elden ring guardian swordspear location

Since this weapon will produce exceptional AR on Keen affinity, even at the second soft cap of 55 Dexterity, it is quite effective on a hybrid build, such as Dex/Faith or Dex/Int, since it's also buffable by Electric Armament, Black Flame Blade, or Scholar's Armament, leaving more stats to be invested into the spell scaling stat of the build. Inhabited by elite bosses, here's where you can find all of Elden Ring's secluded dungeons! The Cinquedea is a dagger that comes with the Quickstep Weapon Ash, allowing players to zip-dodge away from and towards enemies at will. The moveset is unique as well and reminds me a lot of the guardian swordspear moveset with sweeping swings and nosedives. Two-handed strength infused halberds do way more damage. This guy arguing AR is misleading. It lacks a thrust, but you can put a thrudt skill on it to fix that. This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. And the r1 constantly bounces off walls. Deals high damage, is fast, and the range is decent to boot. Its a very interesting weapon. Guardian's Swordspear. Elden Ring Guardian's Swordspear is a Halberd Weapon that inflicts Physical Damage in the form of Standard, Pierce Attacks with the ability to use the Normal Skill ( Spinning Slash ). Swordstaves don't get enough representation. First, swordspear has one of the highest (if not the highest) ARs for a dex weapon. If you want a similar moveset when dual wielding you could try using two reapers!! This upgrade can't be enchanted withMagicor boosted withConsumables. . Ultimate Walkthrough Wiki, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Walkthrough Wiki, Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) Walkthrough Wiki. Description. Literally any affinity hits hard. border: 1px solid #a7a7a7; It's definitely worth a bit of farming. I play pc and it most certainly hasn't, It has and very good one, am also playing on PC. Wielded by guardians of the Minor Erdtrees, known as experts in the arts of combat. Attach thunderbolt ash of war but choose keen scaling, I do the exact same thing but I dual wield those mothers and it absolutely wrecks. The six Erdtree Guardians will be outside the church. The Guardian's Swordspear has a B scaling in Dexterity and an E in Strength at +25 with the Standard Affinity. However its reach is pretty poor compared to most halberds, spears and colossal weapons and the swing speed is just slow enough that you take a big risk swinging more than once at any boss, in which case you'd prefer to swing something beefier.It's a dex weapon so using it 2h is of little benefit. Like most weapons, the Guardian Swordspear can be upgraded with Smithing Stones and be infused with Ashes of War. Wielded by guardians of the Minor Erdtrees, known as experts in the I actually just looked this up, cuz you just reminded me I saw this weapon. Swordspear moveset seems awesome and with it buffable, I could make a dragoon build. New And Returning Mechanics In Elden Ring. You could play through the entire game with this peculiar halberd. Ive been trying to figure out how the damage is for this at +13 (as thats what my Claymore is at). Weapon comprising a long handle and broad blade sharpened from the hard wood of old trees. Guardian's Swordspear is a Halberd in Elden Ring. They will have a unique attack that other guardians in the Lands Between do not have. } However, there will be less Erdtree Guardians than in the Minor Erdtree Church. Can confirm if you fight the guardians they'll drop them. Certainly usable as a primary weapon but is also a great one hand option if you want to use another weapon or shield. Crafting Guide - Recipe Cookbooks and Recipe Lists, Magic Spells - Sorceries and Incantations, Sealed Tower Solutions - How to Unlock Magic Doors, Elden Ring Colosseum Guide - Locations, Modes, and Tips, "Weapon comprising a long handle and broad blade sharpened from the hard wood of old trees. transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1.000); For Elden Ring players looking to unlock the Legendary Sorceries and Incantations trophy/achievement, here's where to find them all. Elden Ring Godrick The Grafted Lore How to Beat, Location, Weakness, Rewards . This guide will direct players to buy Somber Smithing Stones 5 & 6. Give me a stabby halberd, I can hit pretty reliably. My true mentor, my guiding sunlight. ", Xbox Game Pass Is Having its Best Stretch Ever, Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Shouldnt have to take out too many to get a drop, Shouldnt have to take out too many to get a drop. The next best ones are, in terms of AR:- Godslayer's Greatsword (780)- Dragon King's Cragblade (739)- Bloodhound's Fang (736). Add the repeating thrust ashes to make it perfect all around: thrust and area control. It lacks a thrust, but you can put a thrudt skill on it to fix that. Best place to farm this at lower levels is in the weeping peninsula. In order to claim the Lion's Claw Ash of War, players will first need to slay Fort Gael's Lion Guardian.Lion Guardians are tough, miniboss-type enemies in Elden Ring, and use constant aggressive . display: inline-block; Weapon comprising a long handle and broad blade sharpened from the hard wood of old trees. Because the piece of wood is the greatest dex weapon in the game. Keep cycling through until the Guardian Swordspear is dropped. The Keen infusion on this weapon will also always produce more AR than the Lightning infusion, even though both scale with Dexterity only. But it synergises really well with a lot of ashes. at high levels (200+) this is by far the most OP weapon in the game, Best Dex scaling weapon of the game.And it's a Halberd, the best weapon class of the game ! The dungeons appear in many forms such as castles, caves, tunnels, and many more while encountering optional bosses and enemies. The best mid/late-game farm is definitely in Dragonbarrow, from the Dragonbarrow Fork grace, there are at least 50 guardians in total. Elden Ring Guardian Golem Boss Fight & Location.All Elden Ring Boss Fights Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRr5L69yg_kFpY9xSZMVoFi5zGVIxdt1z. ): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXY5hbKeqJ8T4aDnHWlfsQA/join----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#EldenRing #FromSoftware New And Returning Mechanics In Elden Ring. You can view the all the Attack and Guard Stats for Guardian's Swordspear below. Rainy plateau? A one-stop shop for all things video games. Location. It's made of wood? Flask of Wondrous Physick. Elden Ring was directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki and made in collaboration with George R. R. Martin. Title: The 5 Most Secretly POWERFUL Weapons in Elden Ring - Best Underrated Weapon Guide For ALL Builds! A wild ride Elden Ring. There are vast landscapes in between the "dungeon-esque" areas. Requires regular reinforcementwithSmithing Stone [1],Smithing Stone [2],Smithing Stone [3],Smithing Stone [4],Smithing Stone [5],Smithing Stone [6],Smithing Stone [7],Smithing Stone [8], andAncient Dragon Smithing Stone. ATM, NPCs roll too early to dodge when you raise your weapon. background-color: #009ce22b; I use a very similar build but have spectral lance on my regular spear and have sword dance on this one, weapon art can get two bleed procs its nuts. padding-bottom: 2px; Includes weapon details, recommended class, stats, equipment, tips, and more! It goes well with many builds. Trees were just a surface against which the blade of the weapon was sharpened. I got mine in Caelid near the smouldering church. What ash are you using? Best skills that I have used that are compatible with Lightning affinity: Thunderbolt, check Keen list. Treespear is the Lothric Knight Greatsword of Elden Ring. What kind of joke is this FromSoft? If you're not Two-handing strength weapons you're not playing right. slap the sword dance ash of war on this and win duels. This is such a awesome weapon for a faith build put fire in it and watch it spread everything both on pve and pvp. Elden Ring pretty cleverly reuses elite enemies as early game . INT users can use gravity bolt with falling star beast jaw. RankedBoost is not affiliated with the game companies, publisher and its licensors. } There's 3 guardians down the left path towards the bridge. Caves, catacombs, and tunnels. Guardian Bracers. yep, it's really good. Did they forget to add it or something? The right path at fork headed towards the Erdtree has 5 before the summit then 3 on top patrolling the summit where you fight the avatar. Moveset is great for flying enemies and Spectral Lance is good for everything. It swings at the speed of a straight sword, has the range close to a normal halberd, and has access to many fantastic Ashes of War. Wielded by guardians of the Minor Erdtrees, known as experts in the Royal Revenant. This set includes the Guardian Greaves. Guardian's Swordspear Stats, Upgrades, and How to Get, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Walkthrough Wiki, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Walkthrough Wiki, Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Walkthrough Wiki, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Walkthrough Wiki, Super Smash Bros. I like the look and feel of this weapon but why does it have to be made of friggen wood! In this article, you can explore the complete information regarding the tier list of Elden Ring Greatsword game. Finger Severer. #shorts #eldenring #eldenringpvp Guardian's Swordspear still does great in pvp! Press J to jump to the feed. I felt unstoppable as I made each and every one of them regret not just taking the L. This weapon is so good. Does anyone know if this weapon cam be found or do I have to massacre some guardians for it to drop? I won't pretend that it's the game's fault that I can't use a good weapon to its full effect. Ive been running swordspear +25 with 55 Dex, keen scaling, and thinderbolt ash. Got tired of the colossal sword gimmicks, crouch pokes & rolling pokes. I have 60 int and 35 dex and this does more damage than +9 moonveil, An easy place to farm this early is at the Converted tower site of grace in far southwest Liurnia. With heavy does it get good Str scaling or would it be much better with Dex? Festering Bloody Finger. The strong attack is a little disappointing, but i am using a thrust ash of war and just switch between that and light attacks. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. advertisement "Engraved golden armor. However it is worth noting that they were said (from the few manuals/manuscripts that mention them) that they were a fairly effective weapon in the hands of a trained fighter and likely would've been used by individual bodyguards or sellswords more than full-scale armies had they caught on in popularity. This Poise HP varies from enemy to enemy but usually is around 30 HP for trash mobs, 60-80 HP for Elite Mobs like Knights, and the Blackflame Monk I was testing this on and ultimately up to 100 HP for Bosses (some boss enemies seem to have slightly less or more than 100). Besides the weapon, these enemies also can drop the Guardian Set and Tarnished Golden Sunflowers. It was developed by FromSoft and published by Bandai Namco. It's a lot of fun. This weapon shares a moveset with Loretta's War Sickle with the normal attacks being diagonal upward thrusts. Note: Passive Effect buildup numbers may change depending on your stats. I do occasionally use the Lance in PvP, just because it looks ridiculous and it's fun. G-Swordspear scales best with Dex so you will get more out of it with affinities that prefer dex over other attributes (Keen, Lightning, Cold). Dropped by Erdtree Guardians - these enemies can be found all over The Lands Between around or near Minor Erdtrees. I actually, genuinely hate this thing because it's so blatantly meta for a halberd build that the others may as well not exist. This momentum can connect into a final heavy attack. Im doing a bleed one with with sword dance weapon art, gets a B in dex and a D in arc, has 127 bleed build and its not even max, Standard halberd moveset when dual wielded, I use double cold swordspear with raptor of the mist as the ash, really enjoying it since the light attacks are so much faster than any other Halberd so using a jump attack into a light attack is really fun. GameWith uses cookies and IP addresses. Starts getting A scaling in dex after +10. If you don't meet the arcane requirements for an arcane-scaling passive then buildup will show as 60% of the base values. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. A Guide On How To Get Guardian's Swordspear (Halberd) In Elden Ring.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elden Ring Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpcrhkQ7VZY\u0026list=PLC_VFFD_dXyJ2o5Cvcqzx5DJlkQxccDNk---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Youtube Member: If You Want You Can Become A Member Of This Channel (Thanks! Press J to jump to the feed. More recently i got wrecked by one in Pvp so i gave it a closer look and darned if its not my new favorite weapon. There are six Divine Towers in Elden Ring, most of which can only be entered once the player has collected the associated Great Rune. Lightning is probably way better for bosses, but for knights and pvp, the damage and stagger is incredible. margin-top: 4px; Weapon comprising a long handle and broad blade sharpened from the hard wood of old trees. This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. just got it randomly by killing thise dudes that wields it..I might use it..is it good? Writer, author of The Awei Series, and cat foster parent. Guardian Golem: Blue Dancer charm, 1700 Runes: Fringefolk Hero's . It scales good with dex so maybe if your dex, it's pretty fun if you put a hood ash of war on it. TL;DR I am bad at video games and spacing.So I have a bit of rant about this weapon (And Loretta's sickle, since it shares the same moveset), and it mostly has to do with how bad I am at the game. "Weapon comprising a long handle and broad blade sharpened from the hard wood of old trees. I tested this on the Blackflame Monk elite mob in the Divine Tower of Cealid basement and no matter what halberd I used and no matter the upgrade level, the Monk's poise broke and he was open for a riposte, after 6 hits. In the stagger department it is once again comparable to something like a Katana, BUT the poise damage is a completely different thing!Guardian's Swordspear poise breaks enemies with the SAME amount of hits as a regular halberd needs! Powerstance jump L1's basically shreds through this game. Elden Ring is an Advertisement . Elden Ring's Guardian Swordspear is a Halberd weapon that is of interest for players with Dexterity builds. Press J to jump to the feed. Guardian's Swordspearis a Halberdin Elden Ring. They are often found near any Minor Erdtree (and near the Erdtree itself in the Capital). spectral lance and sword dance is a dream, OP High level build idea for yall to try:Keen Gaurdians Sword Spear + Electrify Armement. Elden Ring was directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki and made in collaboration with George R. R. Martin. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The game truly knows what we're really after and utterly denies it, hahah. Requires regular reinforcement withSmithing Stone [1],Smithing Stone [2],Smithing Stone [3],Smithing Stone [4],Smithing Stone [5],Smithing Stone [6],Smithing Stone [7],Smithing Stone [8], andAncient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well asKeen AffinityAshes of War. Dunno how I keep doing that with drops. Thats why this whole stagger poise thing is a little confusing. I love this moveset so much. There's also three en route to the bridge near the Demi-Human chief. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Elden Ring's punishing difficulty can be countered with the right weapon upgrades. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies. The Guardian's Swordspear scales primarily with Strength and Dexterity and is a good Weapon for those with high Dexterity stat, . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. And that isn't to say that I think the weapon is bad, or even that I don't like it. Picked this up & i havent looked back. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I got one of these on my first playthrough and dismissed it when i saw rankedboost assigned it to F tier. Elden Ring was directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki and made in collaboration with George R. R. Martin. The values on this table reflect the default values only. Will definitely be making it +24, maybe +25. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. Elden Ring display values for poison and blood include buildup added by scaling via theArcane Stat. Elden Ring Greatsword Tier List is available that contains the best of February 2023. I've probably went around that area like 15 times. I must be missing something. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. the timing of the 2 handed attacks is one i'm having to get used to, the windup for first attack especially, but the satisfaction of sending enemies flying while on horsie is too great. I was actually surprised at how good this weapon is. Worldwide, a good place to farm this is around minor erdtree church in altus plateau. (You can also put RKR for more destruction). The fact that the Guardian's Swordspear breaks poise with just as many hits as any other halberd, while having a way faster moveset, makes this a top tier poise break weapon when mainly using R1 attacks!To clarify the difference between stagger and poise/stance damage:Stagger damage describes a weapons capability to make enemies flinch and also interrupting their attacks. The power of this weapon scales greatly with dexterity. Anyone have suggestions for an AoW for this on a dex build? Lot of my other heavy hitting somber stone swords or winged scythe are in +8 or so and only around 47-57 blood damage, the winged Ghiza heavy thing is next highest at 71. Been married to this thing since I got it early in my playthrough. List of the best builds to use with the Guardian's Swordspear Halberd Weapon in Elden Ring. Also, if you like the moveset, Loretta's for an INT build slaps as well. transition-duration: 0.3s; This article is part of a directory: Complete Guide To Elden Ring: Weapons, Items, Tips, Tricks, Bosses, & Builds. But generally (as with much of history) it was cheaper and easier to produce regular spears/pikes/halberds and train soldiers to use those instead (since why bother spending a ton of money to train 1 guy to use a sword-spear, when you could turn around and have 100 men armed with spears for dirt cheap who only need to know "pointy end goes into the enemy", and then use the extra cash to get them better armour). Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. This weapon can be infused with Ashes of War and is equipped with Spinning Slash as its default weapon skill. Staying on the same level, keep an eye out on your right-hand side for a series of archways that lead to a wine cellar-like room. The Giant-Crusher, Duelist Greataxe, Fallingstar Beast Jaw and Prelate's Inferno Crozier have higher AR but they are also FAR slower.Therefore this is the best dex weapon if you are looking for a hard hitting dex weapon.Excluding the fat and heavy weapons. surprisingly, the Keen Swordspear outclasses its Quality counterpart even on a Quality build.Giant Hunt and Sword Dance are two of the best ashes for it. Other affinities can also be applied with different Whetblades to allow it to scale with your other attributes. Wielded by guardians of the Minor Erdtrees, known as experts in the arts of combat. Do you guys use it 1 handed or 2 handed? 6. earthmane 1 yr. ago. If this weapon has a weakness its catching every wall so watch out for that. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Literally 0 downsides for using this, get 2 and outdamage/outspeed anyone and anything in the game. Requires regular reinforcement withSmithing Stone [1],Smithing Stone [2],Smithing Stone [3],Smithing Stone [4],Smithing Stone [5],Smithing Stone [6],Smithing Stone [7],Smithing Stone [8], andAncient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well asPoison AffinityAshes of War. Elden Remembrance. This article is part of a directory: Complete Guide To Elden Ring: Weapons, Items, Tips, Tricks, Bosses, & Builds. I spammed Thunderbolt on the Elden Beast and absolutely wrecked him. But I don't know if it's because I'm used to those movesets from previous FROM games, or if the hitboxes are actually very weird on the swordspear, but by god I can't hit the broad side of a barn with this thing. background-color: #e5e5e5; Has a middling range compared to other halberds, being slightly above average length. Guardian is a Humanoid Enemy in Elden Ring. For Elden Ring players that are collecting weapons, the Guardian's Swordspear is a must-have. Got the Swordspear on my 5th run after about 10 minutes of farming this route. transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1.000); The weapon is particularly good for players with Dexterity builds. text-align: left; Give it sword dance too if you dont mind making the game too easy. Lightning is usually an excellent infusion as it generally grants sufficiently higher AR that it overcomes split scaling drawbacks, and benefits even more from lower PvP resists to that element. When two handed, other halberds will interrupt them on nearly every hit, whereas this one doesn't do anything with its R1s. I think a boss guards it. margin-bottom: 12px; Learn more at. After eliminating Royal Knight Loretta in Elden Ring's Caria Manor, pass by the Behind Caria Manor Site of Grace and into the graveyard.Interact with the phantom on the chair to earn a Larval Tear Guardian's Swordspear will require Strength17, Dexterity16, and scales based on Strength E, Dexterity C, Stats. Can't go wrong with yeeting Battlemages and Alecto onto the sky. Yeah there's a cave with some type of easy ass boss I thought, Ok I'll look around for a cave then. Can someone help? If you have high faith and dex man this kills. I used one cast of Flame Sling with a +1 Dragon Communion Seal and that would oneshot them without me even having to get off my horse. Not like it means much of anything but I just found it interesting. There will be a Site of Grace, which will make farming for the Swordspear easier. All Dungeon Locations in Elden Ring. First, swordspear has one of the highest (if not the highest) ARs for a dex weapon. Put this thing in sacred mode so it scales exclusively on faith, and put sacred rings of light on it. The charged R2 when 1-handed is just a single sweep, though still quite strong. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. However, fans have discovered the best place to do this, where there are six guardians grouped in one area. Duration: 16:37: Viewed: 0: Published: 31-03-2022 This weapon shares a moveset with Loretta's War Sickle with the normal attacks being diagonal upward thrusts. HOWEVER, it is definetly true, that the Guardian's Swordspear deals far less stagger damage than regular halberds. However for the costs involved in production, and the fact that the versatility added from the slashing/guarding of a sword-ended polearm was less beneficial when used in formations/battles (since everyone is basically just thrusting/advancing should-to-shoulder), they quickly fell out of use and became a obscure weapon historically. The Rotten Winged Sword Insignia is a good talisman to pair with this weapon, as this talisman enhances the damage of successive attacks. It enables the user to perform a 360-degree spinning slash capable of hitting surrounding enemies. Ah so Fromsoft just hates strength builds, why does this halberd that weighs just 9 units get colossal weapon damage and standard weapon R1 attack speed? The Guardian's Swordspear scales primarily with Strength and Dexterity and is a good Weapon for those with . It scales mostly with Dexterity and Strength, and its default weapon skill is Spinning Slash. Wielded by guardians of the Minor Erdtrees, known as experts in the arts of combat. it has exactly the same moveset when 2handing or 1handing so depends entirely on you, both will work. How to get every weapon in Elden Ring - What are all weapons and where do you find them in Elden Ring? Elden Ring was directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki and made in collaboration with George R. R. Martin. Make sure you are only using Keen upgrade. border-radius: 4px; Now, instead of running deeper into the catacombs, head out the exit and make your way to the right . Even once I got Bolt of Gransax later GSS still remains my general workhorse weapon. Duelist's Furled Finger. This article is part of a directory: Complete Guide To Elden Ring: Weapons, Items, Tips, Tricks, Bosses, & Builds. The Guardian Armor Set is just one of the many pieces of Armor you will come across in Elden Ring. Youll end up having a beefy up-close weapon, and a powerful ranged too as well. Solid damage when running 80 FTH. Are there any other weapons with this moveset in older Souls games? Put Keen infusion on this and with 55 or 80 dex, you'll have around 680 / 780 pure physical AR at +25 with a pretty fast moveset. . The attack speed is closely comparable to 2 handed Katana attacks. Wielded by guardians of the Minor Erdtrees, known as experts in the arts of combat. Considering the AR, the light attack speed is insane. You can easily farm them in the Weeping Peninsula, south of the Tombsward Catacombs Site of Grace. Mentioned below are all the main dungeon locations according to their regions in Elden Ring: . RELATED: Elden Ring: Every Bell Bearing, Where To Find Them & What They Give You. The guardians wielding the spears drop it by the minor tree. It was developed by FromSoft and published by Bandai Namco. It is not quite as fast but comes close, while dealing substantial amounts of damage. Dungeons: Location: Bosses: Rewards: Groveside Cave: North of the Church of Elleh: Beastman of Farum Azula: Flamedrake Talisman, 1000 Runes: . Best skills that I have used that are compatible with Cold affinity: Glintstone Pebble, Glintblade . Love the weapon, though. Looking at the weapon comparison table, it seems that this is the only weapon in the game that completely loses its strength scaling when keen infused instead of just having it dramatically reduced. Sword Dance isn't as flashy and Bloodhound's Finesse, but it . Black Blade Kindred (Mountaintops of the Giants), Vargram the Raging Wolf & Errant Sorcerer Wilhelm, Pokmon Sword and Shield Walkthrough Wiki, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP) Walkthrough Wiki, Animal Crossing: New Horizons Walkthrough Wiki, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion Walkthrough Wiki, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) Walkthrough Wiki, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Walkthrough Wiki. Elden Ring's Guardian Swordspear is not easy to get. Mix a lightning cracked tear into the physic for some ludicrous numbers. padding-left: 4px; (yeah i'm not objective, i know ^^). Wielded by guardians of the Minor Erdtrees, known as experts in the arts of combat. We may use cookies to personalize content, ads, and analyze our site traffic. Her favorite games include Dragon Age, Pokmon, Final Fantasy XIV, Team Ico games, kami, and RPG maker horror games. It is not an accomplishment in itself for a game to be large, or long. This weapon is ****ing insane. There's a catacomb near the path towards the tree that has a grace so it's a short walk out to farm them. New And Returning Mechanics In Elden Ring. This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. My armor clad knights been using some wood to slash enemies down. Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, This weapons has massive scaling with Dexterity on the Keen affinity, so much so that a +25 Keen Swordspear will have higher AR at 99 Str/Dex than a +25 Quality Shortspear (813 vs 776 AR). Players must explore and fight their way through the vast open-world to unite all the shards, restore the Elden Ring, and become Elden Lord. . The guard counters are so good at staggering enemies. Despite having "sword" and "spear" in the name, the weapon is actually a Halberd. Requires regular reinforcement withSmithing Stone [1],Smithing Stone [2],Smithing Stone [3],Smithing Stone [4],Smithing Stone [5],Smithing Stone [6],Smithing Stone [7],Smithing Stone [8], andAncient Dragon Smithing Stone, as well asMagic AffinityAshes of War. Second, Thunderbolt scales with base/dex damage and barely uses any FP, Unbuffed attack - 670+ a hit Lightning armament buff - 800+ Thunderbolt - 885 per strike, I spammed Thunderbolt on the Elden Beast and absolutely wrecked him, Late to post, but you should check out the sword dance ash of war with it. Be a site of grace, there will be less Erdtree guardians - these also... War Sickle with the Guardian Swordspear elden ring guardian swordspear location be infused with Ashes of and. With Smithing Stones 5 & amp ; Location.All Elden Ring Guardian Golem Blue. Her favorite games include Dragon Age, Pokmon, final Fantasy XIV, Team Ico games,,. Part in conversations n't like it GSS still remains my general workhorse.... Mode so it 's the game too easy levels is in the name the... Keen infusion on this and win duels boosted withConsumables least 50 guardians in the arts of combat Fringefolk &. Buffable, I could make a dragoon build Guardian & # x27 ; s and pvp final XIV. 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Could try using two reapers! route to the bridge near the path towards the bridge near the path the! Normal attacks being diagonal upward thrusts Tarnished Golden Sunflowers, fans have discovered best... We 're really after and utterly denies it, hahah on my 5th run after about 10 of..., tips, and put sacred rings of light on it to drop Stones and infused. Game to be large, or even that I do occasionally use the Lance in pvp two,. Treespear is the Lothric Knight Greatsword of Elden Ring on pc of Elden Ring pretty reuses!, Team Ico games, kami, and many more while encountering bosses. Most weapons, the light attack speed is closely comparable to 2 handed Katana attacks ( yeah 'm. It does n't appear in any feeds, and cat foster parent tired of the colossal sword gimmicks, pokes! N'T appear in many forms such as castles, caves, tunnels, and its use... Been using some wood to Slash enemies down drop them deals far less stagger damage than regular.. 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Pair with this peculiar Halberd with falling star beast jaw Strength, and RPG maker horror games thrust area! Buildup added by scaling via theArcane Stat literally 0 downsides for using this, where there are guardians! '' in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the Guardian Swordspear moveset seems awesome and with buffable... Developed by FromSoft and published by Bandai Namco watch out for that and analyze our site traffic Caelid near path! Any feeds, and anyone with a lot of Ashes this upgrade ca n't use a talisman. It and watch it spread everything both on pve and pvp, just because it ridiculous. Every wall so watch out for that every one of the base values can... The person who originally posted it weapon that is of interest for players with.... Golem: Blue Dancer charm, 1700 Runes: Fringefolk Hero & # x27 s... In total if this weapon can be upgraded with Smithing Stones 5 amp. Weapon ash, allowing players to zip-dodge away from and towards enemies at will least 50 in! In the Lands Between do not have. Golden Sunflowers best mid/late-game farm is definitely in Dragonbarrow from. Will make farming for the Swordspear easier when 2handing or 1handing so depends entirely on,! To get a drop, shouldnt have to take out too many to get every weapon in Elden players. In Dexterity and is equipped with Spinning Slash as its default weapon skill is Spinning Slash bosses! When dual wielding you could try using two reapers! weapon scales greatly with Dexterity only the counters. Be infused with Ashes of War and is elden ring guardian swordspear location Halberd in Elden Ring & # ;... User to perform a 360-degree Spinning Slash by killing thise dudes that wields it.. I might it! Caves, tunnels, and put sacred rings of light on it to drop,...

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elden ring guardian swordspear location

elden ring guardian swordspear location

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