The unit charged with maintaining the refugee camp was 5th Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment, and it fell on them to put down the riot. The U.S.-Panama agreement stipulates that the Cubans leave Panama by March 6. Letter of Appreciation for participation during Operation Safe Haven - JTF Panama. Each time, things died down without violence. On Dec. 7, however, news came down that most of the refugees would be returned to Cuba. 10 Sep 1994-3 Mar 1995, Latin America, Panama, Operation Safe Haven Manual of Military Decorations and Awards, DoD 1348.33-M, Sep 1996, p. G-7 (Humanitarian Service Medal awards) As the months have gone by, frustration deepened then finally exploded in riots in the Panama camps last month. Military commanders, U.S. officials, Panamanians, human rights advocates and even Cubans agree that frustration among the detainees was the reason the mission here turned violent and unpredictable. We were there to host the Cubans.” Several times in November and early December, Company C quelled demonstrations. More than 30,000 Cubans fled their homeland last summer and were interned at the U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. . Between February 1, 1995, and February 20, 1995, 7,300 Cubans were transported from Panama to Guantanamo Naval Base. Operation SAFE HAVEN 1967 airlifted U.S. civilian dependents from Wheelus AFB, Libya. The growing tension led to disturbances and riots on December 7-8, 1994, which were quickly controlled by US military members. “I looked at Greg Roberts and we had the same look of, ‘We’re not coming out of here alive,’ ” Young recalled. The purpose of the operation was to relieve the overcrowded migrant camps at Guantanamo Naval Base by establishing four camps on Empire Range, Panama, to provide a safe haven for up to ten thousand Cuban . The effort was called Operation Safe Haven. "They would see a Cuban and turn their backs, or not look at them in the face," he said of some soldiers. Although no one died, this mission had more WIAs than any other since the Vietnam War. During an unrestricted tour of the facilities by a reporter last week, military commanders sought to counter the impression that they were running concentration camps, as Panamanian Archbishop Jose Dimas Cedeno Delgado recently called the facilities. The operation was conducted under the command of General Barry McCaffrey and the direction of Clinton administration.[1]. Another guy got his arm broken. Safe Haven established four camps on Empire Range, Panama to provide a safe haven for up to ten thousand Cuban migrants. Operations Safe Haven and Safe Passage (September 8, 1994 March 15, 1995) were operations by the United States Joint Task Force designed to relieve the overcrowded migrant camps at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. The spokesperson of Operation Safe Haven (OSH) Jos, Ishaku Takwa told this newspaper that the assailants fled when the troops . “You’re acting like this was combat or something,” Amerine recalled one of his commanders saying. U.S. officials do, however, predict significant change economically, mainly because of the American economic embargos impact on the regime of President Fidel Castro. “If there’s anything I watch on TV that freaks me out it’s watching protesters throwing rocks overseas. More than 300 soldiers and 24 Cubans were injured and two Cubans died--forcing Washington to send in more troops with shotguns and riot equipment. This was one of several "safe haven" operations. The warm goodbye on the tarmac notwithstanding, most Cubans in Panama are embittered by their lengthy detention. The closure of the Panama camps marks a hollow ending to Operation Safe Haven, which was launched last September after a mass exodus on makeshift rafts by Cubans hoping to find new homes in the United States. The author first heard about this event from his Platoon Leader in a patrol base in Afghanistan with 3/75 back in 2004. Find 534th Military Police Company unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on Then a contract worker for the Justice Department, a man trusted by the Cubans, complained publicly about delays in granting paroles to enter the United States, in the minds of many confirming feared rumors and inadvertently providing the spark for the riots. While waiting for the green light to go into the camp, the Rangers conducted some minor training and were given a really half-assed class on how to contain a riot, then commenced with decorating their axe handles. More than 60 members found it. Their platoon stayed together, mostly. Two Cuban migrants drowned in the Panama Canal while attempting to flee from the camps. They taunted the Americans. JAIL FACILITY . He and two other soldiers went to work on the gate. In a similar operation dubbed "Operation Safe Haven," federal authorities arrested 29 people in eight states, including Florida, on Thursday and rescued 15 potential victims in raids on brothels . . They burned at least one tent, and stole and crashed a military Humvee. from around the world. Psychiatric cases have increased. “I’ve never been that scared in my life. … You guys kicked our asses! Violent crime includes armed robbery and muggings. On that September Sunday in 1999 around 40,000 people had descended on the Victorian parliament. Box 378 Red Hook, New York 12571 United States. There weren’t enough for everyone. His experience contrasted sharply with that of Leane Basulto, 7. The growing tension led to disturbances and riots on December 78, 1994, which were quickly controlled by US military members. Despite extensive diplomatic efforts, however, the United States was unable to win commitments from any of its neighbors to establish large safe haven camps. Batons carried by military officers were in such short supply that an emergency order was placed to a U.S. company that manufactures ax handles. Barrett products are used by civilians, sport shooters, law enforcement agencies, the United States military, and more than 75 State Department-approved countries around the world. Inside the camp, the Cubans tied the gates shut and pushed bleachers from the soccer field against the fence. 0000001629 00000 n “The sun is gone,” Young recalled. Operations Safe Haven and Safe Passage (September 8, 1994 - March 15, 1995) were operations by the United States Joint Task Force designed to relieve the overcrowded migrant camps at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. It also contained a high-security jail system that placed individuals into individual cells. asked Echavarria, who spent two years in Cuban jails for trying to escape earlier. The mission of the transfer operation was to move the Cuban migrants from Safe Haven camps in Panama to Guantanamo in a safe, orderly manner.[2]. These migrants had attempted to enter the United States illegally by crossing the Florida Straits in the summer of 1994. Safe havens are sought after by investors to limit their exposure to . The 258th Military Police Company out of Ft. Polk, Louisiana was initially in charge of securing and patrolling Camp three. Fatigue. Operation Other Than War, Operation Safe Haven. Suffice to say that the boys were ready to get some., Read Next: The History of 2nd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. The operation was conducted under the command of General Barry McCaffrey and the direction of Clinton administration. Safe Passage then returned the migrants to Guantanamo after . This study is a history of that operation and the ministry conducted by the chaplains . <<44D34AB82C45B744BF8EA0FEB132FEE6>]>> Some bright star had decided to use rocks instead of pavement for one of the pathways in the prison, and when less than a hundred American soldiers from Charlie Company, 5/87 Infantry entered the camp to quell the riot, they faced hundreds of rioters hurling rocks that rained down on their formation. The camps were full of false rumors -- that commanders were holding back approved visas, that they were selling them to the highest bidders, that all refugees were being sent back to Guantanamo. "We were not involved in any way with what the governments were doing, and that started weighing heavily {on Cubans}. Things went off without a hitch. Petty crime is more common than violent crime. Fewer than 4,000 Haitians remain from the 20,000 interned at Guantanamo last year, and all will be repatriated. Subduing the riot by themselves was impossible. “Being shot at was actually sometimes amusing. It’s like, ‘Thank God, at least we’re moving. “Then Amerine pops up on Facebook [and] De La Garza.” Someone started a Facebook group for Company C veterans. Panama imposes no income, corporate, capital gains, or estate taxes on offshore entities that only engage in business outside of the . The fighting during this engagement went back and forth, until 2nd Ranger Battalion and 5th/87th Infantry retook the camps. State Department officials conceded that the kind of political change in Cuba required to persuade more people to return does not seem imminent. One still had a map of the camp. The riot received only brief mention in U.S. news reports. As the expiration of the US-Panamanian agreement permitting the Cubans to stay in Panama approached, planning began for Operation Safe Passage--the return of the Cubans to Guantanamo Bay Naval Facility. We are still working to confirm the location of the new safe haven and will make an announcement with our state and local partners once we do so. Of these 8,600, approximately 1,280 Cubans entered the United States in mid-October 1994 as a result of a program of parole entry by the US Department of Justice. There was also considerable property damage, including the destruction of various military vehicles, computers, and telephones. No U.S. soldiers were killed during the confrontation, but over 400 were injured. “I started comparing … December 8 and my Desert Storm battle. From May to June 1999, 3,920 ethnic Albanians from Kosovo arrived in Australia as part of Operation Safe Haven. “It was just a straight-up brawl,” recalled Sgt. In talks last September, Havana agreed to stop Cubans from sailing off in rickety rafts and overcrowded boats, while Washington agreed to allow 20,000 Cubans to immigrate yearly--provided that they entered from Cuba through normal channels. An active U.S. Army Reserve Colonel, she has served in several military operations, including Joint Operation Safe Haven Panama, Joint Guardian, Kosovo, and Operation Enduring Freedom. Their arrival was the result of an agreement between the US and Panamanian governments . Of these, Panama agreed in September to house up to 10,000 at specially . Understanding how the men of Company C, 5th Battalion, 87th Infantry Regiment fought an unofficial, unnoticed battle in Panama requires a brief history lesson. Barrett is the world leader in long-range, large-caliber, precision rifle design and manufacturing. At the height of the riots, some Cubans commandeered vehicles -- humvees and, in one case, a caterer's rental truck -- and ran over soldiers, who were responding with restraint. That was out of control,” said Epley. Operation Safe Haven began 06 September 1994, when the first Cubans arrived in Panama from Guantanamo. U.S. Rangers brought in to control the camps accomplished the task with "necessary force," in military parlance. I’d much rather get shot than rocks thrown at me. “Tell them to stop so we can get our guys out!” the sergeant ordered. ? By December, the situation reached a boiling point when the Cubans were told that they would not be immigrating to the US, but rather would be repatriated to Cuba. 0000003157 00000 n Abcarian: Mask mandates? “The sky filled with a dark cloud of stones,” Amerine wrote later. Safe Passage then returned the migrants to Guantanamo after the crowded conditions could be alleviated. The Cubans couldn’t stop them, but with a seemingly unlimited supply of rocks they could make them pay for every step. Before the riots were contained, it has been reported that 36 Cubans drowned in the canal. The soldiers formed up near the dining facility, which blocked their view of the soccer field. No U.S. troops died that morning. I will love him as a glorified friend, after the free way of friendship, and not pay him a stiff sign of respect, as men do to those whom they fear. Camps were established in Panama as a result of an agreement between the US and Panamanian governments that permitted the Cubans to remain in Panama for six months. 2023 Stars and Stripes. You can talk to peer-support workers or be connected to a mental health professional. “Inside the camp, on a scale of 1 to 10, I’d give it a 9-plus,” he said. At approximately 3AM in the morning, 2/75 Rangers and soldiers from 5/87 Infantry skirted through the wood line and breached the outer perimeter fence with wire cutters. More than 200 U.S. troops were medevaced after the 20-minute fight. His shield and his face mask shattered. Last edited on 12 February 2023, at 21:23, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "CUBANS' 'SAFE HAVEN' IN PANAMA TURNS BITTER", "Brutality of 1994 Panama fight still resonates with U.S. troops",, Alleviate overcrowding of Cuban refugees at, Humanitarian Service Medal (26 August 94 - 3 March 95), This page was last edited on 12 February 2023, at 21:23. The purpose of the operation was to relieve the overcrowded migrant camps at Guantanamo Naval Base by establishing four camps on Empire Range, Panama, to provide a safe haven for up to ten That's like going back to Havana," said Greenwood, a veteran of the 1991 Persian Gulf War. We dont foresee political upheaval in the near future, a high-level State Department official said. Beyond the complex and still unresolved policy questions raised by the Cuban exodus, what has happened in Panama over the last four months is, above all, a study in confusion and contradictions. Church leaders, Panamanian human rights leaders and others have become highly critical of this aspect of the operation, questioning its legality. “Finally we got the word,” Epley said. The 8th Engineer Battalion of the 1st Cavalry Division was deployed in a no-notice deployment December 1994 at the start of the riots bringing 101A2 Armored Personnel Carriers to provide additional riot support. #ga-ad {display: none;} As they turned the corner and faced the soccer field, they finally saw what they were facing: hundreds and hundreds of angry rioters. Of these 8,600, approximately 1,280 Cubans entered the United States in mid-October 1994 as a result of a program of parole entry by the US Department of Justice. "Now, all the smiles are lost. On Dec. 8, 1994, hundreds of refugees rioted, throwing thousands of rocks at U.S. soldiers who came inside to quell the disturbance. We were told we couldn’t have them,” recalled then-2nd Lt. Jason Amerine, a recent Ranger School graduate who was assigned to Company C’s 1st Platoon. Rolando Gmez "drinks deadlines for breakfast," with his military "can do" attitude gained from eight-plus years as a former U.S. Army combat photographer and another nine years as Chief, Multimedia Branch for the Air Force News Agency (AFNEWS), since renamed the Air Force Public Affairs Agency (AFPAA), where Gmez managed print, radio, and television productions and in 2004 was . A Safe Haven is a place you can go if you're feeling distressed or having suicidal thoughts. Once the Rangers got their Warning Order to move to the refugee camp, elements of 2/75 initiated their movement, which was about a three hour drive, while other elements of the battalion flew in on helicopters where they staged 2-3 miles away as a Quick Reaction Force. [Panama] was more intense.” It turned out, most of the veterans agreed. Even in the monotony of the camps, where days are frequently indistinguishable, there were triumphs and terrors. This operation took place from 8 September 1994 to 15 March 1995 in the Republic of Panama. Rioters pushed the gate open behind them and dumped 55 gallon drums of human excrement on the soldiers before escaping. xref Due in part to uncertainly about their future, some of the Cuban migrants became increasingly restless as the weeks went by. He charged at a group of rioters, screaming, with his baton in the air. Safe Passage then returned the migrants to Guantanamo after the . Safe Haven by Daniel L. Haulman. A place where you can feel supported and not judged. As congressional Republicans begin a new push to tighten the U.S. economic embargo against Cuba, the Clinton Administration announced Thursday that 3,000 U.S. troops will be dispatched to help move almost 8,000 Cuban refugees from temporary camps in Panama back to the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay. With so many people living in a wet climate, the ground was covered with rocks to allow water to drain away quickly. Perhaps a victim of irreconcilable goals -- setting up a humanitarian mission inside secure detention camps in a third country -- the U.S. plan to provide safe haven for Cubans here has become a casualty of its own good intentions and a point of conflict among all involved. The effort was called Operation Safe Haven. Cuba, however, has accepted only a handful of the few in the camps willing to go back. Approximately 1,280 Cuban migrants entered the United States from Safe Haven camps in Panama as part of this program. “It was pretty cool.” As De La Garza made his way out the gate, one of his sergeants grabbed him. The Air Force beat feet and left A/co in a nearly identical situation as C/co had been in the day before. . Feb 1992-1997, Operation Provide Hope to republics of the former Soviet Union. 1st Class Arturo De La Garza, an Army specialist on that day. Cuban migrants continued to arrive until the camps reached their peak occupancy of 8,600. To learn more about Operation Safe Haven visit He did two tours in Iraq, including the initial invasion. The immigration minister described the Australian government's Operation Safe Haven on 4 May 1999 as: 'a program of evacuation to provide safe haven for people where there is an expectation they should be able to return home'. . I was deeply honored to have served with the brave men and women in Operation Just Cause (Panama 1988), Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm (Middle East 1990/91), and Operation Safe Haven (Panama . The first, flown by Capt. 2nd Ranger Battalion, then under the command of Lt. Col. Stanley McChrystal, was in Panama at that time conducting jungle training at JOTC. The United States had hoped that Panama would extend the agreement to harbor the refugees and that other countries would join in. Operation Name: Safe Haven. A 5k Trail Run/Walk set in the private community of Operation Safe Haven, a 501c3 organization that serves our Veterans and First Responders with Housing, Equine Therapy, Camping, Fishing, Hiking, and Gardening on over 270 acres with a private lake. "I can't do anything. Company C guarded the camp all night. As US military commanders in Panama looked over the casualties and examined the situation, one thing became clear. Safe Haven established four camps on Empire Range, Panama, to provide a safe haven for up to ten thousand Cuban migrants. In my best ‘Tex-Mex’ I yelled, ‘Hey stop! Before he left, he wanted to put his soldiers in for decorations. What The Hell is Wrong with Steven Seagal? From May 1999 to May 2000 "a total of 3965 Kosovars and 1932 East Timorese . The rest of the company, more or less, was following. Former police officer and Air Force veteran Donnie Davis chats about Operation Safe Haven, a micro-housing community formed with PTSD-afflicted veterans and law enforcement in mind. Why are we still having these debates? Troops set up roadblocks around the four camps, 12 miles west of Panama City. Those men almost unanimously agree: Their fight in Panama on Dec. 8, 1994, was the equal in terror and ferocity of anything else they ever faced. John Leggett, a spokesman for Operation Safe Haven. Under the current system, those charged with breaking camp rules -- from displaying pornography to serious assault -- are sentenced to detention based on an internal adjudication of cases by the military commanders, all subject to periodic reviews. 0000001832 00000 n Just let me get my guys out!’ ” Amerine watched as De La Garza and a few of the other Americans ran back into the camp, faced the deluge again, and pulled their fellow soldiers to safety. 0 0000001995 00000 n Between February 1, 1995, and February 20, 1995, 7,300 Cubans were transported from Panama to Guantanamo Naval Base. Gen. Barry McCaffrey, 52 at the time, was the four-star commander of U.S. Southern Command. 0000002916 00000 n The new American troops are intended to ensure the safety of both refugees and U.S. soldiers. “That map — all the feelings and all the rush came back,” Young said. (Courtesy of Greg Roberts), As shown in this photo taken from Facebook, mMembers of Company C were armed only with riot batons and shields as they entered the camp. The Refugee Council of Australia said the intent of the operation was very clear from the start. “He got nailed,” Epley recalled. “Me and Charles Fish, the mortar platoon sergeant, we pulled out Young and a few other guys.” One of the Cubans stole an American cargo truck, and raced around the camp. As a part of Operation Safe Haven in 1994, thousands of Cuban refugees who had been trying to sail from Cuba to the US in improvised rafts and small boats were detained en route and imprisoned at the US military base in Guantanamo, Cuba, then transferred to Panama where they were set up in refugee camps. Although the United States is under pressure from allies in Latin America and elsewhere to lift the economic embargo, four bills introduced in the House on opening day of the 104th Congress instead may tighten it. As a female in the world, you're going to have to come across things like annoying men, more attention because you're travelling solo, and some uncomfortable situations. The Commander of Operation Safe Haven, Chukwuemeka Okonkwo, has described the killings in Southern Kaduna as the activities of criminal elements on . 0000002170 00000 n “We had schools and clinics. During Operation SAFE HAVEN, the 4th POG worked with Haitian refugees (classified as "economic migrants" by DOS and INS) and Cubans seeking political asylum quarantined at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and later on the Empire Range area in Panama.40 PACIFIC HAVEN was not a "typical" PSYOP mission; the Kurds were refugees ("evacuees" or "guests" in the JTF parlance). On a broader scale, a U.S. military operation geared to providing reasonable comfort found itself on the losing end of a battle -- and cast into a public relations nightmare -- when refugees rioted in early December. In addition, 110 Cubans were accepted by Spain, and 10 by Venezuela. By fall 1994, about 10,000 refugees waited warily at Empire Range. For a decade and a half, they hardly talked about it. Management of Per-term Labor. Due in part to uncertainty about their future, some of the Cuban migrants became increasingly restless as the weeks went by. No guns visible,” McCaffrey said. OIO has run 'rubber stamp operation' - Peters. Praesidus brings homage to the military watch tradition. The MIST had to . These operations by the United States Joint Task Force 160 (September 8, 1994 - March 15, 1995) to relieve the overcrowded migrant camps at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. "They were teaching us Spanish, and we were teaching them English -- tremendously close ties," said Capt. HF\b`Pz*_hxCUVI, The sun was hot. All told, they were not in the camp all that long. Panama was the only exception in . Read more about Operations Safe Haven And Safe Passage: See Also, Plot, rules, nor even poetry, are not half so great beauties in tragedy or comedy as a just imitation of nature, of character, of the passions and their operations in diversified situations.Horace Walpole (17171797), My paternal grandmother would not light a fire on the Sabbath and piled all Sundays washing-up in a bucket, to be dealt with on Monday morning, because the Sabbath was a day of resta practice that made my paternal grandfather, the village atheist, as mad as fire. One of their squad leaders had a broken leg. Marching three abreast with their riot shields up, as if in a parade, Amerine’s 1st Platoon walked along the back of the dining facility. About 500 Cubans rioted inside Camp No. Operation Safe Haven was in a contingency plan to serve as the reaction force for Camp 3, which Now they could see the main gate, and they realized that the Air Force team they were supposed to link up with had been turned back. [3], After the riots took place a fifth camp was established to house the leaders of the riots and any individual who seemed a threat. r!e#;KG^*$a!S Face masks and shields were smashed to pieces in the onslaught, limbs were broken, faces bloodied. In the following days, fighting broke out between Hungarian revolutionaries and communist loyalists . Lynn Haven. Rocks continued to pour down on C/co, forcing them to retreat. Safe Haven established four camps on Empire Range, Panama to provide a safe haven for up to ten thousand Cuban migrants. More than half of New Zealanders are worried about the country being a tax haven after the Panama Papers leak, according to a new poll. These migrants had attempted to enter the United States illegally by crossing the Florida Straits in the summer of 1994. The Cubans weren’t enemies, and the whole fight had lasted only 20 minutes. 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