The real reason you pay an income tax, is for the privilege of using a private currency. Thank you. --Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Law (1996). On the papal bull, it says that all of the souls in the world belong to the Roman Catholic Church and they do because no one has challenged their claim. Christopher James alternate platforms where the TRUTH will be found and the Solution moving forward. (LogOut/ The county was bankrupt. Sorry in Advance if these FACTS Offend.Be offended by the truth, not at me giving it to Birth Certificates are slavery bonds, literally. Welcome To A.W.A.R.E, the Most Trusted Sovereign and Business Redemption Providers for We the People. May the geniuses govern and may technology connect us to our ET creators the Elohim! In other put "All documents relating to your U.S citizenship status". are you a slave or not? MUST READ! It just gets so confusing with the maritime law, jurisdiction, etc. The Bailiff is going to Steal the farm. Evidence reveals that there is even a Federal Children Department established by the Shepherd/Townsend Act of 1922 under the Department of Commerce that appears to be involved in this process in some way. Because of their desire to control through their crusades and inquisitions, they decided they would create the first Express Trust, called "Unam Sanctum" which was written on a papal bull and placed in their vault. Time To Raise Some Health!! A Municipal citizen of the United States a legal "PERSON" operating under your name, has a birth certificate bond. Given that there is a small group of Global Elite who control all the world's finances, military, and ecclesiastical resources, this would not be too difficult to believe. Donate To A.W.A.R.E When I (and Chief Fasthorse and others) held them feet first to the fire for failure to honor the Jubilee process for over eight hundred years there was dead silence. Ibid. By the end of World War I, wartime costs had depleted the treasury and there were several really bad financial panics. (15 videos) UFOs, UAPs and Strange Phenomenon. It began as "The Virginia Company," and then ultimately became, "The United States of America Corporation.". Create a free website or blog at The private banks that made up the Federal Reserve demanded their money and Roosevelt responded. I have been studying this as much as possible, and most of what I find can become a little confusing or just doesn't have the ring of truth. This includes debts related to wars they engaged in - so we would still be paying off any debts left over from the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, etc., etc.. Because of a decree written by Pope Nicholas V in 1455, the RCC owns everything, Even what you think you might own such as your car, house or even the pair of shoes you are wearing belongs to the RCC (in their twisted minds). Because of the desire to control through their inquisitions, they decided they would create the first express trust, called unum sanctum which was written on a papal bull and placed in their vault. The private banks that made up the Federal Reserve demanded their money and Roosevelt responded. But here it is: It seems that back in 1913 the United States was short of cash. Karma applies to credit. The original birth or naturalization record for every U.S. Citizen is on file in the official records in Washington, D.C. (you get to keep a copy!) even though 99.9% of those calling themselves Christian are victims along with everyone else. This cycle is based on the future tax revenues of the legal person whose name appears on the Birth Certificate. The Vatican created a global trust to register and keep data of all birth certificates. Watch this 5 part series to understand how you are registered at birth, your name is a corporate entity, and how the western court system . (Self-Assembling) / NUREMBERG 2.0: Global Lawsuit Filed ~ Crimes Against Humanity CDC, WHO, Davos Group. The Pope names you his Authorized Representative. End of story, just as I told Mr. Trump in my first ever YouTube video about the National Credit, we live in a Zero Sum world, where every debt creates an equal and answering credit. Us! The call came after a devastating Tsunami and earthquake hit a UN military base in a Western, E-mail me when people leave their comments , All over the world there has been an amp, The Vatican Owns Your Soul - ALL Birth Certificates are registered and held in the Vatican Vault - October 27, 2011, Book: ASHTAR A Tribute Compiled by Tuella, The Fiery Forces Of Creation Are Sweeping The Earth - June 22th, 2022, IT'S HAPPENING NOW!! Since the early 1960s, State governments have issued Birth Certificates to "persons" with legal fictional names using "ALL CAPS" names. Listen to Roger Sayles Radio Ranch Monday through Friday 11AM Eastern Time to 1PM Eastern Time on Peoples Patriot Network. This is not a lawful record of your physical birth, but rather the acknowledgement of the "birth" of the juristic, all-caps name. with the condition that failure to perform or abstain will obligate the person . On 18 November 1302, Pope Boniface VIII issued the Papal Bull called "Unum Sanctum.". So the US created the Federal Reserve Act. Change). A Birth certificate (registration of birth) is nothing more than a Contract. Elite families control the Vatican and the corporation (the incorporation of the Apostle Peter). Along with coins, banknotes make up the cash or bearer forms of all modern money. Why so many? Problem solved. This corporation then generates taxes and wealth over its lifetime and in this way repays the collateral that Uncle Sam borrowed from the Federal Reserve. The Roman Catholic Church has a very long history of tyranny and oppression dating back to the very beginning of it's organization. When a country needs more money it has to go somewhere also. ***DOWNLOAD: The world must go to and download all pdfs and videos.All the evidence the world needs to see to understand the COVID19 SARS -CoV-2 LIE will be found. We have gone from freedom to slavery, from sovereigns to serfs on the great Federal Manor via the 14th Amendment. Without the checks and balances of the cyclic debt forgiveness properly applied, what happened can only be termed Debt Madness. AND YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE (WTF! Banknote. When I first learned that the Catholic Theocracy running the Municipal United States Government was operating this system in this country and foisting this huge debt off onto innocent babies worldwide, I wanted to throw up. Blessings Light Love Peace and Harmony.Kingjeff, PS This is an area well known by NESARA which they will be giving back. How to obtain my original birth certificate? On the papal bull, it says that all of the souls in the world belong to the Roman Catholic Church and they technically do, because no one has challenged their claim. var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? This kind of makes you feel a little different when you look at Federal Reserve Chairman, Bernanke, doesn't it? It performs multilateral diplomacy with multiple intergovernmental organizations, including the United Nations and its agencies. (LogOut/ Because of the desire to control through their inquisitions, they decided they would create the first express trust, called unum sanctum which was written on a papal bull and placed in their vault. Your Birth Certificate is essentially the title of the Soul that they own in their registries. This cycle is based on the future tax revenues of the legal person whose name appears on the Birth Certificate. With regard to the Vatican's creation of the Papal Bull of 1302, it allows them to own your birth certificate and the legal fiction associated with it (name in uppercase letters on your birth certificate). The same story is in the Wizard of Oz. Many people are confused and think that the Birth Certificate Bond is something wonderful, a resource that they can seize upon to pay their bills, etc., but this is not true. cw, Your born with a chain around your neck. Do your research. When you or I need more money, we use something as collateral and go to a bank for a loan. Does the Vatican own your birth certificate? They State takes out a loan, against you which is what they want your taxes to pay off. Consent is all that is needed to form a reality/spiritual contract, even if its unconscious consent meaning consent based on assumption that its ok without gathering the details and trusting your intuition/inner knowing. I hope there will be one or the other comment of serially numbered fellow slaves. The Vatican created a global trust to register and keep data of all birth certificates. If you used the Bible as your excuse, I hissed, it stands that you accept the Bibles remedy, too.. Unfortunately, if you don't know your blood type and hope your birth certificate will solve the mystery it won't. Your blood blazon is i important detail that isn't included in . Every citizen is given a number (the red number on the Birth Certificate) and each live birth is valued at from 650,000 to 750,000 Federal Reserve dollars in collateral from the Fed. This was easy to read, and although did not impart new knowledge for me, it put it together in a way that makes it very easy to share. So to take it a step further you are owned by foreigners. Your Birth Certificate, a Negotiable Security Instrument, was created by the State Government with your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, making you a Legal Fiction Trust corporation in commercial on the admiralty seas, a non-human imagination, with your ALL CAPITAL NAME spelled as any and all corporations. Thank you, Our pleasure, Gina! This failure to forgive ancestral debt in this continuous cyclic fashion which was how this system was supposed to purge and renew itself has led to the unrestrained accumulation of insurmountable odious debt being foisted off on newborn babies. You don't have a birth certificate bond. ; 3 How to find out who owns my SSL certificate? . It also would expect to be repaid, like any bank, with interest. This established a private central bank (The Federal Reserve Bank) that would regulate the amount of money the US government was allowed to borrow and put in circulation. Since medieval times the episcopal see of Rome has been recognized as a sovereign entity. VAEDS (VACCINE ADVERSE EVENT DISEASES): 1,291 CoV-19 Vaccine Side Effects (VAEDS) Reported ~ World Safety: VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome): CoV-19 Vaccine Creates New Disease! In 325 CE, the emperor, Constantine the Great, made a donation to his Pope, Sylvester saying, Saint Peter is the Apostle of Jesus of whom Jesus gave this kingdom of Earth to, therefore we are going to claim taxes. We pay taxes to Rome, the Khazarian and Venetian Black Nobility elite families based on a fictional document from Constantine issued the year of the First Council of Nicea and the creation of what has become modern day Christianity. When you exchanged your signature on your Social Security Card you exchanged your natural rights for a future economic benefit and is so doing you contracted away your so called freedom.,, Tax Exemption: Unfortunately, we still have to deal with ignorant idiots, criminals, grafters, and pirates like Jamie Dimon and madmen scratching their rumps in high places. It is simply the inherent way that people conduct their affairs together. VACCINE WMD: TRUE WEAPON$ OF MASS DESTRUCTION Dr.Rebecca Carley / Vaccines & Liberty, WEATHER WARS WINTER WARS: WINTERS REVENGE /ORGONS WRATH Arctic Invasion / Frankenstorm (2018). Don't pay your real estate property taxes and your house is paid off,,,,,guess who really owns it. You body has been collaterallized and a bond has been issued on all your future earnings, your children and all their future earnings. Its an institutionalized Con Game based on principles of Black Magic. Besides which, I pointed out, there is absolutely no provision or authorization anywhere permitting the invocation of a bankruptcy court in America. The Gregorian calendar also conveniently has a correlation with the Mayan calendar: A Warrior Calls Published October 16, 2021. Please join in and pray that he will hear our plight. It may appear to be your true name, but since no proper name is ever written in all caps (either lawfully or grammatically) it does not identify who you are. [Page 2] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. As I observed to the Popes minions, there hasnt been a Golden Jubilee Debt Forgiveness (the 50 year kind) in over 800 years. Im wondering though, why you are charging to see this stuff, would Patrick approve of this ? It was already apparent that the world economic system had reached a debt morbidity crisis and was going into paralysis twenty years ago when we brought all this up and began stomping and snorting about it. In this writers opinion, there is significant dissention within the Roman Catholic Church as more people are waking up to the inner pedophile turmoil as well as the churchs history of acts of cruelty against mankind through crusdaes and inquisitions. Since the bull declared that the Roman Pontiff has supreme control over the material world, he states that the body (our body) is governed by the soul and the soul is governed by the ruler of the spiritual, therefore - the Roman Pontiff is Governor of both Soul and body. They are so common that we might even overlook their significance. Americans can use their birth certificates to access secret "strawman" funds. Why would a piece of paper that I didn't even signed give them the rights of my soul? The STATE/GOVERNMENT are the Trustees. And the copies have a serial number on them, issued on special Bank Bond paper and authorized by The American Bank Note Company. Huh? OK. It is not difficult to see that a state-created Birth Certificate, with an ALL CAPS name is a document evidencing debt the moment it is issued. Journeyman Jack In Ecuador So I thought this is the problem, though I am sure that this 'socialist' system is worse off in a corrupt government. You see when you pick up the banner of legal person you have supposedly waived your rights for priviledges. And that bond, which allows THEM to exist and to operate, is no good news for THEM, either. This site is all about spreading truth, awareness and enlightenment and serves as EDUCATIONAL and ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. We sometimes share our thoughts and opinions based on FACTS and well-researched topics. If the certificate does not have a filing date . I mean, I was steaming. is not a Patrick Devine website. The Birth Certificate is the governments self-created document of title for its new property you and me! "); In the millions it is estimated. Things are not as they seem. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. We can also thank Pope Gregory for the current Gregorian calendar, which rearranged the previous Julian calendar to match the Pagan holidays that the Roman Catholic Church now claims as Christian holidays. The Treasury Department then issues Treasury securities in the form of Treasury Bonds, Notes, and Bills using the bonds as surety for the new securities. The premium is only our files and documents, not Patricks. We are not lawyers or attorneys and do not give any legal advise. We can thank Pope Gregory for the current Gregorian calendar, which rearranged the previous Julian calendar to match the Pagan holidays that the Roman Catholic Church claims as Christian holidays. WARNING! A kind of negotiable instrument, a promissory note made by a bank payable to the bearer on demand, used as money, and in many jurisdictions is legal tender. Gosh I guess that means the other two are profound. As a result, you dont have to pay back the gold bond they placed on your NAME you can be free, if you discover their schtick and go after them for it, but then, other problems shove into view. So.. people often get the idea that these bonds are an asset, but for us, they are a debt. They are the creators of the birth certificate trust and you as the beneficiaries, are the ones who can lawfully benefit from your trust and its assets. Our Republic system was designed to prevent it by placing the option of being a exempt citizen which are Article 4 Section"The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States". ! Healthrazor [Part 1]. Remind you of the red oil slick even the scientists cannot figure out what causes it..other than oil. Names in "ALL CAPS" on Birth Certificates. The founding of the Federal Reserve. When your parents unwittingly sign the paperwork allowing this transaction and the use of your name to create a new Municipal citizen of the United States, they accept the Birth Certificate in return. The Inquisition began because many people were waking up to the tyranny and oppression of the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1300s. Imagine a system in which innocent babies are being burdened with their share of 800 years-worth of Ancestral Debt and the hypocrites responsible are bonding them to pay this debt when they were only a few days old but never explaining what they were doing or why, never justifying their actions, and never applying the remedy plainly stated in their own playbook? Estimate Cost : $49-$199 USD Time Needed : 06 minutes Obtaining certified copies of your birth certificate online has never been easier than it is now. That means i can atack them without being atacked? Aside from all that was written, the bull ends with the following statement: Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.". Because of the desire to control through their inquisitions, they decided they would create the first express trust, called unum sanctum which was written on a papal bull and placed in their vault. Us! I am also my own God. The Treasury uses the loan to purchase a bond (the Fed holds a purchase money security interest in the bond) from the Department of Commerce, which invests the sale proceeds in the stock or bond market. I dont remember reading it off of your site before. To things become clear from this reading which first point is that a natural born citizen has "all Privileges" and can become president of the union of states with a capital in DC. Whoever is not curious these days is missing a basic part of being human. The STATE/GOVERNMENT are the Trustees. Log in, ((( Wade D. House: Chairman/Founder ))) 200 years later during the Renaissance, the Hermetica (based upon the Ancient Wisdom and teachings of Hermes) was available, which is where the Bible draws all of its inspiration from, along with previous civilizations and their rituals and beliefs. Those priests got a lesson in logic, history, and a tongue-lashing like they havent heard since Jesus chased the money-changers out of the temple. () The Holy See is one of the last remaining seven absolute monarchies in the world, along with Saudi Arabia, Eswatini, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Brunei and Oman. wikipedia Holy Sea, image: painter unknown (topic is certainly reason for headache). The official certified copy should have the complete name of the person, the date and place of birth. For more information go to: Cornell Law - 17 U.S. Code 107. var sc_project=10317075; The Birth Certificate Bond is an instrument of enslavement imposed on Municipal citizens of the United States. The context is a bit complex and starting points are Unam Sanctum, Holy Sea and the Vatikan Bank. Thank you for your comment . They can eat a dick. PS> The book of Revelations also speaks and too the oceans will be the color of blood. google_ad_slot = "4092621211"; Follow the instructions for requesting copies and paying fees. 65 Studies Reveal Face Masks DO Cause Physical Harm, TRUE T.D.P. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. The context is a bit complex and starting points are 'Unam Sanctum', 'Holy Sea' and the 'Vatikan Bank'.