zoom instructions for seniors pdf

Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing tool for group and one-on-one online meetings. hbbd`b``3 endstream endobj 117 0 obj <>/Metadata 12 0 R/Pages 11 0 R/StructTreeRoot 14 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 118 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 119 0 obj <> endobj 120 0 obj <> endobj 121 0 obj <> endobj 122 0 obj <> endobj 123 0 obj <>stream fYaVyM pg3>y%-xGAGE Zoom is a web and app-based service that offers the ability to chat, make a phone call, host a webinar, create a virtual conference room, and host or join online audio and video meetings with people around the world. 0000068558 00000 n Pre-downloading the Zoom app beforehand will save time. Step 3:Enter the meeting name, date and time and click Done., Step 4:Zoom will redirect you or open another form for adding the event to your preferred calendar. Lo-,+3r)B(j 1. You can now easily access your recorded sessions any time you want! Even if your teammates did not grow up playing rock, paper, scissors, the rules are easy enough to explain: scissor cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes scissors. 0000011753 00000 n 1. 0000093028 00000 n You can also click Copy Invite Link if your preferred platform to send invitations is not on the list. Once youre done, tap the blue Start a Meeting button. Required fields are marked *. Then tap Continue. (p( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( MiY2hPy9Q@94z~z( QH(E QE QE ] zfRPAN 6izPP. H\j@{\u 4vJ}*;g|c?{M.u}Evu>C7SM71Rma/X~?y_hicZjz:3.PXF~dM `!\BMdB\7,gg If theyre already logged in, they can simply enter the meeting passcode to successfully join the video meeting. Don't forget to save or write down your password! 0000076157 00000 n 0000002622 00000 n This article only covers joining and participating in a Zoom meeting that youve been invited to. Kari Smith. Just remember to unmute when you want to say something and then re-mute when you're finished. )F\9 /tS>0cBV;iVbky&ciK 0 0000009374 00000 n 0000098942 00000 n 450 55 %" Copyright trailer <]/Prev 311396/XRefStm 2287>> startxref 0 %%EOF 195 0 obj <>stream These large-scale in-person programming events have their own benefits but take tremendous effort and planning that also face . adjust in size when you push the plus or minus buttons in the top right corner of the screen. 344 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[327 32]/Info 326 0 R/Length 95/Prev 505784/Root 328 0 R/Size 359/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 450 0 obj <> endobj xref endstream endobj startxref In fact, our editor's grandmother lives hundreds of miles from her grandchildren; before the pandemic, she'd never thought to use Zoom to connect with her far-away family. Heres a detailed look at three additional Zoom features and how to use them effectively. 3 Enter your name when prompted. 0000007991 00000 n %PDF-1.4 Remember you'll have to download Zoom before you can access the class. Seniors can then select "Phone Contacts" and then search and select a contact, and call to invite them. Improved Strength. This mode makes the phone's interface easier to read by adjusting the font size and layout. There is a one-page quick start guide available, as well as a 6-page guide with additional instructions. The Zoom Meeting Screen Getting Started Download the Zoom app: Visit the Zoom website at zoom.us, click the Resources link at the top of the Zoom page, select Download Zoom Client, then click the Download button next to the version of the app you want. For over five years, Taylor has been writing, editing, and researching products and services covering topics such as senior care and technology, Internet and the digital divide, TV, and entertainment, and education. If the microphone has a red line through it, youre muted, and no one in the meeting can hear you. 0000086849 00000 n hVn7>&(^W u 0000015235 00000 n 0000081452 00000 n 0000042926 00000 n Click or tap on the speaker button at the top-left corner of your Zoom meeting to enable or disable meeting sound. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Step 2:Sign up or sign in to Zoom by following the on-screen instructions that are similar to the desktop process. If you have an Andriod or Apple (iPhone, iPad, etc.) Use Display Zoom. Seniors Guide has been addressing traditional topics and upcoming trends in the senior living industry since 1999. Step 2:In the Participants window that opens up, tap on the Invite option at the bottom left. 0000039809 00000 n Zoom is the platform now used for delivering our IVN classes and for instant messaging. Step 3. If you're using your smartphone or tablet, it is in the top right corner. Participants can easily be divided into teams and using whichever charade app they preferred, one participant from each group can then act out a word. It's even easier to understand and use. 0000002415 00000 n And that's it you're in the meeting! Step 1. It uses your computer's or phone's camera to show live video of all attendees (if you don't want to be on camera, that's fine, too. 0000101243 00000 n Step 3: Once youve adjusted preferences, click on the Schedule button at the bottom right of the screen. Its extremely common for video conferences to be delayed or get interrupted due to technical snags. Step 4:You can also directly email the meeting details through your preferred email client via the Zoom app itself. You can pin a video by right-clicking on the video of the person you want to pin or double click on their video window. It is a little blue square with a white video camera in the center. Zoom allows you to record meetings easily and save them either to your local device or the Zoom cloud. Lock your meetings in progress to keep out unwanted attendees. )F~ @x,hm;@5 P7Hw0PX t4bX?|AT/z(H74#J)4bVg>MsVY.e4BJIKUz+tR:']dCzyGPkhaZkZ6Aej),C%@?ez4cXml5~L30L5fw9l0gsmdSm!(kK%F8~ {=~~.[L6/bW88;EiNvF9JOqzLs:,Oq-sG0obERuxEB4Jr:6V >/ \&4RJritBp^^ABA Tap the Zoom icon once it has been identified and click Sign Up to create your Zoom account. 0000015781 00000 n Step 3:Edit meeting settings according to your preferences (such as switching video off for participants, using a Personal Meeting ID, etc.). 0000003810 00000 n Click Join with Computer Audio so you can hear and be heard in the meeting. That is if they are trying their best by following the instructions and donot realize that there is a . 39rHo%"W`K`fV6 kZZZZAJr f G#|DVA Zoom Click this app icon on your iPhone, Step 4. QQMZ>~)foi$};R i]$+@D h Dm!A0 Just follow the instructions in this Zoom guide and youll be all set to host your own video calls to discuss projects, review team performance and engage in virtual team-building activities! 0000101625 00000 n That said, Zoom can be used in many ways by seniors. All rights reserved. The free version of Zoom should meet all of your needs. 0000103199 00000 n To join the May 9 Zoom Meeting on your Computer . hb`````*f`f`P4eb@ !+/.a`( ~@Y GGC[`bA ]K,",q@g40060o*vb If there is a message for you in the chat, a notification appears on the Chat button, which looks like a speech bubble. as well as conference room design considerations. 0000008105 00000 n 0000115067 00000 n Select ZOOM Cloud Meetings from the available apps and then tap on Get to install the application. Well, we're here to break it down into a few simple steps you'll be a Zoom pro just like our editor's grandma in no time! 0000092989 00000 n } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br For Participants: Basic Zoom Instructions September 11, 2017 4 Pin video makes a user the primary speaker for you, instead of switching between the active speaker video. But unfortunately, not every group has the technical know-how to use the basic functionalities of Zoom, let alone some advanced features. Step 4:Download the desktop app/Zoom client from the Zoom website for easy access. Using Zoom for video conferencing, seniors can talk face-to-face with family and friends and even book formal online events. 0000015157 00000 n Zoom lets you share your screen with other meeting participants easily. ~erGs(:1)8yNSlnjI%:-&_h0e\'?HS. Her research on media consumption and consumer behavior has been Learn More About Taylor Shuman. hbbd`b``3 @ 5 endstream endobj 451 0 obj <>/Metadata 142 0 R/Pages 141 0 R/StructTreeRoot 144 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 452 0 obj >/PageTransformationMatrixList<0[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 -396.0]>>/PageUIDList<0 204>>/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 453 0 obj [454 0 R] endobj 454 0 obj <>/Border[0 0 0]/H/N/Rect[490.846 41.5786 547.237 32.9126]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 455 0 obj [/ICCBased 484 0 R] endobj 456 0 obj <> endobj 457 0 obj <> endobj 458 0 obj <> endobj 459 0 obj <>stream If theyre on an android phone, they simply search for the Play Store application on their phone and tap it to launch. Since Zoom can be used on computers, smartphones, and tablets, it can easily be installed by following or outlining these specific instructions. Visit zoom.us on your web browser. 0000008217 00000 n If you want to type a message to the group, simply click on the little chat bubble at the bottom of the screen. Join a Meeting . For seniors and less-experienced users, gesture navigation can only make your Android phone more complex to use. Another option is to send them an automated Zoom contact request if the contact's email address is available. With mobility being more challenging for most seniors than the young, video conferencing presents a great opportunity for them to talk directly with their loved ones from the comfort of their homes. You can send these to participants via text, email or instant messaging. Zoom should direct you to this with a large orange flag. and click on "Join a Meeting" where you can enter the 10-digit Meeting ID number. Step 5: Click on the Participants link to generate a Meeting Participants report.The following information will be shown in the report: Step 6: Export this report in CSV format. On an iPhone or iPad: Go to the Apple App Store and search for ZOOM Cloud Meetings. Click Get to download and install the Zoom app. 2. You'll be prompted to enter your DOB. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. It's easy to see. To launch into the meeting - click on OPEN LINK at bottom of square. For the sake of this guide, we'll be using the Free Plan. Virtual Rock, Paper, Scissors. If your friends or adult children will be the ones hosting Zoom meetings, you don't need to create an account. The Zoom Rooms User Guide is a printable PDF that you can print and leave in your Zoom Rooms that covers how to use basic features of the room, such as how to start a scheduled meeting or meet now. 0 endstream endobj 125 0 obj <> endobj 126 0 obj <>stream To mute your microphone, use the mute button at the bottom left of the Zoom toolbar that appears in the meeting screen and looks like a microphone. hb`` 11 0pt0l(/9iVz]!>ujGt[6 Q"lll@ (hl[|AA8A7 f3w/d0ax1!)nLyL02- `P8&A? Educational institutions have multiple policies governing the appearance of their teaching and, Its common to receive an email from your teacher concerning an assignment, Weve all heard complaints from students about why we as teachers cant, Thinking of creating an online course? And if Zoom isnt the right tool for you, you can also check out other video conferencing tools, like Google Meet (formerly called Hangouts) and Microsofts Skype or Teams. Step 3:Here, Zoom will give you the options to either Copy URL or Copy Invitation. "kE DrAd_A~d{"l8q&[?/ s: Visit zoom.us on your web browser. Manual. We have combined practical knowledge with a user-friendly format that will get your Zoom skills up to scratch for any virtual situation you enter. In general, it is a Zoom best practice to mute yourself when you're not speaking, especially if you're in a large group. 0000090928 00000 n 0000006060 00000 n Step 2:You have two options when it comes to creating a Zoom account. 0000010803 00000 n My name's Chris and I've been working in the education and technology fields for over a decade. See how Time Doctors easy-to-use time tracking software can help your team be more productive. A registered account is not a requirement for joining a Zoom meeting but only required when you want to create or start a Zoom meeting. Step 3: Here, Zoom will give you the options to either "Copy URL" or "Copy Invitation". The content, including without limitation any viewpoint or opinion in any profile, article or video, contained on this website is for informational purposes only. 0000241927 00000 n 0000012580 00000 n If you havent already received an email inviting you to a Zoom meeting, you probably will soon. Manage Settings That person is then given 15 seconds to name five specific things within that topic. _W+ 0000017343 00000 n This quick start guide walks you through getting started with your new Zoom account, including essential steps like scheduling your first meeting, downloading the Zoom client, and updating your Zoom profile. B"U_Y2+!hGgef0-&z'w` pZ endstream endobj 466 0 obj <>stream Maximum recording time: 68 h. Recording modes- a61V/h%uUvTfsMp@=(FVRer1R==*jzuU QDa14ZP54;kh|TXD,=ch3xt7uIgUp{$YVnjEe7a`jRHtNm{h':AD25_8p?,. H\n0E 116 0 obj <> endobj xref Follow the below steps to access the attendance report: Step 1: Log in to your account on the Zoom web portal. If you want more screen sharing options, click on the Advanced tab at the top of your screen. If you are an admin, the Reports link will be available under the Account Management link in the same panel. At Clover Health we know there are a lot of communication platforms to choose from, Zoom being one of many that . The first step is to teach seniors how to download Zoom. By saving it to the Zoom cloud, your team members can access it across multiple platforms easily. Seniors can then open their Zoom applications, tap the Join icon and then enter the Meeting ID to successfully join a Zoom meeting. Click the Zoom link that's been sent to you in an email, and Zoom should automatically and quickly download to your computer. To play, simply name a person and a topic. See yourself on screen- click on the blue box - Join With Video below your image. 0000014585 00000 n There are paid versions of Zoom, but we will be discussing the free version here, which is more than capable of hosting chats with a few of your loved ones. To sign up for a Zoom account on an android phone, the first step is to ensure that you followed the above guide on installing Zoom on android. 358 0 obj <>stream Zoom Enter your email address to sign up. To combat this, you can enable Display Zoom, which increases the size of text and other elements in iOS. wikiHow is the most trusted source online for simple, proven how-to instructions. At the bottom, a security tab has been added (this looks like a small shield) and when you click on that security tab you will see a small menu, you will need to tick the 'lock meeting' tab. Join a Senior Planet virtual event, workshop, or social activity using Zoom! 0000110095 00000 n Copy invitation. Hope you enjoy a peek into my mind. Zoom makes it super easy for anyone to set up and conduct a virtual face-to-face meeting but if youve never used the tool before, this can still be tricky. stream There should be three boxes on your screen. 0000002253 00000 n %PDF-1.7 % In March 2020, providers of evidence-based health promotion programs canceled in-person classes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 0000004681 00000 n To install Zoom on a Windows desktop or laptop computer, simply visit zoom.us. Next, you'll be prompted to log in using your email address and password. 4|_)7) C_g#z ~611LE] 1=n. Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing tool that lets you host virtual one-on-one or team meetings easily. You . 0000004515 00000 n If youve received an email invitation to a Zoom meeting, click the link that says, Join Zoom Meeting. If this is the first time youve used Zoom, this link will take you to a website where you can download the Zoom program or app, depending on what device youre using. Your computer microphone is pretty sensitive, and if youre unmuted, it can pick up a lot of background noise. This article is a step-by-step guide to help you get started with Zoom quickly. How to Launch Zoom and Participate in Your Meeting When you're invited to participate in a Zoom meeting, you'll receive instructions similar to what you see below. Seniors Guide Staff. Drag the window all the way to either the left side of the screen. You can also take an ECG recording to check your heart rhythm using the ECG app on Apple Watch. You can set its date and time, privacy and access settings. 0000006257 00000 n Additionally, Zoom requires very little know-how to initiate or join a meeting. You can use Zoom from your smartphone and your computer. Here's how: Open Settings and select Display & Brightness. But since there are so many features, it can still be slightly overwhelming! Step 3: Go to Usage Reports and select Usage. We strive to educate seniors and their loved ones in an approachable manner, and aim to provide them with the right information to make the best decisions possible. 0000103121 00000 n Monday Senior Yoga 9:30 - 10:30am Tuesday Stress Reducing Meditation 9:30-10am Wednesday Senior Yoga 9:30-10:30am Wednesday Chair Yoga 10:45-11:45am. 0000007727 00000 n Seniors Guide is a trademark of Ross Media Solutions, Inc. Can talking to a robot help you? Heres a step-by-step guide to set up a Zoom meeting easily: Step 2:Hover your cursor over the HOST A MEETING link at the top-right corner of the screen, and select one of the following options: Step 3:The website will redirect you to the Zoom app and start a meeting. These include various text, email and messaging apps on your smartphone. Once youve joined the meeting, you can see and hear other participants. Joining a Meeting: There are multiple ways to join a Zoom meeting with your therapist/teacher. "Z [c<5kpbF-h:tBX:jqO,or_V75\ (J.0=;zi6RL>: L6CYX-~$LR&+iU"iUi\)p0bJ7$ "0}"w.>ob&z*J-./ t7iQ TgW6qJ8X>5W{t.9>]SEAI.H.qr&,oO"f}/*_$5A%* B\X~RE"{#4@^5CUFFxxFl i Once Zoom has launched, a screen should pop up asking for your name. You must download this program from the Zoom website. Click the button again to unmute yourself if you want to talk in the meeting. First, you need to open the zoom app on your laptop and start a new meeting. On the bottom middle of the screen is the invite button. If your husband's watching television in the background, make sure you hit mute when you're not speaking. Not only that but video conferencing can also be a way to have fun with family, friends, and colleagues. Select Manage Participants on the host controls bar. Follow the instructions on your screen to do this. You can either click on the link provided, or go to the Zoom web site at www.zoom.us . You can upgrade your license through your accounts billing settings. Note: You can also start a meeting quickly through the desktop app by following the instructions we list for mobile devices later on. Step 1: Start a new meeting on the Zoom desktop app. 0000004718 00000 n You can use these rooms for various purposes such as: Zoom Rooms offer various features, such as: This usually requires additional hardware (multiple webcams, connectors, monitors, etc.) H\0yCMa>Mta'|LRLco+ezabJ7mW`q5 #toze2a\]H\|R&=r-\:hPRe~;N+;90w0B D'\w)]]GtxEd wYkfM|d>O=1_f]+e3P6e3P6e3j*({G`s2C$V+~ 0 endstream endobj 469 0 obj [483 0 R] endobj 470 0 obj <> endobj 471 0 obj <> endobj 472 0 obj <> endobj 473 0 obj <>stream 0000012626 00000 n Once you're Zooming with your friends and family, there are a few features to be familiar with to make sure you and your loved ones have a great experience on Zoom. Click and hold down on the title bar of your browser window. Staying in touch with family and friends is important and Zoom presents an easy way to accomplish this. 3. Digital signage/display around an office. At the top-right of the page, youll see a Resources menu. 0000006763 00000 n 2. Once this is done, simply tap the Participants tab to view all participants. 0000103086 00000 n Content from a second camera or content only from your screen. There is also a chat feature in Zoom, where you can type messages to other participants. endstream endobj 666 0 obj <>>>/EncryptMetadata false/Filter/Standard/Length 128/O({R%C:>spUgc)/P -1324/R 4/StmF/StdCF/StrF/StdCF/U(\\*y6g )/V 4>> endobj 667 0 obj <>/Metadata 66 0 R/Pages 663 0 R/StructTreeRoot 99 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 713 0 R>> endobj 668 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 663 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 157/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 669 0 obj <>stream 3. Zoom Instructions for Participants . User manual (PDF), Safety instructions (PDF) Audio. OSTz* Many businesses are switching to video conferencing to save costs and time. 1. Step 1:Download the Zoom iOS or Android app from the App Store/Play Store. Step 5:After you end the meeting, Zoom converts the recording to MP4 format and stores it in your preferred location. Zoom manual.docx Page 4 of 35 Last Updated: March 25, 2020 New River Community and Technical College ZOOM INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW Zoom is a videoconferencing and instant messaging solution available to all New River students, instructors, and employees. [p%LD$MvnIPZz Gu{z\3_s&=YHn(CsA3;x7O{}XQf*ZEV#>uE_u\ym&Ke|/69|i h:XjOi3^b;iMaYQ6e.w'OG07trgj)_}|UZQAw6*VyyqS}R-(yy@lVENfe3d cW2E:@Pe. Youll be presented with a screen with the header For verification, please confirm your date of birth. Click Download Zoom Client to be presented with the various Zoom clients, and then click Zoom Client For Meetings to download the Windows version of the Zoom application. After Zoom is downloaded, you must install it onto your computer. 0000115535 00000 n 0000005759 00000 n Alternatively, you can also end a meeting to stop recording it. 0000008953 00000 n 0000100506 00000 n 6/29/2020 | By Just plug it in! 0000017853 00000 n +i'G-JoT\s_W+ Not only does this maintain common courtesy, but it may be required by consent laws and regulations in many companies and regions. 0000006344 00000 n 0000110165 00000 n % Created by calibre 3.48.0 [https://calibre-ebook.com] To enter the meeting ID and password, click Join on the app or Join a Meeting on your web browser and enter the meeting ID and password shared with you by the meeting host (example below). With teams across the world working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, video conferencing tools like Zoom have become extremely popular. On a computer: On the Download Center website (https://zoom.us/download), click Download in the Zoom Client for Meetings section. But that can be a bit of a hassle. Simply tap the Participants button at the bottom of the screen to view all participants. On an Android phone or tablet: Go to the Google Play App Store and search for Zoom Cloud Meetings. Click Install.. If youre using Zoom for a company meeting or other work purposes, its best to sign up using your work email address. Other active browser windows will appear on the opposite side of the screen. The game then continues in that manner. Handouts Video Chat with Zoom Instructions in English Instrucciones en espaol Getting Started with Zoom Hosting a Meeting on Zoom In the bottom left hand corner of the screen, you can start and stop your video and sound. %%EOF 5. We will cover both Windows 10 and iPad OS *1Y7(pNVjWKizi3QOS  ^ endstream endobj 462 0 obj <> endobj 463 0 obj <> endobj 464 0 obj <> endobj 465 0 obj <>stream xY[oF~0VOe5km-AqD[re%6 $sH8lY/#zzQu6?%{.6Y]eWdG7H2$*d&I5x`][s)ntQ1]2:*us5cJ(E#k&3&\u|O c*TPu]t/.op2RDS4 Founded in 2011 . 0000110288 00000 n N0i)?pL>tebNzPgEt? G>#F->oka'!jpyd_;/Z;SkkL3TuF\RCyHvA@W5. Zoom Phone uses the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) to help you make Zoom calls over the cloud. ;r5R5~>9v!F=|izk" Step 1:Start a new meeting on the Zoom desktop app. Virtual backgrounds are not available on the Zoom website through a browser. t\.7#0*?V*wrC(.[5PK5k|4}ZXn :{o :%_:f:|![H-[IN &rS.tEocD%sZZ``rE?g]eN a^.]{ ~oPgN~ccos5wsS,ljF_fwD~ j endstream endobj 476 0 obj <> endobj 477 0 obj <> endobj 478 0 obj <>stream Click Continue and then feel free to skip the next steps and go back to your Zoom application. Depending on which brand of smartphone, computer, or tablet you have, there may be a few nuances. 4FH;H`dy On the right side of each participant name, video, microphone, and sharing icons are visible to show participants with these features of their phones enabled at any point in time. It will bring up a video screen. The WOW! 0000065998 00000 n 0000009514 00000 n %%EOF Instead, you must pay for it separately. The installer program opens and guides you through the process. 2 Confirm that you want to open the meeting using the Zoom app by tapping Open. Now, many seniors are turning to Zoom to virtually connect with friends and family. To invite participants, simply tap the Invite button at the lower-left corner of the participant screen and select from the available options to send an invitation to participants. This includes data such as registrations, attendees list, webinar poll results, performance, and Q&A. To make it easier to reach family and friends, contacts can be easily be invited to as a Zoom Contact. _W+ Please note that some of the steps for setting up both devices. Your step-by-step instructions to using Zoom. Navigating ZOOM 1. If Zoom has been successfully installed, simply look for the Zoom app on your android device or pull up the search feature and type Zoom. 0000000016 00000 n 0000010332 00000 n Youre now all set to communicate with your team members! $!p Click it. 0000004310 00000 n TSheets vs Harvest: The comprehensive comparison, The 6 best Visual Studio time tracking tools, Top 12 time tracking software for virtual assistants, Managing remote workers toolkit: Best tools and strategies, 10 excellent Grindstone time tracking alternatives, How to cancel Quickbooks Time (plus a powerful alternative), Screen sharing and collaborative whiteboards. When you're finished with your Zoom meeting, press the red End button in the bottom right corner. (Click on the link to jump to a specific section), How To Use Zoom Meetings (Step-by-Step Guide), 3 Additional Features Of Zoom (and how to use them effectively), Three Tips For Effective Video Conferencing. Alt + I. 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zoom instructions for seniors pdf

zoom instructions for seniors pdf

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