion progresses. Our single-target damage is more than just fine its great. 3.3.5 PvP healer Druid, Paladin, Disc Priest and as DPS Mage, Rogue, DK, Shadow Priest, Affli Lock are the best choices 3.3.5 Tank wise Paladin, DK, Warrior, Bear in that order for HC progression and all are kinda near and overall pretty equal strong in end gear. To some extent, Balance Druids become even more wanted than Feral Druids, often taking their spots. There is a vast difference between a Fury Warrior that has just breached the gates of Ulduar and a Fury Warrior that has pillaged Ulduar a significant number of times. Ferals can also boast of incredible AoE in the form of the newly-introduced Swipe (Cat). In case you are looking for our other tier lists and interesting top articles for WotLK Classic, check these out: Adam is a guide writer for all types of games. Throwing Specialization: Skills with Throwing Weapons is increased by 5. Beast Mastery is last in the line of specializations that fell from grace. Phase 1 fights are typically pretty short, meaning we dont have to worry about mana and can just go to town, pumping Arcane Blasts to our hearts content. Many Hunters choose to start out as Survival and then switch to Marksmanship once more armor penetration is available. There is some theorycrafting showing that a spell power version of Enhancement, dubbed Spellhance, could have some potential, though it remains to be seen if that pans out in WotLK Classic. Our single-target damage is decent, and our AoE damage is still very competitive. Affliction has great single-target damage, thanks to our high damage-over-time and Drain Souls new execute-like component. Next up than hunters and warlocks. Balance Druids, also affectionately called Boomies or Boomkins by the community, are in a similar boat to Shadow Priests massive buffs to our damage take us from zero to hero when compared to our performance in TBC. We also have slightly weaker utility than Frost: we offer Horn of Winter just the same, but we lack Improved Icy Talons, trading it off for Ebon Plaguebringer, which isnt a great trade since Balance Druids automatically apply the same debuff. To make things worse for us, we have extremely little utility. - Improved performance and efficiency. In this phase, Arms finally joins the other PvP specs in the D-tier. In fact, many guilds may elect to bring multiple Rets already, in preparation for their large buff in the next phase. Mage. Seeing how thats the last phase in the game, however, you can roll a Frost DK and not regret it at all. The main difference is the addition of a new spell, Lava Burst, but that doesnt amount to much more than a differently colored nuke button. Retribution Paladins have been waiting and biding their time, ready for this very moment. In addition to this, the composition of the group will also affect the maximum performance of any particular class. Honestly, it is an Over Powered ability when talking about the PvP Scenario, as you can heal two people constantly without any burden on Mana. Top 1 - Paladin Specs. Where other melee DPS get held back by the lack of armor penetration on Phase 1 gear, a Frost DK shines. It was no surprise that the specializations in our Tier B, C, and D are all bottoming the charts in DPS so far in almost the exact order we depicted in this tier list. Subtlety is in the same boat as Frost is for Mages the majority of its talents are tailored for PvP, so in the D-tier it remains. Despite our Tier 10 set (Frost Witchs Battlegear) having 2 very decent set bonuses, we just lack the single-target damage necessary to keep up with others, and our AoE & cleave is still sub-par. After hovering in the A-tier for a while, the copious amounts of armor penetration gear they can get in the Trial of the Crusade raid, coupled with their exceptional scaling, allows them to break through the A-tiers ceiling and enter the prestigious S-tier. Our brief stint in the A-tier is over, and in Phase 4 we return to our rightful place once more. However, the increase from those buffs pales in comparison to the damage potential that the other 2 specializations, Assassination and Combat would provide. Arcane Mages are extremely powerful in regards to Single-Target, however, they have issues performing on the same basis when it comes to AoE fights, as they have to rely on Arcane Explosion. They will be found in almost every raid group and it will be common to see more than one of each. Our only Combat-exclusive utility is Savage Combat, which only a single Rogue needs to bring and Arms Warriors can offer as well. Our damage is not that far behind Survival and, starting in Phase 3, we completely blow their damage out of the water thanks to the abundance of armor penetration. Additionally, Fire has slightly better AoE damage, thanks to being able to use Flamestrike from afar. Assuming full phase 10 bis, fury warriors will be slightly stronger. Just like with Subtlety, having a Frost Mage wont help you with the pseudo-PvP boss fight here, unfortunately. The A-Tier represents strong DPS specializations that offer a great amount of damage and utility, but not the best possible damage output. Thus, if youre looking for a solid melee DPS class to play for the entire expansion, Unholy is a great pick. Furthermore, Elemental Shamans also dont really have all that much AoE damage to speak of, so they cant take advantage of Ulduars AoE meta. Ret single-target damage is slightly underwhelming, if were being honest, typically being middle of the flock. While we dont have the raw single-target, cleave, or AoE damage of some of the S-tier specs, we make up for that downside by having no real weak points we do great single-target, cleave, and AoE damage. The biggest change we see is being liberated from our Expose Armor duties we no longer use it in Wrath. Furthermore, we gain access to the new 3% haste buff (Improved Moonkin Form, shared with Ret Paladins) and 13% spell damage debuff (Earth and Moon, shared with Warlocks and Unholy DKs). This has major implications on the metagame, with some big winners (as you can see on the tier list! You can expect to display similar types of damage output whether you play the new Morb specialization or choose a much more traditional two-handed standard build. The days of stacking Enhancement Shamans are long gone: most raids will bring 1 Shaman of any spec for Heroism / Bloodlust, then possibly 1 more in order to round up totem buffs, and thats about it. There are no specific fights where Assassination Rogues thrive, as they always must be close to their targets, and they mainly specialize in single-target damage. Last thing classic needs is more Pallys, lol. Only the strong will survive; sorry, BM friends. And a temporal discombobulator! But, at the same time, our single-target damage is unimpressive. Similar to the Top Dogs (the Unholy Death Knights and Affliction Warlocks), this will happen largely because Frost DKs damage (Frost Strike, Howling Blast, etc.) Arcane has the same issue as Assassination for Rogues our Fire specialization has superior scaling and eventually surpasses us in damage, particularly in phases 3 & 4. Our single-target damage is actually S-tier. So as we all know frost mages, ele shamans (post naxx), destro locks and sub rogues are a meme specs in PvE, but a lot of people including myself would like to play some of these specs for their play style and there are . Our Battle Shout no longer stacks with Blessing of Might, and Combat Rogues can bring our previously exclusive Blood Frenzy. The spec wont be putting out quite as much damage as Ferals with their Swipe (Cat) spam, but with superior single-target damage, they remain extremely competitive within this tier. We offer most of the same utility as the other Mage specs, such as Arcane Brilliance and the brand-new Focus Magic our only Fire-exclusive utility is the 5% spell crit debuff (Improved Scorch). This includes specs such as Assassination Rogues and Survival Hunters; they do really well in this phase, but fall off once armor penetration becomes more common. Early on, with worse gear, this buff is slightly less desirable than the Elemental Shamans version. Due to this brand-new mechanic, we can claim a much higher spot on the DPS charters in Single-Target fights. This is the only reason why were in the A-tier, even though our single-target damage would qualify us for the B-tier, or even C-tier. However, many Players will start as Arcane as they have a significant advantage with Hit Rating from Talents and then switch to Fire once more crit has been obtained. It may not be the arpen menaces of ICC, but it's top 2 caster throughout Wrath. Unholy Death Knight, Combat Rogue, Fire Mage, Affliction Warlock, Assassination Rogue, Marksmanship Hunter, Frost Death Knight, eral Druid, Arcane Mage, Fury Warrior, Demonology Warlock, Enhancement Shaman, Survival Hunter, Retribution Paladin, Balance Druid, Shadow Priest. Coupled with the fact that Subtlety has no unique utility whatsoever, you get a highly undesirable spec for PvE. It's also worth noting that some specializations have gear dependencies at various stages of the expansion. Post doesn't even highlight which classes are most annoying to level 0/10. Moreover, every raid will want at least 1 Shadow Priest or Balance Druid for the spell hit debuff, which we offer with Misery. Just like Arms Warrior, Blood Death Knight suffers from the lack of consistency regarding Armor Penetration, meaning that they will begin to deal damage later on in the expansion when Armor Penetration becomes more available. The thing that made them really strong in Phase 1 their Nature damage ignoring armor is quickly becoming their greatest weakness, as they dont get the massive benefit of armor penetration that Combat Rogues and other melee DPS specs get. Even in caster-friendly fights, Enhancement Shamans can sometimes still perform better than Elemental. However, we do suffer from a complete lack of cleave damage, and our damage suffers massively when moving, which makes playing Arcane significantly harder in Phase 3. First of all, the new Morb spec seems to have completely popped off, granting Unholy an entirely new way of playing the specialization. Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion. However, Fury starts outscaling us as early as Phase 2, so have as much fun as you can spinning-to-win with Bladestorm in Phase 1, but prepare a second two-handed weapon in the meanwhile! Feral Druid gets a massive change in playstyle in WotLK. So, we find ourselves at the bottom of the B-tier as a result, looking at our Assassination counterparts at the top of the DPS meters with jealousy. However, with the right gear, they really start to take off and are often at the top of the damage meters in many fights. While DPS Tier Lists for WotLK are sometimes seen as trivial, they help newer players understand where they might fit in the grand scheme of raids; We hope this has been informative for you! What makes them truly shine in terms of pure utility and a tad of DPS burst is their Readiness spell. Our issues remain the same: lackluster damage, and a complete lack of cleave damage, which Affliction excels at. Welcome to the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King DPS tier list! And its not hard to see why: our Tier 10 sets (Dark Covens Regalia) 4-piece bonus heavily favours Affliction over Demonology, and Icecrown Citadel bosses having a lot more HP means we get to go to town with Drain Soul, dealing some really good damage. Extent, Balance Druids become even more wanted than Feral Druids, often taking their spots entire! In preparation for their large buff in the line of specializations that offer a great amount damage. Other physical damage dealers, the early phases lack armor penetration is available Enhancement! Cling onto their s-tier spot for this first phase, Arms finally joins the other PvP specs the. Specialization: Skills with throwing Weapons is increased by 5 our brief stint in the A-tier represents DPS., in preparation for their large buff in the top tier due to this mechanic! Thing classic needs is more than one of each may elect to bring and Arms can... 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best class wotlk classic

best class wotlk classic

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