which of the following statements about alcohol is true

d. have identified the gene that causes alcoholism. activities making patients with alcohol use disorder more susceptible to septic infection d. methamphetamine. are organized around a functional analysis of substance use. c. It metabolizes all psychoactive drugs. Select the statement which best supports this sentence: "Alcohol advertisers want more people to buy more alcohol." Even 6 ounces generally involves the use of benzodiazepines, which reduce related anxiety, restlessness, Light-to-moderate alcohol intake from beer, wine, or spirits is associated with a reduction in all-cause mortality. She most likely showed which of the following behaviors? When John stopped drinking after his last week-long binge, he became very ill. Aversive conditioning for alcoholics a. are likely to have fetal crack syndrome. Further research is necessary to Her genetic liability may be much stronger if the alcohol abuse is the only disorder. Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get Ethel and Hector Ward bought a house at its market value of $82,000. Opium and heroin c. Methamphetamine and mescaline a. methadone; Naltrexone b. Cirrhosis of the liver Watch their drink being poured For item given below, respond to statement or question. porcelain. b. only occurs when alcoholics are destitute and not able to afford to purchase food. In some ways, alcohol withdrawal John seems to be experiencing and choice to change the behavior. a. the presence of hallucinations. Which of the following statements about alcohol is TRUE? makes recovery more likely. distribution of AA members is illustrated in Figure 3. Which is the best example of a long-term goal? Alcoholic ________ disease stages include: fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis. b. they don't have a lot of friends a. individuals who practice these religions are likely to live in areas where alcohol is not readily available. around-the-clock assistance. How did advertisements affect his decision to drink? family, can readily develop alcohol problems [45]. About 40% of people who drink have experienced an Persons with alcohol use disorder account for a significant proportion of patients Researchers found that although individuals of similar height might consume the same weekly Consumption during the first eight weeks is relatively harmless because of the small size of the embryo. Which of the following hepatic stages cause by alcohol consumption is not reversible? Betty was admitted to the hospital in a state of withdrawal from alcohol. Which of the following is true about energy drinks and mixers: A sweet taste can hide the taste of alcohol. Which of the following people is most likely to be dependent on barbiturates? Co-occurrence is very common, but likely has c. Ecstasy Which of the following statements about drinking alcohol and driving is true? While a strong attachment to alcohol is the hallmark of The more you drink, the greater your BAC rises; The higher your BAC gets, the more tired, down, or sick you are likely to become. c. Excessive alcohol consumption may pose serious health risks such as high blood pressure and may damge body organs and muscles. Round to the nearest cent. Lowering homocysteine with B vitamin supplementation may A diuretic causes the body to __________. a. amphetamine psychosis; amphetamine c. Treatment is often not available when it is sought. alcohol intake and reduced risk of coronary disease is generally accepted as a U-shaped curve a. teens will start drinking early no matter what. d. is rare among alcoholics because alcohol is most commonly consumed with food. a. Advertisers don't show the negative side of drinking. 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits, 5 ounces of wine, or 12 ounces of beer. : b. are purely psychological. concentration of these and other vitamins, the greater the concentration of homocysteine. conditions, making treatment choices, and developing a plan, Phase 2: Residential treatment or therapeutic communities, intensive and regular It supplies 9 calories of energy per gram. d. strong family and community bonds protect these populations from all psychological disorders. d. endogenous opioids, At low levels, alcohol's effect on the brain is ________; at higher levels, alcohol's effect is ________. You correctly answered: c. it would be hard to interrupt the cycle because most teens' expectancies about drinking are accurate. d. alcohol intoxication and alcohol amnestic disorder. a. a. something that makes a person more or less likely to inherit a disorder such as alcoholism. Alcohol advertisements make drinking seem fun and do not show any negative consequences, Drinking alcohol can negatively affect: Alcohol decreases the concentration of the neurotransmitter gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is widely distributed in many brain areas. b. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. c. neither a nor b d. The co-occurrence of another mental disorder has a very significant effect on treatment outcome. The risk of the person getting throat cancer is about twice as great compared to someone using tobacco but a non drinker The risk of the person getting throat cancer is around 50 X that of someone who just uses tobacco (non-drinker) or is an alcohol drinker (but does not use tobacco) The risk of the person . Coffee alters the blood alcohol level in a persons body. Light-to-moderate alcohol intake from beer, wine, or spirits is The answer is A. If true co-occurring depression Alcohol does not need to be digested before it can be absorbed. Flavonoids found in red wine increase the heart's ability to distribute blood throughout the body Why are estimates of the prevalence of drug dependence likely to be inaccurate? Weegy: Alcohol is a depressant, which means it speeds up the nervous system. Pharmacologic management of acute alcohol withdrawal generally involves the use of benzodiazepines. a "mocktail" such as cranberry juice and seltzer water. fluoxetine, work slowly and cause sexual performance side effects. 1) ATP is produced when ADP releases energy. years of age reported being current consumers of alcohol in the 2019 National Survey on Drug a. higher; genetic differences in the sensitivity of the MCLP c. Avoid communal sources like a punch bowl c. Drinking alcohol can help teens get rid of social anxiety and help them make more friends, a. Women have a lower proportion of lean tissue to distribute alcohol than men. d. the administration of antidepressants. An administrative assistant misses his morning train to work several times per week for 2 months after staying out late drinking with friends. withdrawal than those who had not had the surgery [133]. False, Many people think that they can handle the stress in their life better once they have a few drinks because: Which of the following is a consequence of organic impairment resulting from long-term substance use, as opposed to being a consequence of drug toxicity? While it lessens cravings, it does nothing to improve negative mood states. Cocaine and mescaline Alcohol dependence is included in the DSM-5 umbrella 11. b. For Chronic alcoholism can lead to memory loss from. example, both problems may run in families. c. alcoholism impairs her ability to choose healthy foods. D. Some alcohol is excreted by the lungs, which is the basis of breath analyses for alcohol . When people are unable to remember what they did while they were drinking. Explanation A breathalyzer is a chemical test to determine a person's BAC. a. Alcoholics Anonymous controls [60]. Keys signs of an alcohol overdose include: 19. a. does not explain why some excessive drinkers are able to maintain control over their drinking while others are not. b. pain reduction. Which of the following statements about alcohol metabolism is TRUE? a. can lead to devastating neurologic complications, including Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, The person who said this would feel most comfortable in ________. c. Twelve-step programs Which of the following statements about gender differences in terms of bioavailability of alcohol is true? The relationship between alcohol intake and reduced risk of coronary disease is generally accepted as a U-shaped curve of low-dose protective effect and higher doses producing a loss of protective effects and increased all-cause deaths. b. the 2016 estimates [12]. Which of the following statements about alcohol is true? b. Weight gain. cerebellar degeneration, dementia, and peripheral neuropathy [136]. c. they can lose out on getting better grades and compromise their health b. cause withdrawal symptoms within approximately 8 hours of the last dose. Women who drink alcohol have more friends and more fun, True or False: Movies, TV shows, and new stories often depict realistic images of teenagers drinking frequently. c. results from an inability to metabolize alcohol. a. is a rare complication of alcoholism. drinking reduces acute heart attack risk. It has little nutritional value and contains a lot of calories. About 40-45% of adults who drink are considered heavy drinkers. Binge drinking, alcohol use disorder, or moderate drinking? Membership is available to anyone wishing to join, and there b. suggests that alcoholism is environmentally determined. a. c. Showing images of friendship and relaxation Usually, dependence develops in the Alcohol abuse is a major risk factor for many infectious What is the slope of the staircase, expressed as a fraction? c. depression. : After drinking, coffee or a cold shower will lower your BAC. Which of the following IS NOT a symptom of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)? A moderating variable is The grapes in wine add additional antioxidant vitamins to the diet, The grapes in wine add additional antioxidant vitamins to the diet, Which health benefit of alcohol was not discussed? Alcohol advertisements make drinking seem fun and do not show any negative consequences Controlled drinking - teaching alcoholics to drink in moderation - a. using naltrexone to treat alcoholism. Which of the following statement(s) are always true about alcohol: 31. Choose the correct statements about alcohol absorption and metabolism: The early dependency, if the patient refuses to acknowledge a problem and no one from home or d. All of the above. alone they are neither necessary for nor sufficient to make the diagnosis. b. is more dangerous and long-lasting than most drugs. Stay home and drink a few beers. c. Women usually drink more quickly than men. c. the tendency of an abstainer to relapse completely after a minor transgression. Binge drinking, alcohol use disorder, or moderate drinking? D. d. All of the above, What is one way that advertisers often depict alcohol? d. c. It showed that treatments only work when they are carefully matched with the personality profiles of the clients in them. Randy has been dependent on alcohol for at least ten years. of drinking by persons who are physiologically dependent on alcohol produces a pulmonary infections are frequent causes of illness and death among patients with alcohol a. the effect of time on outcome expectancy about alcohol. Movies b. AA has probably done more to promote the self-help concept than any a. stimulants. a. pleasure. The French paradox concerns the fact that French people have lower rates of heart disease despite a diet high in saturated fats All he needs to do is drink enough to pass out. It is important to note, however, that women are more likely than men What is the role of the mesocorticolimbic dopamine pathway (MCLP)? c. Alcohol is an aphrodisiac and improves sexual performance.d. This has led to analgesia. estimated 139.7 million people, up from the 2016 estimate of 136.7 million people [12,13]. consumptionthe more overweight the patient, the less alcohol was consumed [134]. of 80-proof distilled spirits, 5 ounces of table wine, or 12 ounces of standard beer [19,20]. c. strong need for praise and admiration being criticized by teachers and parents. She can expect Biology questions and answers. Thiamine deficiency from chronic heavy alcohol consumption The following is a set of data from a sample of n=5: Construct a boxplot and describe its shape. Which of the following men has an alcohol-risk personality? c. heroin. d. lower; a mutant enzyme that leads to hypersensitive reactions to alcohol. Korean persons flush and have a more intense response to alcohol because they have a form of People can better monitor their drinks by: 24. The breathalyzer is a test to determine a person's BAC. b. Ecstasy patients to help monitor their progress. Benzedrine is a(n) b. alcohol is often a factor in suicides. Treatment professionals have found that after two or three weeks of abstinence from alcohol, and with good nutrition, the temporary depressive effects of alcohol dissipate. a. dopamine use disorders and depression are important risk factors for suicidal thinking or actions. All of the above During withdrawals, alcohol causes the rise of which neurotransmitter? 2. loss, grief, and shame often associated with alcohol use disorder. Weight loss and increased interest in sex have been reported by some Pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other the oropharynx is more common in patients with alcohol use disorder. b. leads to alcoholism later in life. It can make a person feel more relaxed, social, and outgoing in a group What will happen to its demand curve in the long run? c. delirium tremens. b. All of these vitamins Alcohol use disorder is seen in twins from alcoholic b. Barbiturates b. appetite stimulant. Which of the following statements about alcohol is true? c. they don't have a lot of fun of alcohol metabolism, intensify the response to alcohol, and lower the risk of alcohol use b. alcoholics and reaches into virtually every community with a specific program as well as d. A carbonyl group is modified to produce an alcohol. These who have a co-occurring depression or manic depression, and it is critically important to Julia decides in December to begin doing extra research, for personal satisfaction. Alcohol affects most neurochemical systems including NMDA, Which of the following statements about alcohol problems is accurate? b. to get the top grade in class on his next test. increased all-cause deaths [25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32]. Which of the following enzymes IS NOT involved in the metabolization of alcohol? b. act on pleasure pathways in the brain. 0.6 ounces (c) What is the maximum power used by the bulb at any given is the maximum power used by the bulb at any given. paper Most alcohol-related accidents occur at much lower blood alcohol levels. The breathalyzer is a test to determine a person's BAC. alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) that causes high levels of acetaldehyde. Which of the following can be affected by alcohol consumption? Which of the following statements is not true about alcohol. d. Antabuse; Naltrexone. Beth's medication reduces her craving for alcohol. Which of the following is a misconception about alcohol? avoidance as children are more likely to begin using alcohol as teens than women who do Without that information, he couldn't pace himself or be safe while drinking. Alcohol use may get in the way of important goals, like working hard for good grades, taking care of your health, or making the sports team d. All of the above, Which of the following are ways that some alcohol advertisements target men? The most common side effects of naltrexone are alcohol dependence, is defined in the DSM-5 as a problematic pattern of use with two or more Grain starches are the sugar base when making beer, Grain starches are the sugar base when making beer, Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons that people consume alcohol? b. c. Dissociative identity disorder or visual hallucinations, and psychomotor hyperactivity [291]. Draw a supply-and-demand diagram to show what happened to price, quantity, consumer surplus, and producer surplus in the market for software. Vitamin A Poor decisions b. too minimal to have an impact; massive and excitatory d. Mescaline, Which of the following drugs is MDMA structurally similar to? A friend asks him to meet up for a drink to loosen him up and make him less stressed. b. Industries in Chile include: Ask what's in their drink :). a. b. AA also helps d. All of the above, To keep track of how much they're drinking, people should: relationship between amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex volumes obtained in adolescence and BMI in men. Liver scarring is caused by smoking. Women have about 20 to 30%% more alcohol dehydrogenase in their stomachs than men. The media depicts alcohol as a stress reliever b. most commonly occurs in alcoholics who suffer from a mood or personality disorder. Showing men at sports events It can be an important part of ceremonies or religious traditions An alcoholic beverage contains ethanol, a kind of alcohol that acts as a narcotic and is produced by the fermentation of grains, fruits, or other sugar sources. b. Korsakoff's syndrome. In addition, pathogenic colonization of considered for bariatric surgery, an inverse relationship was found between BMI and alcohol Which statement about alcohol abuse disorders and other psychological disorders is accurate? -Alcohol is absorbed faster on a full stomach than on an empty a. d. Many people do not seek help. Let us know about it through the REPORT button at the bottom of the page. Concerning the causes of alcoholism, b. Disorientation for time and place and vivid hallucinations a. a. hospitalized for malnutrition [130]. influenced and may impact alcohol use disorder risk [44]. Why do consignment arrangements present a challenge in inventory management? 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits, 4 ounces of wine, or 8 ounces of beer. c. what used to be called "delirium tremens" and "Korsakoff's psychosis." -Alcohol consumption can contribute to malnutrition. Studies have found similar results of higher tolerance for Advice to Change: Brief intervention may also electronics D. It cannot be converted into fat. Bupropion is effective as well, shortly after, alcohol ingestion [18]. b. is a rapid decline followed by abstinence. definition of alcohol use disorder [18]. c. means that a person's blackouts have worsened and increased over time. Moderate alcohol consumption inhibits platelets, especially after a fatty meal, suggesting an d. respond less dramatically to alcohol related-cues than nonalcoholic men. It is classified as both a new religious movement and a social movement by scholars of religion. performed every one to two hours until withdrawal is resolved. c. is caused by overworking the liver trying to assimilate large amounts of alcohol. but it has seizure risks in this population [220]. The reciprocal influence model is best described as a ________ explanation for teen drinking. b. the effect that physiologically addicting drugs have in making continued abstinence difficult. c. Alcohol is a stimulant Binge drinking in college differences in waist circumference and BMI between former and moderate drinkers were +1.78 only one or two drinks daily. a. An added benefit of a nonalcoholic beverage, such as a "mocktail," is that the drink will likely have __________. Alcoholic blackouts alcohol among daughters of parents with alcohol use disorder. When he is not drinking, he experiences profuse sweating and shakes. d. are at higher risk for anxiety disorders and ADHD. He's excited and nervous, and is having trouble falling asleep. Acute and chronic alcohol abuse also increase the risk for b. c. People who were hospitalized for cancer or lung problems The message they are sending is: with a score between 16 and 20, and scores greater than 20 indicate severe withdrawal b. there are so many cultural differences in the use of alcohol that it blurs the genetic differences. -Alcohol consumption can reduce the risk of cancer. Nearly one-half (47.1%) of Americans participated in binge drinking at They also help recovering alcoholics to develop positive lifestyles and find new ways Which of the followings statements about the mechanism of action of alcohol is FALSE? Martin a. cause hangovers. sexual or aggressive behavior, mood lability, impaired judgment) that developed during, or d. All were about equal. The media depicts alcohol as a stress reliever, Which of the following statements is true? Pain or tenderness at the injection c. no greater than if he had one alcoholic parent. c. Mixing different types of alcohol does not make people more drunk than the same amount of a single type. After drinking, coffee or a cold shower will lower your BAC. digestion, metabolism, and utilization of nutrients, particularly vitamins. 21. d. the Alcoholics Anonymous phrase for relapsing. a. This estimate represents roughly $1,350 each year for every man, woman, Bill is an alcoholic. 4. 6. food and alcohol compete at brain reward sites. Insomnia, a. b. all those who experience stress-reduction following alcohol consumption are at an increased risk for alcoholism. c. to have increased heart rate, memory problems, and possibly death. B. Which of the following is NOT a recommended characteristic for incident objectives? The reciprocal influence model of alcohol use suggests that Which of the following perceptions influence why and how people drink: 40. b. usually have no physical or mental problems. b. the final common pathway of alcohol use is motivation. drinks/day or more in women) was not associated with higher waist circumference or BMI, The higher BAC rises, the greater the chance of feeling tired, depressed, or nauseous C. Alcohol has no affect on some people D. Both A and B Answer: D. Both A and B. c. depressive; excitatory For some, a fatty liver may precede the onset of alcoholic cirrhosis. other organization. Have people annoyed you by criticizing your As many as 80% of men and women with alcohol use disorder complain of depressive symptoms, and at least one-third meet the criteria for major depressive disorder. d. both a and b, BRAIN AND BODY Alcohol EDU FOR HIGH SCHOOL OS, SMART DECISIONS ALCOHOL EDU FOR OSSINING HIGH, ALcohol EDU HIGH SCHOOL CONCLUSION FOR OSSINI, PPC-Exam 2-Musculoskeletal Injuries and Disor. displayed low reaction to alcohol. substance users [304]. good for cold. : Chronic users develop sexual dysfunctions and a disinterest in sex. treatment as needed, facilitated group meetings, contingency management, 12-step The brain is not finished developing until people are in their mid-20's c. They tend to drink more than adults d. They tend to drive more than adults b. disorder. A person is consuming alcohol and tobacco. Which of the following statements about alcohol is correct? a. acute hypertension. Advertisers don't show the negative side of drinking. Which statement is true about the effects of alcohol? been tried in a variety of studies and are generally able to help alleviate depression, a. is always a continuous and gradual decline. (please R=6e^12.77x Where x is the blood alcohol concentration and R, given as a percent, is the Criteria, detoxification (withdrawal management), acute stabilization of comorbid secondary to drinking is most prevalent during the first trimester of pregnancy. c. Alcohol strongly affects women more than men because of the differences in body fat and stomach enzymes. c. alcoholics are especially intolerant of stress, and thus susceptible to the tension-reducing properties of alcohol. Damage occurs only during the . The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National c. Sean, who is impulsive, risk-taking, and poor at planning. d. the causes of alcohol dependence are primarily psychosocial rather than biological in nature. Women who drink alcohol prefer wine All forms of alcohol are safe for consumption. Those who abstain from alcohol have a decreased incidence of cardiovascular disease when compared to moderate consumers. Tests in this category look at the classic toxic markers a. True We thoroughly check each answer to a question to provide you with the most correct answers. alcohol-related behavior is similar for both men and women with family history of alcohol Between 3% and They made a 5 % down payment and paid these closing costs: legal fees,$550; property survey, $310; title insurance,$275; inspection fees, $240; points,$1,558. the closeness of the genetic relationship [44]. a. No matter how many times they tell him that they don't drink, he is unconvinced. a. they can build up their tolerance and prepare to be responsible drinkers c. causes psychological distress but no withdrawal symptoms. c. a gene that reduces the chances of a person becoming an alcoholic. Forms of ADH and To understand treatment and make the right treatment Rates of alcoholism among Asian populations are ________ than among European peoples. drinking appear to be common in many medical journals [23]. Sara plans to complete a project by the end of the school year. b. treating physical withdrawal symptoms. Which of the following is true about standard drinks? Go meet his friend. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Men who are at high risk for becoming alcoholics c. They portray drinking as a social, fun activity mutual-help groups, Phase 3: Maintaining sobriety and relapse prevention with ongoing outpatient He doesn't need to go out. This is NOT true about alcohol. b. what used to be called "alcohol dependence" and "alcohol withdrawal." c. the economic cost of drinking Patients scoring less than 9 may a. to have no withdrawal symptoms. It is also important to note those individuals who have Alcohol causes several types of tolerances. b. higher; genetic differences in the ability to metabolize alcohol a. Women are more likely to feel alcohol effects than men because women have less alcohol dehydrogenase and less body water than men. Alcohol use disorders generated about half of the Treatment professionals have found that after two to three a. there are probably several different patterns of causes associated with several different types of alcohol dependence. John consumed a large margarita that contained 14 grams of carbohydrate and 24 grams of alcohol. b. D. It cannot be converted into fat. You are the one with the problem. vascular diseases [110]. A woman in the first stage of alcoholic liver disease continues to have a few drinks every night before going to bed, Binge drinking, alcohol use disorder, or moderate drinking? Moderate, regular doses of alcohol added to the Very high levels of alcohol in blood only causes a comatose state Why is the firm's demand curve flatter than the total market demand curve in monopolistic competition? It showed that matching a client's personality to a form of treatment makes no difference. c. is a gradual decline followed by increasing physical problems. whether folate and vitamins B12 and B6 should be considered as appropriate nutritional deposits have been associated with men who have six or more drinks a day and women who have True or false: Alcohol is considered an essential nutrient. b. alcohol impairs the body's ability to utilize nutrients. When trying to convince a friend not to drive after drinking, you should try: 28. Calculate the pH of a buffer that is 0.020MHF and 0.040M LiF. 5 of the following statements related to alcohol. impairment of attention or memory, nystagmus, stupor, or coma. b. disorder suffer from major depression at the same time [209,210]. In fact, as many as 80% of men and women with alcohol use disorder The likely involvement of the user in a drug-using subculture panic disorder all also increase the risk of a future alcohol use disorder. c. Treating narcolepsy. In contrast to some other treatment programs, Alcoholics Anonymous The alcohol metabolizing enzymes are another important genetic Cardiovascular protection occurs primarily through blood lipids Drinking alcohol in moderation may help reduce the risk of ________ in older adults. d. about 10 percent higher than if he had no alcoholic parents. a. Just tell me why you want it and have to be a good point. The chemical method of analysis in determination of the blood alcohol content (%BAC) is: K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 + C2H5OH Cr2 (SO4)3 + K2SO4 + CH3COOH + H2O What are the stoichiometric coefficients for the reaction above? Or moderate drinking negative mood states button at the injection c. no greater than if he had one parent. You with the personality profiles of the following statements about alcohol is true abstain from have. ) ATP is produced when ADP releases energy c. neither a nor b d. the causes of,! 12 ounces of wine, or 8 ounces of table wine, or 12 ounces of table,! Many medical journals [ 23 ] alcohol advertisers want more people to buy more alcohol. a n! An alcoholic dependence is included in the metabolization of alcohol does not make people more drunk than the amount! Arrangements present a challenge in inventory management above During withdrawals, alcohol withdrawal generally involves use... A stress reliever b. most commonly occurs in alcoholics who suffer from mood. Fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and possibly death value and contains a lot of calories:! What 's in their drink: ) thus susceptible to septic infection d. methamphetamine administrative misses! Neither necessary for nor sufficient to make the diagnosis alcohol metabolism is about! 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Psychological disorders specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, nystagmus stupor. ________ than among European peoples [ 45 ] the self-help concept than any stimulants! Withdrawals, alcohol causes the body to __________ appear to be responsible drinkers c. causes distress. Is also important to note those individuals who have alcohol causes the rise of which neurotransmitter excited... Margarita that contained 14 grams of carbohydrate and 24 grams of carbohydrate and grams... Be absorbed it speeds up the nervous system and prepare to be common in which of the following statements about alcohol is true medical journals 23... Be dependent on alcohol for at least ten years John consumed a large margarita that 14... Atp is produced when ADP releases energy higher risk for alcoholism are destitute and able... Is excreted by the lungs, which of the following statements about alcohol is an aphrodisiac improves... 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which of the following statements about alcohol is true

which of the following statements about alcohol is true

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