The House of Bernarda Alba is a shocking play filled with symbolically loaded poetry. Las Hilanderas or The Fable of Arachne. Poncia plans to spit in Bernardas face when she is no longer dependent to serve her. Abd al-Rahman III. What Adela wants more than Pepe or to fulfill her sexuality is to be free of shackles, of moral strictures, and of expectations. Mars. Further, religion is only another venue through which the pettiness of humans can be seen. Oldest daughter has priority in marriage The daughters spend the eight years mourning and making their trousseaus (clothes and linens they will take to their homes on marriage) Clear gender roles and inequality 'Hilo y agua para las hembras. Its unsurprising that, like Tennessee Williams, he often wrote about the oppression of women: his tortured relationship with his own sexuality gave him a unique insight into the mutilations that patriarchy inflicts on the feminine psyche. Read the Study Guide for The House of Bernarda Alba, Introduction to The House of Bernarda Alba, View the lesson plan for The House of Bernarda Alba, View Wikipedia Entries for The House of Bernarda Alba. History of Early Christian kingdoms. 159). Write an article and join a growing community of more than 160,300 academics and researchers from 4,571 institutions. Unions and Forces of Order. Romanesque Architecture. Romances of Chivalry. In 1968, 10.8 percent of adult women and 7.2 percent of adult men lived below the poverty line. Book of Good Love: Libro de buen amor. Poema de Mo Cid: Summary of a Self-Made Mans Life. According to this notion, the definition of feminism is gender loyalty: women supporting other women, no matter what. Worst of all, she seems to reinforce the very forces that repress all women in her society. 15th Century. The Immaculate Conception. Casas Viejas, January 1933. Tirso de Molina. Spain Golden Age Literature. Four Spanish Gothic Cathedrals: Their Historical Meaning. La Casa de Bernarda Alba Solucions Audiovisuals 284 subscribers Subscribe Like Share 20K views 1 year ago Estrena de l'obra La casa de Bernarda Alba, realitzada pel Grup de Teatre de La. Bernarda forbids her daughters to cry. Second Spanish Republic. Maria Josefa announces that she wants to get married; she also warns Bernarda that she'll turn her daughters' hearts to dust if they cannot be free. FEMALE RAGE: DIOSDADO AND PEDRERO DEAL WITH AN AGE-LONG PROBLEM IN A NEW-AGE FASHION, PAINTING THE BODY: FEMINISM, THE FEMALE BODY AND PALOMA PEDRERO'S EL COLOR DE AGOSTO, LOVE, MADNESS, AND SILENCING IN CONCHA ROMERO'S JUEGO DE REINAS, THE FEMALE BODY AS SYMBOL OF OPPRESSION AND MEANS OF SUBVERSION IN CONCHA ROMERO'S UN OLOR A AMBAR, FEMALE POWER AND SOLIDARITY IN UN OLOR A AMBAR BY CONCHA ROMERO, AND HUMO DE BELENO BY MARIBEL LAZARO, DRAMATURGIA FEMENINA DE LOS NOVENTA EN ESPANA, EL TIEMPO Y SUS CONFLICTOS EN UNAS CUANTAS ``HISTORIAS'' DEL TEATRO ESPANOL DE LA POSGUERRA, LA GENERACION SIMBOLISTA EN EL TEATRO ESPANOL CONTEMPORANEO, LA CUESTION DE LA VANGUARDIA EN EL TEATRO ESPANOL DURANTE EL PERIODO DE LA TRANSICION POLITICA, EL TEATRO ESPANOL EN EL FESTIVAL IBEROAMERICANO DE TEATRO (FIT) DE CADIZ: LA SOCIEDAD EN UNA BANERA, AGONIA: A PARABLE OF VIOLENCE AND SACRIFICE ON THE EVE OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, POSTMODERNISM, METATHEATER AND THE THEME OF EXPLOITATION: ERNESTO CABALLERO'S SQUASH AND PALOMA PEDRERO'S EL PASAMANOS, ENCUENTROS CULTURALES: LA PARODIA POSTCOLONIALISTA EN LA ISLA AMARILLA Y LA MIRADA DEL HOMBRE OSCURO, CARCELES DE LA CONCIENCIA Y FUGAS PASIONALES: ESPACIOS PSIQUICOS EN DOS ESTRENOS RECIENTES DE ANTONIO BUERO VALLEJO Y ANTONIO GALA (LAS TRAMPAS DEL AZAR Y LOS BELLOS DURMIENTES), LA FUNDACION DE BUERO VALLEJO, UNA RE-CREACION DE LA VIDA ES SUENO, LA HUELLA DE BUERO VALLEJO EN EL TEATRO ESPANOL CONTEMPORANEO, EL EXILIO AUBIANO COMO REFERENCIA IMAGINARIA EN LOS MONOLOGOS DE MAX AUB, FE, NACIONALCATOLICISMO Y PATRIA: EL EPILOGO DE EL PROCESO DEL ARZOBISPO CARRANZA DE JOAQUIN CALVO SOTELO, THE PROBLEMATICS OF IDENTITY IN JENOFA JUNCAL, LA ROJA GITANA DEL MONTE JAIZKIBEL BY ALFONSO SASTRE, EL MITO EN EL TEATRO ULTIMO DE ALFONSO SASTRE: METATEATRO, INTERTEXTUALIDAD Y PARODIA, LA RISA CRUEL EN LA TUERTA SUERTE DE PERICO GALAPAGO, MANUEL MARTINEZ MEDIERO Y EL TEATRO DE LA CRUELDAD, DESDE ABAJO, TESTAMENTO ETICO Y LITERARIO DE LAURO OLMO, CULTURAL IDENTITY IN THE THEATRE OF RODRIGUEZ MENDEZ, ``SPEAK THE SPEECH, I PRAY YOU . Let me feel you (Act II, 151) and Enrique Humanas (Act I, 136, III, 170) who gives the ugly Martirio hope of marriage before abandoning her for a richer girl (according to Martirio, Act I, 136, although later it becomes clear that Bernarda intervened Act III, 170). (For those who read Spanish, numerals in this post refer to page numbers in the Spanish text.) Comillas. All rights reserved. 'The House of Bernarda Alba | Ang Tahanan ni Bernarda Alba' was translated by Daisy Lopez to English and translated by Alexander Cortez himself to Filipino. Alhambra. Adela stays behind while her sisters rush to get a look, until a maid hints that she could get a better look from her bedroom window. (1992). The Upstairs World of Calisto and Melibea. For a summary of Act I, click here; for Acts II and III, click here. Cantigas de amigo. The House of Bernarda Alba is Lorca's last and possibly finest play, completed shortly before he was murdered by Nationalist sympathisers at . And yet to call Lorca's play feminist is perhaps to subscribe too political a vision to it. The theme of rebellion is portrayed through the storm imagery around the house. Lorca. heres a common misconception that feminism is all about unquestioning sisterhood. . Later on, the play was extended to a television series called, This page was last edited on 13 January 2023, at 14:11. As the weeks go by, the heat and tension escalate, due largely to the daughters sexual repression. Described by the author as "a drama of women in the villages of Spain", the deliberate exclusion of any male character from the action helps build the high . [14] The adaptation was staged at the Fairfax Studio, and featured Candy Bowers as Martirio (renamed "Marti"), Peta Brady as Angustias (renamed "Angela"), Julie Forsyth as Poncia (renamed "Penelope"), Bessie Holland as Magdalena (renamed "Magda"), Sue Jones as Maria Josefa, Melita Jurisic as Bernarda Alba (renamed "Bernadette"), and Emily Milledge as Adela (renamed "Adele").[15][16]. Bernarda insisting that her daughters are entirely obedient to her (Hypocrisy), 'Velo! One by one they make a bid for freedom, with tragic consequences. The House of Bernarda Alba (disambiguation), "The House of Bernarda Alba (TV Movie 1991) - IMDb", "Sex and a Monster Mother Seething in Sunny Spain", "Mother smothers, but daughters are lost in MTC House of Bernarda Alba", "The silence of atrocity: The House of Bernarda Alba",, English language British film of a Royal Court Theatre, London 1986 production, Since 2004, the Moroccan adaptation of La casa de Bernarda Alba has been played in theatres in Morocco and across the world. The Story of St. James and The Camino de Santiago. In it, Lorca criticised the complicit silence around violence towards women - the same retrograde conservatism that would end his life. The freedom men enjoy without consequences is conveyed symbolically by their access to the outside world, especially the countryside. Overview. La Casa de Bernarda Alba is a Spanish play written by Federico Garca Lorca in the 1940s. Esta obra teatral se llama La casa de Bernarda Alba. Simply put, men are a threat to family honour, and Bernarda is obsessed with her family honour, with the importance attached to appearances, and with the status or esteem her family enjoys in the village. Hanging from the ceiling, several mosquito zappers betray the bugs that circumvent the window screens - and Bernadettes ruthless control measures. The treatment of Pepe el Romano in the play is in fact an example of all mens behaviour. International Relations. Jurisic and Forsyth together on stage are alone worth the price of admission. [9], In 2006, the play was adapted into musical form by Michael John LaChiusa. Why St. James? Bermejazo platero de las cumbres. Guzman de Alfarache. The cast is supported by a production that melds a hieratic, formal aesthetic with tropes of outback Australia. Zurbarn. Spain. Lorca's tale depicts the repression of women within Catholic Spain in the years before the war. Adela becomes increasingly volatile, defying her mother and quarreling with her sisters, particularly Martirio, who reveals her own feelings for Pepe. Society dictates the role of the women . CORDOBA. Cornelius and Cceres succeed in bringing Lorca to a contemporary Australian context by taking his universal message and filling it with ordinary, relatable situations and conflicts. . Political Regeneration and Restoration 1902-23. Alfonso X. El Sabio: Histories and Translations. The House of Bernarda Alba bears the explicit subtitle, "Drama about Women in the Towns of Spain,'' and there are more frustrated women in it than in any other Lorca play, perhaps than in any . During the writ of the play, the political context of Spain was in a crisis of confidence, call it a 'mid-life' of crisis if you will. Bernarda's sense of superiority is keeping them unwed so she rejects all suitors as inferior. The theme of sexual impulses is first seen by the gossip of the men, as recounted by Ponsia regarding the woman, Paca la Roseta and her lovers lustful engagements. The gender poverty gap actually widened between 1968 and 2016. Sonnet 23. Her adaptation opened at the Almeida Theatre under the director Bijan Sheibani, starring Shohreh Aghdashloo as the title character and Hara Yannas as Adela.[11]. La Celestina. The Worlds Greatest Ham. Analysis. Prelude to Civil War. The closing lines of the play show Bernarda characteristically preoccupied with the family's reputation, not registering that Adela and Pepe had an affair due to her moral code. Luis de Gngora. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Definition. How it all Began: July August 1936. Assess the needs 2. So it will likely be with Pepe. Essay - Evaluate how symbolism is associated with freedom in the la casa de bernarda alba.. 7. Gngora. about gender in La casa de Bernarda Alba brings us to a consideration of the function of dramatic space in the . Adela flees into another room. A Gem of Mozarabic Architecture. Llama de amor viva. Angustias accuses Adela of being the Deshonra de nuestra familia the dishonour/ shame of our family (Act III, 197), and Magdalena has no wish to see her any more (Act III, 198). Religion. Generation of 1898. The House of Bernarda Alba. Restoration 1902-1931. Ana Puchau de Lecea does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. With family honour threatened by Adelas shameful behaviour and suicide, Bernarda now finds herself in a situation that she condemned in others and hastens to mount damage control. She demands silence claiming at the same time that Adela died a virgin. Velzquez. El Buscn. Why Santiago de Compostela? Politics. Overview. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Anthony Maddaluno Vir Fidelis It Omnia Paratus, A Sociological Analysis of Gender in Literature: The House of BernadaAlba, About Me: My Commitment to Advocacy and SocialJustice, Interdisciplinary Connections: Sub-Themes and ResearchApproaches, Reflection on the Challenges that I Encountered Creating thisPortfolio, Special Thanks to the People who Helped Me Make thisHappen, The Courses that made this E-PortfolioPossible, Sociological Comparison of Gender and the Family Unit from Third to FirstWorld, A Legal and Sociological Look at Egypts NewConstitution, Music Video On Womens Rights in the MiddleEast, Analysis of Nationalist Propaganda in Leni Rifenstahls Triumph of theWill, Life in Auschwitz: A SociologicalAnalysis, Nazi Propaganda: Nationalism, Violence,Modernity, Cambodia under Khmer Rouge: Racial Ideology andGenocide, Estimated death tolls in the KillingFields, Roots of the Cambodian Genocide: Nationalism and Post-Colonialism, Political Economy and Genocide: The Casualities of Forced Collectivization and Economic Planning in the CommunistWorld, Example of a Diminshed Capacity LegalDefense, Presidential War Power and Habeas Corpus in the Modernera, Punishment and Remorse: Applied to Bigger Thomas in NativeSon, The Social Effects of Incarceration inAmerica, Black Noise Rap Music and Culture in Contemporary America: My BookReview, Intimate Partner Violence StatisticalTrends, Women on the Supreme Court: Justice ElenaKagan. In The House of Bernarda Alba, Lorca looks squarely at the tyranny of the patriarchal woman. Also available in package deal from $13.02. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. 2016. There are four daughters instead of five Marti (Candy Bowers), Angela (Peta Brady), Magda (Bessie Holland) and Adele (Emily Milledge). The Catholic Church after the Spanish Civil War. One could argue that by trying to master her sexuality, Adela is defeated, as though her sexuality were too strong. Essay. "The House of Bernarda Alba Essay Questions". In her second scene, when she sings, Lorca indicates a certain innocence in her character through her use of a lamb as a baby. Madrid. Edition used: Cornelius maintains Lorcas original structure, reworking it with references to popular culture: instead of sewing, the characters read gossip magazines filled with plastic surgery makeovers and superficiality. Men belong on the outside. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Book of Good Love. History of the Rise and Fall of Islamic Spain. Camino de Santiago. The House of Bernarda Alba. Military Reform June 1931-November 1933. La Poncia gives it a slight twist: , When Pepe el Romano rides off to escape being shot, it is not difficult to imagine that the cycle will start over. Actively participate in the initiative 8. ', Bernarda declaring that her daughters do not have any choice but to listen to her orders (Repression), 'est vieja, enfermiza, y que siempre ha sido la que ha tenido menos mritos de todas nosotras', 'S que yo no me voy a casar. Brief Biography and Review of his Art. Christ in the House of Martha and Mary. Second Spanish Republic. LA CASA DE BERNARDA ALBA. 08:00-22:00, Conti-Campus Second Spanish Republic. Don Quixote. Despite this, men are inevitably present inside Bernadettes house: in the sisters conversations, in Penelopes retelling of external gossip, in the urn with the ashes of their father, symbolically witnessing their actions. 20th Century. Yet the play is difficult to label completely realist for two reasons. In 2016, 13.4 percent of women in this age group were living in poverty, compared to 9.7 percent of adult men. Law. Write good terms of reference 5. La Poncia gives it a slight twist: after fifteen days of marriage, a man leaves his bed for the table and then proceeds from the table to the bar and the wife who doesnt go along with it is left rotting and weeping in a corner (Act II, 151). Al-Andalus. History of Spain. Drought, Irrigation and Protection. He wants to create characters that are both believable in their specificity and evocative in their symbolic weight. Al-Andalus. As Bernarda's daughters they are repressed and protected to defend their honour and maintain their respectability. Maurer, Christopher. There are no men seen on the stage in the play, yet they are never far from the action. Scenes 1 to 4. Al Andalus. ', Mara Josefa shouting out to Bernarda why she wants to be freed (Repression vs Liberty), Mara Josefa declaring that Pepe el Romano will consume all the women of the household (Gender inequality), Pepe el Romano telling Angustias what characteristics he wants in a wife (Gender inequality), Martirio describing Pepe el Romano's shamelessness, Spanish-La casa de Bernarda Alba essay titles, Year 10 PPE1 revision - School Vocabulary, Year 10 Spanish - School Speaking Questions (, Cole Conlin, Elizabeth Millan, Max Ehrsam, Parthena Draggett, Annette Grant Cash, Cristina de la Torre, M. Victoria Garcia Serrano, Kim Potowski, Laila M. Dawson, Silvia Sobral. Bernarda Alba, a recent widow and mother of five fully-grown daughters, keeps a tight household, prohibiting any of her daughters to date or leave the house. Bernarda will not allow any of her daughters to marry a suitor that does not meet her stringent standards in regards to men. Even Pepe el Romano, so central to the workings of the plot, never appears. Josephs, Allen and Caballero, Juan Madrid: Ediciones Ctedra, 1987. So even though La Poncia is particularly rotted by class rather than by sexual repression, she and Bernarda are so close because both of them understand that the world yields this animosity, especially in women. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. "Yo no quiero estar encarcerrada" - Adela Act 1. Catalonia in the 13th Century. The play tells the . He wants a docile, demure wife (according to Angustias, Act I, 150) while at the same time carrying on an affair. How does the playwright contrast women and men in act one? Upon her second husband's death, domineering matriarch Bernarda Alba imposes an eight-year mourning period on her household in accordance with her family tradition. Para que las gentes no escupan al pasar por esta puerta', Bernarda ordering that the front door be closed (Reputation), 'Hilo y aguja para las hembras. The Catholic Church and the Spanish Civil War. Spain Golden Age Literature. Garcilaso de la Vega. What Does the Term Mean? Spanish Ballad: En Burgos est el buen rey. So Bernarda is not entirely incorrect in living by those values. In first world nations women have the most physical and psychological freedom regarding the rights of political participation filing petitions, voting and holding office to legal and social rights such as property rights, freedom of speech, the ability to pursue an education and the right to participate in the job market. According to this notion, the definition of feminism is gender loyalty: women supporting other women, no matter what. . '' History of Spain.18th Century. Invite others to join in 9. The tone of the characters and their emotional reactions and mannerisms also reflect the rising tensions. Alfonso X el Sabio and the Cantigas de Sta. There are over 143 million records that can be searched in the TIB Portal. Lorca. This is socially acceptable because her modesty and family honour are protected by the wrought-iron grille that covers the window. Angustias' wealth attracts a young, attractive suitor from the village, Pepe el Romano. Background and Analysis. Adele, the youngest, claims her right to go out and is especially sensitive to the invasion of her own, individual space. TRANSLATING FOR ACTORS AND AUDIENCE, TRANSLATING SPANISH CHILDREN'S THEATER FOR THE AMERICAN STAGE, PAINTING AND THE ART-LIFE DIALECTIC IN RAFAEL ALBERTI'S NOCHE DE GUERRA EN EL MUSEO DEL PRADO. Her feelings are underscored by an air of romantic mystery and adventure added by La Poncia: the harvesters come from the mountains and are carefree (Alegres Act II, 159), and adding more spice some of them had paid an exotic young woman from afar to accompany them to an olive grove. What she represents is freedom, a freedom that finds its outlet in imagined sexuality. Sonnet 1. Engage in the needs assessment 7. General Miguel Primo de Rivera: The Fall of a Dictator. Analysis. These areas are also in third world or poorer nations where the traditional family structure is still depended on for law, order and stability that the governmental institutions cannot provide. Many or all of these privileges are denied to women in some third world countries today. They are shocked, but there is envy and frustration in Adelas observation and Amelias reflection: They [men] are forgiven everything (Act II, 159), and Amelias reflection that To be born a woman is the greatest punishment (Act II. The play, la casa de Bernarda Alba, also focuses on what happens when freedom and individuality are restricted. As Martirio says after hearing about Adelaidas fathers scandalous behavior, for which he was not punished: Men cover for each other regarding things of this kind these things are repeated (Act I, 136). Pepe el Romanos escape without any apparent consequences for him confirms Adelas earlier observation that men get away with their transgressions (They are forgiven everything Act II, 159) and Amelias reflection that To be born a woman is the greatest punishment Act II, 159). An emotional reaction is exacted from Adela whenever Pepe is mentioned in conversation. $3.71. Women Poets. Merely said, the La Casa De Bernarda Alba Edicion A Cargo De Elisa is universally compatible with any devices to read Narcoland - Anabel Hernandez 2013-09-10 The product of ve years' investigative reporting, the subject of intense national controversy, and the source of death threats that forced the Mara. He even seemed to foresee the long dictatorship that would oppress Spanish women and men starting in 1939. Pepe el Romano. Gender inequality is discrimination on the basis of sex or gender causing one sex or gender to be routinely privileged or prioritized over another. Science/Technology Corneliuss story, like Lorcas, is a compelling parable about the horrors of sexual repression. A Catalan Architect Par Excellence. 1931-33. Royal Chapel, Albaicn. The themes of what is and what is not appropriate conduct in regards to the daughters crosses the lines of freedom from Bernardas rules and submission to Bernardas authority. Add to cart . Characters: La Poncia. She makes it clear, both when talking to the other servants and through her animosity when speaking with Bernarda, that she is affected by class resentment. Poncia's shriek is heard. The Alba household is made up entirely of women, nine in all. His precise descriptions of the color of rooms, the use of strange devices (like Maria Josefa's song), and the heightened moments all create an atmosphere of claustrophobia and visceral unease. Hispanic Journal However, she is thirty-nine-years-old, sickly (Act I, 139), and unattractive (Act I, 121) whereas Pepe is a handsome twenty-five-year-old (Act I, 140). In the end, the story of this play is extremely simple - what matters is the experience of feeling locked in the world of the daughters. The real antagonist to Adela is her mother, who represents the forces of repression that Lorca would have understood from living in a newly fascist Spain. In 2019, Dulaang Unibersidad ng Pilipinas staged Lorca's "La Casa de Bernarda Alba" for its 44th theatre season under the direction of Alexander Cortez. A young man, Peter Romano, shows a sudden interest in Angela, raising both suspicion and repressed passion among her siblings. Visiting Crdoba, a Silent City with Dazzling Sights. Navarre. 1994 Indiana University of Pennsylvania The bigger reason is that the characters are pronouncedly symbolic. Click the card to flip . Print. In The House of Bernarda Alba, one could make an argument for a any of several of tragic forces. She brings wisdom through madness. Velzquez. El confinamiento no dura mucho a medida que los deseo de las . Possible answers: The fact that male characters never appear on stage is perhaps reflective of the social context whereby despite their absence, they maintain a certain superiority and power over the female characters. Lorca set the play in a specific yet indefinite time and place, which allows it to be transferred anywhere. Bacchus. Spain. Idearium espaol. She seems to care more about how she is perceived by neighbors than about the happiness of her own girls. The play was first performed on 8 March 1945 at the Avenida Theatre in Buenos Aires. This phenomenon has huge effects. Bernarda affirms that a womans place is to be in the home and that servants are supposed to be dutiful and unquestioning in relation to their masters. Pepes misbehavior is the most obvious since he is involved directly with the Alba family, courting Angustias and having an affair with Adela at the same time. Granada. Gauds El Capricho. Why were they so popular in Spain? Spain. San Juan de la Cruz . From Equality to Heroism. Her claim to this title and to her complete authority over every member of the household is rooted in the hierarchical family structure of the time. Plateresque Style in Spains Golden Age Architecture. Determined, nevertheless, to defend her familys honour, Bernarda predictably prohibits men entering her house, even those who have attended her second husbands funeral: , In case we think that family honour is pass, its worth remembering that it is still very much alive nowadays, with honour killings frequently reported in some conservative societies. The play implicitly condemns attitudes that preclude female sexuality and force women to subscribe to unrealistic moral codes. Pepe, Angustias and Honour. This will be followed by a broad empirical description of the transformations of gender in America since the middle of the 20th century, and an Garcia Lorca did not include it in his plan for a "trilogy of the Spanish land" (which remained unfinished at the time of his murder). Of Pepe el Romano the poverty line & # x27 ; s daughters they never! Tale depicts the repression of women in her society suitor from the village Pepe... 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Passion among her siblings: Ediciones Ctedra, 1987 by a production that melds a hieratic, formal aesthetic tropes. 1945 at the Avenida Theatre in Buenos Aires, religion is only another venue through which pettiness! Love: Libro de buen amor a Spanish play written by Federico Garca Lorca in the House of Alba!, individual space to care more about how she is perceived by neighbors than about the of... Spain in the 1940s ruthless control measures, nine in all she seems to reinforce the forces. That by trying to master her sexuality, Adela is defeated, as though her sexuality, is. Another venue through which the pettiness of humans can be seen Summary of I... A medida que los deseo de las living in poverty, compared to 9.7 percent of women. Poema de Mo Cid: Summary of a Self-Made Mans Life to unrealistic moral codes when and. Protected by the wrought-iron grille that covers the window maintain their respectability questions..
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