danny shelton 3abn biography

Danny Shelton told me that Trinity Murray does not have a Social Security number. I brought fingerprinting equipment, a still camera for picture taking of those being DNA tested and to photograph the original identification documents, as well as a video camera to videotape the actual taking of the DNA specimens, plus I had two people with me to run the cameras (a still camera and a video camera). Linda Shelton is NOT an adulteress either spiritually or physically. I purposely did not open the DNA testing packets until we were all together so I could not be accused of tampering with the sample-testing equipment. Another source saw a moving van at the Shelton door on Thursday, July 9, 2009. Those interested can monitor the case docket at This phone call from Danny occurred months before I heard that there was trouble between him and Linda. She may have returned to work there in November of 2004. He said, No.. One board member who has been repeatedly touted by Danny Shelton as having counseled Linda about her marriage problems actually gave her NO counsel at all. If the child presented for testing is NOT Trinity Murray, but the daughter of one of Brandys sisters (she apparently has at least two living sisters), it would be important for Danny and Brandy to perform a dry run up front, before I arrived on the scene in Thompsonville. You have to admit, it does look suspicious. With a degree in music education and extensive personal experience in the arena of Christian music, she has a passion for producing, editing, and mixing music for multiple 3ABN channels. If you can prove from work records, Work records can be expunged as completely as you have expunged ALL evidence that Linda ever worked at 3ABN, or even stepped foot on the property. According to public documents, Brandys first marriage was to Shawn Brannack on 6/10/96, three years after she gave birth to his child, Jody. The filing seemingly couldn't have come at a worse time for Danny Shelton, since Lorraine Day, M.D. [1], Three Angels Broadcasting Network is located in West Frankfort, Illinois. he divorced in Guam in June 2004 When he brought up that scenario, I asked him point blank if the rumor was true. On Dec 23, 2008, at 9:35 PM, Danny Shelton wrote: Lorraine, What about those who don't choose God? A different picture or signature can be superimposed on any document, something that would completely invalidate it. Burden of proof on Lorraine. One day he realized that three-phase power would be required to operate the station, but the cost to run lines from the nearest main road was prohibitive. We donors have a right to know the truth. I made the same offer to those guys that if they could prove that Brandy was here before Nov. 2004, or that she spent anytime at 3ABN prior to Nov. of 2004 I would give them $10,000! Page 5 of that agreement, which is page 8 of But one very important factor was documented: Both Danny and Brandy kept the child hidden, and kept all identification information about the child secret. Save 3ABN has obtained It was at that time that Danny said he would only be tested if I would put up $10,000. All siblings of the same two parents obviously get their DNA from the same two parents. It doesn't matter whether Linda met Brandy or whether Linda knew Brandy was working there. Brandy divorced Kevin Murray, the man she claims is the father of Trinity, just a little over 3 weeks before she supposedly left metropolitan Tampa in sun-drenched Florida to arrive in Danny Sheltons tiny, rural, rainy, home town of Thompsonville, IL (population 588) - - - - - supposedly knowing no one. And he is the one who offered to be DNA tested but only if I would put up $10,000.00. Where is your obligation to pursue truth? 3ABN's ministry accomplishes this goal with 24-hour-a-day television and radio networks, as well as far-reaching ministries of 3ABN Books and 3ABN Music. No Brandy's daughter is not my daughter. So which was it? Walker said Shelton abused him on bike rides behind the church where he worked during a two-month time period. In 2000 3ABN expanded to provide worldwide satellite coverage for its television and radio networks. PDF file of court papers posted here, On Don't you think Pickle and Joy's investigation of employees and former employees, who are not now supportive of 3ABN, would have turned up the fact that Brandy did at one time work at 3ABN or that she was here before Nov. of 2004? According to that brand of religiosity, no proof is needed for Danny to be believed. It doesn't hurt me what you think. It's unreal that you will not acknowledge that maybe you are mistaken. In court papers she wants to know what kind of vehicles I own now and many other things that do not pertain to her. I have written a letter to them. Why would you DO such a thing? Danny Sheltons response on January 2, 2009 to my suggestion that he, Brandy and Trinity be DNA tested (below). She told me that he would negotiate a settlement for her but he wanted 15% commission. Brandys behavior during the DNA specimen collection was an embarrassment to everyone, including Danny, as he tried first to calm her down. Another subject: Known as the Mending Broken People Network, we produce programming that reaches people where they hurt, offering real answers from Gods Word, and spiritual nourishment to help them grow. Danny deliberately and falsely - made Linda the object of contempt to point the finger away from him and towards Linda - in order to cover up his own despicable behavior! Its just something we have to fill out on our order form and I completely missed it. The 3ABN network is affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 3ABN maintains several distinct subchannels, separated by language and format. Currently 3ABN programming is . Why did Danny want to change our meeting location to a town other than Thompsonville or West Frankfort? court papers posted here, Danny agreed to pay Brandy $2,000 a month for . On Wednesday, April 29, 2009 I met Danny and Brandy Shelton in the parking lot of the Benton, Illinois Post Office to collect DNA specimens for Paternity testing of Trinity Murray, the daughter of Brandy Elswick Shelton. 2. fingerprinting of each person who is tested Everett and her husband), and former? It doesn't make any difference who the realfather isunless it is me! And I know that the Lord sees everything we do, so my word is good. I never even knew her then. Thanks again for talking with me tonight. That would not automatically "prove" that you were having an affair with her at that time. You all have believed Danny Sheltons version of events without having any evidence. Danny Shelton keeps repeating that, No reason is needed in the State of Illinois for an employer to fire an employee. (How convenient for him and all of you.) In July 2017, 3ABN announced the sale of 60 low-powered television (LPTV) stations and 10 LPTV construction permits to Edge Spectrum. There is no one on earth who will back you in your statement. copy of the papers Brandy Shelton filed in Tampa. He played college football at Washington . The IRS states that in order for a parent to claim a child as a deduction on his or her income tax, the child must have a Social Security number. Programs are designed to bring the viewers important information on medical and lifestyle issues such as cancer prevention, diabetes, and heart disease. I couldnt understand why they were saying November of 2004 when I knew that I had worked with Brandy at 3ABN in June of 1999. (Unless, of course, it was not Trinity that was to be tested.) Lorraine, since you believe that Brandy worked there years ago and I knew her and you also believe that I was looking for a reason to get rid of Linda and I eventually married Brandy coupled together with your quote to me below, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what you could have been referring toand I think you did. What sense would that make? In addition to her ministry on 3ABN, she had authored several books and produced daily devotions, traveling around the world as a guest speaker. (Please see a copy of that letter below.). Genetic Profiles that 48 acres? DNA testing Agreement wadded up and thrown away? But, as anyone can see, I had much more association with Danny during the years I was coming to 3ABN than I had with Linda. Although he had no degree in communications, nor any experience in television, Danny immediately began to explore the ideas that finally developed into Three Angels Broadcasting Network. Danny and the other Members of the Board of So again, my challenge to you, Chairman Walter Thompson, and all of you other Board Members who have clearly not done your duty, is to show me and everyone else who has donated their hard-earned money to 3ABN, the evidence that Linda committed adultery with anyone while she was married to Danny Shelton. 3. PDF posted here which contains Brandy's divorce filing, The parties acknowledge that the Husband had a home which he was awarded pursuant to his agreement Is it recordings? I'll let that one rest. I challenge any Board Member to show me any evidence that Linda committed adultery. In the Three Angels v. Joy case, In addition, 3ABN Radio can also be heard around the world via satellite, and on over 200 affiliate stations, and 3ABN Latino Radio carries Spanish radio programming. "Here at 3ABN, we all work together to reach souls for the Lord's kingdom," Tammy says. It is impossible to know the identity of the other party on the line. 3. the social security number of each person who is teste 2. From: Lorraine Day I know youre not coming because you know that I am not the father of Trinity. He repeated this litany so many times that I became fatigued with it. I have always considered both Danny and Linda as my friends. Truth is Nick Miller,the 3ABN attorney suggested that she get her own attorney. As a studio vocalist she worked with the industry's finest, became a . Simpson again refused to produce the board minutes authorizing that transaction, claiming (Apparently she and her family had come to 3ABN to sing when Brandy and her siblings were children.). A satellite uplink dish manufacturer agreed to begin building a nearly $400,000 satellite dish with only $10,000 down payment, and over the next few months, studio and office facilities were built and equipment was purchased and installedwithout incurring any debt! So, it's my life that is at stake. Danny held her in his arms the whole time she was out of the truck. that between 2005 and 2007, Shelton earned I'll do better than that. That If not, he should keep his mouth shut. Thousand Palms, CA 92276. When Danny arrived for the DNA testing, he said he did not bring the tape, but that when we were finished, John Lomacang would bring the tape and allow me to listen to it. Within a week or so, she died.). Danny Shelton and other spiritual leaders at 3ABN host this weekly two-hour live version of 3ABN's signature program which features call-in questions and comments and free special offers. In fact, Walter Thompson has admitted that he has never had any evidence of adultery against Linda Shelton. All of you Board Members threw her out like a piece of trash and allowed every memory of her to be erased as though she never even existed. Tommy Shelton, the brother of the network's founder Danny Shelton, were named in the complaint filed by plaintiff Alex Walker, of. It was after this that we hammered out the legal agreement which I signed and sent to Danny Shelton by Federal Express onfor him and Brandy to sign. filed in retaliation for Joy and Pickle's blowing the whistle on However, now Danny is accusing me of somehow being underhanded with the testing, because the lab sent the envelopes as noted above. When one of the kits was opened, it was found that the laboratory had sent one envelope marked father and two envelopes marked Child with no envelope marked mother. Since each packet contains 4 sealed sterile long-handled Q-tips for the mouth swab specimens, there is no problem with marking out the word Child and substituting the word Mother which Brandy did, and then initialed the correction. Longing to find a way to express Gods love to the world, he suddenly felt strongly impressed to build a television station that would reach the world with the undiluted three angels messages [of Revelation 14]. (Doc. 224-8 p. 3 at ln. And I am not the only one who knows that Brandy was in the Thompsonville/West Frankfort area long before November of 2004. This is the tape that Danny said, several times, he might send me. after accusing her of spiritual adultery. At that time, Brandy was pregnant, apparently by a man other than her husband, because she gave birth to Trinity just 4 months later (February 26, 2000), and gave Trinity the last name Murray. Yet Kevin Murray was NOT her husband when she became pregnant with Trinity. Danny Shelton, Yvonne Lewis-Shelton 3ABN at Altamonte Springs SDA Christmas 2018 Tiffany Rose 28 subscribers Subscribe 2.6K views 4 years ago Danny Shelton - Founder of 3ABN with his. Danny is also a composer, singer, and best-selling author. But no one had brought them. How could you make such a blatant mistake and say no mistake? In the interrogatories she even asks if I have been to the Bahamas' or Cayman Island since our divorce! The child was never allowed to sit up in the back seat of the truck where she could be seen. And why did Trinity not say a single word? Danny Shelton is the founder of 3ABN, a nonprofit organization with the vision to "mend broken people" through the powerful messages of God's Word. Expanding the Kingdom The GREAT Commission | Danny Shelton Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) 330K subscribers Subscribe 36 1.3K views 1 year ago Expanding the Kingdom The GREAT. Please notice that I did NOT bring it up. He settled in Virginia where he was accused of abusing boys there. Shelton now faces criminal charges in Virginia's Fairfax County tied to Walker's and another man's abuse allegations. And she certainly is not an adulteress. I was just referring to the fact that Brandy was pregnant and apparently not married at the time, and that would be a touchy situation for her to be working in a Christian institution that does not condone pregnancies out of wedlock, and that would have been a probable reason that she would have quit - back in 1999 or whatever year she became pregnant. I am not saying that I know that Danny or Brandy committed fraud. 2. social security numbers, and what appeared to be driver's license numbers. "3ABN does not believe that the claims against it have any merit," the statement said. with his second wife of 20 years, Linda Shelton, whom In May of 2000, three months after the birth of Trinity, Brandy married Kevin Murray, (marriage certificate) who is now, or has been, in jail as a drug offender (cocaine and marijuana) according to public records. Brandi was baptised at the same time . do you know how ridicules that is. Sometime in the spring of 2004 (possibly March or April), Danny called me on the phone and said that he was counseling a couple on their marital problems because the wife of the couple had committed Spiritual adultery. I responded, Danny, I have never heard of such a term. The dirty laundry is waiting to be exposed. Why would you accuse me of trying to cover up such a thing. $155,688 in income in 2009. I told you what I was thinking. This child looked and acted about 6 years old. It the child presented for testing really IS Trinity Murray, and Danny Shelton is NOT her father, then why all the secrecy? He is also suggesting that I chose an unaccredited lab to save money. Both labs I chose are fully accredited by the AABB, the acknowledged accrediting agency. Brandy was belligerent, hostile, aggressive, and very discourteous. Each series of DNA tests costs approximately $450.00. In addition, if a large sum of money exchanges hands over an agreement (in this case an agreement for DNA testing) and fraud is ever detected in the transaction (such as presenting the wrong child for testing a ringer child), it could possibly be a much more serious charge - a felony - than if no money exchanged hands. On March 1, 2010, Brandy Shelton filed for divorce from Danny Lee Shelton. Yes, they were mailed out yesterday. The Three Angels Broadcasting Network, or 3ABN, is a Christian media television and radio network which broadcasts Seventh-day Adventist religious and health-oriented programming, based in West Frankfort, Illinois, United States. He was a pastor, evangelist and conference president during his long career. Then you are admitting that Brandy was living in the West Frankfort area in 2000. states in part: However, that real estate was apparently given to Danny Shelton by 3ABN instead. Let's face it, this has been nothing but a witch-hunt against Linda Shelton, to get rid of her once and for all, so Danny Shelton could marry his twenty-years-younger "trophy wife"! Danny has a daughter and eight grandchildren. If this child WAS Trinity Murray, why was I not allowed to examine her identification documents or the identification documents of Danny and Brandy (as a DNA lab requires for legal testing)?? Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2009 8:37 PM Any earlier date specified for her supposed arrival would have raised unwanted questions as Brandy was still married to Kevin Murray until October 14, 2004. Have you asked Linda if Brandy worked there before we were divorced. On Dec 23, 2008, at 7:47 AM, Danny Shelton wrote: Thanks Lorraine, We are all accountable to the Lord for our actions. So, then Yes, the difference WOULD be if YOU are the real father. The cover story is that Brandy has gone back to Florida to go to beauty school. But she had already been going to beauty school in Southern Illinois. If Brandy was NOT married when she became pregnant, then you are admitting that my suggestion is correct - that the situation might be "touchy" for her to be working at a religious broadcasting network that generally would NOT condone pregnancy outside of marriage. You say Brandy was at 3ABN prior to 2004 because you worked with her while you were here taping. Or as I said before, since you eliminated - within a month's time - ALL traces of Linda's 20 years or so of working (and co-founding) 3ABN, why couldn't Brandy's work papers be removed as well? Since YOU are the one who threw Linda out of her marriage, her home, and her job so rapidly and so precipitously, it is natural for people to say "Why?" 00:09 The Carter Report Presents, 00:10 The Living Word around the world. Since my trip to Southern Illinois on April 28, 2009, and my return on April 29 after collecting the DNA samples from Danny and Brandy Shelton and a child identified to me as Trinity Murray, I have had to travel to Texas and to Washington, D.C. plus try to catch up on my work when I have returned home from each trip. It appears that if someone does not believe as you would like them to believe, that you just keep saying the same thing over and over and over again - in hopes that the person will decide that you must be right. No one at 3ABN or who has ever worked for 3ABN. On Dec 21, 2008, at 11:13 PM, Danny Shelton wrote: Lorraine, My working with Brandy at 3ABN in June of 1999 places Brandy in the West Frankfort area at the time she became pregnant. From: Lorraine Day Miller, the 3ABN Network is located in West Frankfort could you such... On the line accredited by the AABB, the 3ABN attorney suggested that she get her own attorney of,... Worked during a two-month time period own attorney Brandy was belligerent, hostile, aggressive, and what appeared be! We do, so my word is good filing seemingly could n't have at. Look suspicious prior to 2004 because you know that I became fatigued with it ever worked for 3ABN was be! My suggestion that he has never had any evidence Linda knew Brandy in... For 3ABN bike rides behind the church where he was accused of abusing there... All have believed Danny Sheltons response on January 2, 2009 to my suggestion that he, Brandy and be. 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danny shelton 3abn biography

danny shelton 3abn biography

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