christiaan van woudenberg erie co

The Erie Protectors are proud to stand with Colorado State Senator Matt Jones, Colorado House District 12 Representative Mike Foote, Erie Trustee candidate Christiaan van Woudenberg, and many others to officially endorse the efforts of Colorado Rising on a "2018 statewide ballot initiative petition to protect public health and safety from fracking by establishing 2,500 ft. buffer zones . Via a really good communication and education campaign, the consultant feels that were exactly in line with other municipalities in the transition to home rule, so that makes me feel good. I continue to hold Trustee van Woudenberg in high regard and while I have been looking forward to serving alongside him, I respect both his decision and his privacy. I am in support. I believe in a just transition from fossil fuels to carbon-free renewables; Ill vigorously support programs that ensure the workers that have given so much to heat our homes, fuel our cars, and ensure our energy independence can transfer their skills to other industries. Crestone Peak Resources said it will be fracking at both sites until at least December. Hold true to my principles and beliefs as a father with small town roots to see Erie grow to be an economically and environmentally sustainable community. Looking at the origins of Pride in the Stonewall riots and the progress that has been made over the years, not only for women and people of color but queer people in all areas of life, representation matters. There are two specific practices that I would implement: 1.) The Moving can be an exciting experience. What factors do you think the town should consider as it continues to grow? In addition, we engaged with an internationally known organization called Scentroid to help us understand and address odors from our drilling sites. I am a solutions driven problem solver by nature. I believe this is a clear indication of the will of our community for who they want to serve on the board, Brooks said in a statement. "Not only do you see it, but today, in particular, you hear it," van Woudenberg says in the video. He received the highest number of votes of the six candidates vying for three seats last month. I think this is important for ensuring that we can work collaboratively and innovate to problem solve. We can be more proactive in recruiting businesses, and more willing to bring various groups to the table for consideration. This isnt just an Erie problem, its a Colorado problem. We can attract businesses if they are confident that the startup process and costs won't be an impediment. ERIE, Colo. -- The fracking debate over how close is too close to homes is playing out in Erie's Vista Ridge subdivision., Crestone Peak Resources but it can also be stressful. Broomfields current experience with Extraction Oil & Gas is the latest example of how this heavy industrial activity is incompatible with residential development. Overreach of town government also has hampered business growth especially how current leadership-imposed Boulder County mandates into Weld County. Were actually doing a drag queen storytime event. for top stories from 9NEWS curated daily just for you. Increasing costs are eating into profit margins making businesses less and less viable. It is vital for the town to have its own unique identity and not merely be treated as an extension of Boulder. On February 18, Christiaan van Woudenberg met with Bruce Finley of the Denver Post to take a look at the spill site. They are happy with the services and improvements to Old Town. Whether movers in Fort Collins are helping you Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Erie mayor election 2020 candidate Q&A: Christiaan van Woudenberg, Colorado grocery stores can begin selling wine on Wednesday, Boulder County Republicans elect new chair, Former Rep. Tracey Bernett pleads guilty, is sentenced to deferred judgment and probation, New pro-tenant Colorado bills want to limit fees, rent increases and evictions, Brought to you by Prairie Mountain Publishing, Police investigate another phone threat to Boulder High, Applications being accepted for vacancy created by Boulder County judges death, Rescue of missing snowboarder near Nederland took nearly 12 hours, Basketball: Seven local teams headed to state quarterfinals, Bear sightings in Boulder County increase from 2021, F. 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ERIE, Colo. --The fracking debate over how close is too close to homes is playing out in Erie's Vista Ridge subdivision. right now to get cant-miss stories, Next and Broncos content, weather and more delivered right to your inbox. I have heard from numerous business owners and developers that Erie town government is incredibly hard to work with compared to our neighbors. 25Erie Board of Trustee candidates went head-to-head on topics such as home rule, diversity and best practices when it comes to governing a town that straddles two counties during Wednesday night's virtual candidate forum. Both are operated by Crestone Peak Resources. I am running for re-election as Trustee to see a number of crucial in-progress initiatives to fruition, from the Town Center and Westerly projects to housing affordability, multi-modal transportation options, and doing our part to address the climate crisis. Past residents include Christiaan Van Van Woudenberg, Ayla Odins, Ayla Odins, Ayla Odins and Sarah Odinslucas. Knowing that this is the inevitable future for the downtown area, Town Hall must expect, anticipate, and prepare for this. Professional background: 25-plus years experience in enterprise software development. Besides for the already limited office or retail spaces available, these barriers include the tap fees, impact fees, infrastructure fees, permit fees, the UDC municipal codes, the amount of time that it takes, the roadblocks from Town Hall staff, parking requirements, and the list goes on and on. We understand how frustrating it is to file dozens of complaints with the COGCC only to have a representative state that the operators are working within legal limits. Menu Log In Sign Up Budget. With my professional background, I understand the intersection of technology and business. There are numerous areas we can improve, and the first is getting out of our own way. Theyll provide, not security, but just that amazing, positive and comfortable environment for anyone that wants to attend. RELATED: National Gay Flag Football League honored with opportunity to make NFL Draft selection. Old Town is one of the best parts about living in Erie. We must work with the developers, current business owners, community members, local organizations - and most importantly, the residents to do so. I'll continue to serve the Town of Erie with courage, integrity and conviction to: Champion the Town Center master plan to bring unique retail destinations to Erie with a robust commercial tax base. May 16The Town of Erie has an unexpected vacancy on the Board of Trustees. Nosotros, Yahoo, somos parte de la familia de marcas de Yahoo. That we really do need folks to step up and to speak to their stories so that we can teach our kids that its OK to be different its OK to embrace your true self. A fracking pad called Papa Jo, shown here, and a nearby one called Yellowhammer contain 16 wells. Phone: 303-926-2700. Bridget Ford, a spokeswoman for the operator provided Denver7 with the following statement: We are aware of the complaints and take them very seriously. With his contributions to our town, it is without a doubt a much better community to call home than before he entered into public service. . During the board's regular meeting on May 10, Trustee Christiaan van Woudenberg announced his resignation effective immediately. For both Apple TV and Fire TV, search for "9NEWS" to find the free app to add to your account. Are you in support of Erie moving to a Home Rule Municipality? Most often, a phone call is the most meaningful way to reach out. Protecting Erie: By residents, for residents. The current Downtown redevelopment plan is limited in that it looks at this area in its current state instead of looking at what its future state might become. Van Woudenberg said he, too, is . Denver, Colorado 80203 Tactics included projecting anti-fracking images and messages onto the giant sound walls that companies erect around fracking sites. I think we can learn a lot from looking at developments along I25 that have a lot of empty retail space and seem to not be appealing for businesses to locate there or keep their doors open. According to Brooks, appointing Hoback would be the quickest and most efficient way to get the board back on track with conducting regular business., Anadarko I worry about the implications this spending and fiscal irresponsibility will have on the tax burden each resident must carry in the future. The election results will be considered official after undergoing a certification process that will be completed no later than April 15. It is vital that the town works with business owners as valuable partners in our community to ensure they have what they need. If elected, I would investigate the possibility of an Erie Tech Center. These decisions have grown the Town to a population of over 30,000, without addressing a plan to properly facilitate or manage this rapid growth. Theres a chance, she said, I feel like theres a chance for Coloradans to care for their world here., Your email address will not be published. The Town of Erie has an unexpected vacancy on the Board of Trustees. . Previous actions taken by the Board of Trustees on our behalf, have created negative effects for the Towns residents and future. It does not mean handouts and there are so many ways to do that. Use the #nodrillsnopipelines hashtag. . Website: Deployed to Fortune 500 clients included Bank of America, Blue Cross . Christiaan van Woudenberg On sabbatical. Phone: 303-894-2100 Fax: 303-894-2109 van Woudenberg. Living at Kimberly Court can seem like living in the most convenient location in Boulder. I have a proven track record of success generating millions of dollars in revenue. This number represents 36.1% of registered voters in the Town of Erie. While the towns sales tax revenue has quadrupled over the same period, we lag far behind other communities in commercial development and primary employment to allow more Erie residents to keep it local by working and shopping in town. . If you suspect a gas leak in your home, get safely outside and call 911. Van Woudenberg's house is less than a thousand feet from the Pratt fracking site, and he can see another drill site to the west. RELATED: 9NEWS wants your messages of support for your friends and family in the LGBTQ+ community. van Woudenberg: Really, one of my biggest motivating factors in all of this is that LGBTQ+ children are up to a four-times higher risk for depression and suicide attempts. Detailed contact information is available on the, Contact Jennifer Parenti, State Representative at, Contact Sonya Jaquez Lewis, State Senator at. Age: 48. Christiaan van Woudenberg. Shed been worrying about the health of her family. I've also managed diverse, cross functional teams of highly skilled engineers at all points in their careers and know how to drive the best performance and be a supportive and empowering leader. I have a fair number of friends and acquaintances that identify as LGBTQ+. Living at Kimberly Court can seem like living in the most convenient location in Boulder. Keeping a complaint log is important. Its so important to show queer kids today that they grow up and be successful while embracing their identity and who they truly are. For a. Weve sought alternatives to the drilling fluids we used and installed equipment to reduce both noise and odors from our locations. From our. Living at Kimberly Court can seem like living in the most convenient location in Boulder. If you have any further questions, please directly contact the candidate themselves or visit their website for more information. Neighbors are fed up with the smell, and constant noises coming from the site at all hours of the day. Todd Hartman, a COGCC spokesperson, said the state agency investigates every complaint it receives and has put additional monitoring measures in place in the area where the complaints have been focused. We hope that neighbors will reach out to us to share their concerns and give us the opportunity to address them if possible. On Sunday, June 5, the group will host its first Pride event on Briggs Street. Five of . I like that the plans that have been discussed include mixed use, retail and commercial developments as well as a variety of housing density options. Whether that be parking, infrastructure needs, or a plan that helps to enable this evolution of Old Town Town Hall must create a strategy now that allows for this future redevelopment. My 40 year history in accounting and finance, in both private and governmental sectors have helped me develop the knowledge and skills to accomplish this. Professional background: I ran my own software company for five years before moving to enterprise software development, where I've done everything from user interfaces . She soon noticed noise from industrial drilling, an overwhelming smell of diesel fumes, and industrial lights which stole away her familys view of the starry sky. Old town is really special to me. Copyright 2017 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Share your plight on social media. Weve got a beer tent, food trucks, sales and non-profit vendors, and its just going to be a great afternoon of celebration from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday. 2022 Erie Economic Development Council. It really speaks to the incredible efforts of the community and the need for this. ROKU: add the channel from theROKU storeor by searching for KUSA. We've already simplified our UDC to eliminate PUD and focus on PD developments, and look forward to innovative project proposals that bring unique, elevated, place-making experiences to Erie. The Gateway project can help us negotiate for services to serve our community and support those new businesses by creating greater access. It needs to be done with an eye on character consistent with what residents want to see Erie become with Old Town, Town Center, and Gateway all playing a vital part. How do you plan to maintain the old-town charm and small-town feel that attracted so many residents to begin with? Coldspark Inc. Aug 2006 - May 20103 years 10 months. Trustees Scott Charles and Christiaan van Woudenberg cast the two "no" votes. Initially Van Woudenberg took action against the oil and gas industry by protesting. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Given 93% of Colorado residents already live in a home rule municipality, were long overdue to undertake this task. Erie Protectors are a group of concerned residents of Erie, Colorado intent on protecting our families, our neighborhoods, and our town from the negative impacts of oil & gas development. Being Better Neighbors (BBN) is an Erie non-profit organization dedicated to making sure the town is welcoming and inclusive. "I was really hopeful after the Firestone tragedy that they would do a little but more on the state level and federal level, quite frankly," said Hulse. Get content and information right now for cant-miss stories, Next and Broncos content, weather and more delivered right to your inbox. In this case, its no longer as a Trustee for the Town of Erie. What else can you do? Ballots will be mailed out in the second week of March and are due back at Town Hall by April 5th. but it can also be stressful. Town Calendar. You can hear a loud rumbling noise coming from behind the sound barrier in the video he recorded on his cell phone. I see how far we have come, and understand the complexities involved in leading the town to what its residents envision it to be in the future. Such a project would attract high quality, mid-sized employers who bring high paying jobs to the town, increased revenue and help keep more of our residents in Erie as opposed to commuting out. But if we really want to see this area activated in the way that we know it can be, almost all aspects of Town Hall should be involved. We can do bigger projects there that would bring in lots of revenue but not interfere with our neighborhoods or town environment. Erie has the financial wherewithal, staff and leadership to get this done. Given oil & gas operators are exempt from many federal laws and the COGCC exists only to rubber-stamp their activities, it is the duty of the people to rally in opposition to the onslaught of this industrial activity in our neighborhoods and on the environment. The Erie Economic Development Council and the Erie business community thank voters in advance for their interest in these important issues. Investing in businesses means partnering with them financially. The board will hold a special meeting on Tuesday to explore options for filling the vacancy. What policies/practices would you like to implement that would support existing business in Erie, while also attracting new business and primary employment to Erie? 9 Mile, for example, did not produce favorable results we expected even though we won the lawsuit. This includes alternative funding mechanisms, outlining a plan for the infrastructure required, as well as to identify ways to decrease the amount of time it typically takes for applications to move through Town Hall. This is consistent with the local municipal authority granted by SB 181 to protect public health, safety, welfare, and the environment. Political/community experience: Current Board of Trustee member. Monthly round-table meetings with local business owners. The area behind this would then be able to include various types of residential buildings, providing the resident-base to support the commercial and retail establishments. For those living in Erie, its most likely that these are your House and Senate representatives, respectively. Editor-in-chief, Erie Protectors. Kennedy also registered another IEC called Housing for Colorado, which distributed nearly $10,000 fund independent ads for Zuniga and another town trustee candidate named Christiaan Van Woudenberg . We need to be fair in how we approach our relationship with all business new and existing. 9NEWS spoke to Christiaan van Woudenberg, a BBN board member and organizer for the event, to get details on the upcoming celebration. I have had some conversations with business owners to try to understand some of the challenges and some of the benefits of operating in Erie. Christiaan van Woudenberg, a candidate who currently sits on the town's Board of Trustees, said as an elected official it felt "almost wrong" to be campaigning amid the public health crisis. I envision that it continues to be the hub for Erie as a community. Its important to note that to date, Crestone has not been found in violation of any noise or odor regulations at either of these sites. About Erie. Erie Edition. "We paid extra for the view, and now it's been marred," said resident Christiaan van Woudenberg. Another option for Fire TV is to have the app, Colorado movie theater chain permanently closes, Delays expected; Next with Kyle Clark full show (3/1/23), Warm weekend ahead of colder weather for most of next week, NOAA forecast misses as Denver records 14th-coldest winter in history, 9NEWS wants your messages of support for your friends and family in the LGBTQ+ community, National Gay Flag Football League honored with opportunity to make NFL Draft selection. Ill continue to serve the Town of Erie with courage, integrity and conviction to: Id be honored to receive your vote for Trustee on April 5th! Careers. . Trustee Bell and I met with Town staff and the Weld County Commissioners last week to resume negotiations about extending an Urban Renewal planning area at the Erie Gateway project with very positive results. Governor, in order to keep your promises, you need to stop issuing drilling permits." Quick Links. M-F: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Email: Erie, CO - Announcing her campaign less than two weeks before the December 31st filing deadline, first-time candidate and Democrat Jennifer Parenti raised over $10,000, nearly doubling Republican incumbent Representative Dan Woog's fundraising for the quarter in the race for HD19. Voting for the 2022 Town of Erie Municipal Election closed at 7 p.m. on April 5, 2022. One of my goals for this project would be to include Transit options to connect Erie to Denver and surrounding communities. Emily Rachelle Baer (born 1978) is listed at 1035 Cessna Ct Erie, Co 80516 and has no political party affiliation. Why do you desire to serve as Trustee, and how would your personal strengths benefit the Town of Erie? Harper said she filed 21 complaints with Crestone Peak Resources, a company that runs fracking facilities nearby. I am the Chairman of the Board for The Front Range Center for Assault Prevention and have served on that Board for 17 years. Instead of providing a blanket statement of my stance on the topics, I have provided detailed posts on the various issues Erie faces. We also want to show kids, adults and everybody else that Erie is an amazing place to be, we are welcoming and we invite you to come join us and have some fun. On February 16, Anadarko notified the Town of Erie of the spill, which alerted us in the community, at the Erie Protectors, and the media of the incident. May 30, 2018 By Sherrie Peif. Christiaan Van Van Woudenberg (born 1973) is listed at 1821 Crestview Ln Erie, Co 80516 and is affiliated with the Democratic Party. Welcome to Erie Protectors! Christiaan van Woudenberg was elected in April in a contentious . His voice will be missed on the board, Mayor Justin Brooks wrote in a statement on Facebook. Additionally, I do also see this area itself growing with more businesses entering of various types as additional commercial buildings are built. Paid for by Re-Elect Christiaan for Erie, Questionnaire: East County Housing Opportunity Coalition (ECHO), Questionnaire: NOCO Home Builders Association, Questionnaire: Erie Economic Development Council, Establish Erie as a regional leader by executing on the Towns. With two key staples of Old Town going out of business in the past year, it is clear to me there is room to improve. "The mayor needs to answer for her behavior on this," said Christiaan Van Woudenberg, one of seven board members who represent the growing . Get accurate info on 1821 Crestview Ln Erie Co 80516 or any other address 100% free. Collaborate with our neighbors to address the regional issues of traffic, transportation, and infrastructure. He took a video of the noise with a sound monitor late Wednesday night, and again Thursday morning. If we show our support and cut back on some red tape, they will come and they will thrive, to the betterment of us all. While many shared concerns about how things have changed over the decades, nearly all of them shared their feelings of pride for living here. : 14.5 years. We need to negotiate aggressively with an Erie First mentality and exercise patience and restraint going forward. It has a rich history and is a lovely area to spend time in. But he says it will be tricky. You are just minutes from Greenwood & Myers Mortuary is the first choice for many families when they are seeking funeral services in Boulder. The Town of Erie has an unexpected vacancy on the Board of Trustees. Take the pledge to sign this ballot initiative petition once it is released! I want to see Erie be innovative and open to new ideas to create a vibrant, thriving development at I 25. Political/community experience: Current Board of Trustee member. I wonder how things work, why they work the way they do, and how to make them better. . 500 Briggs Street, Suite 200 | PO Box 1101 | Erie, CO 80516. At a population of 30,000, we have hit a threshold that makes Erie more appealing to larger businesses and primary employers. As an Erie small business owner with a degree in Finance and an MBA, I feel that I can provide valuable insight from a unique perspective. The Moving can be an exciting experience. It's the heart of Erie; we need to acknowledge the history, character, and tenacity of Old Town in all future development efforts. Our local government continues to increase taxpayer spending across numerous fronts, but it has not properly diversified our economy. Christiaan van Woudenberg's Response It's the heart of Erie; we need to acknowledge the history, character, and tenacity of Old Town in all future development efforts. 9NEWS spoke to Christiaan van Woudenberg, a BBN board member and organizer for . I work in the defense/space industry and deal with the government and third parties on a daily basis looking to identify opportunities and find win-win solutions. 2.) 93% of Colorado residents live in a home rule municipality. The town in January conducted a poll with a consultant, and they found that the barrier keeping us from going to home rule successfully is one of ignorance. This survey contains questions gathered from EEDC board members on behalf of our investors and the larger Erie business community. "The smell was like someone had stuffed your noise into a gas tank of a diesel truck," explained van Woudenberg. Christiaan van Woudenberg. Check us out on the various social media platforms and give us a like or follow as appropriate; its one of the most important things you can do to support the campaign! "The agency has worked withCrestoneon variousodorcontrol techniques. Erie, CO 80516. Van Woudenberg was first elected to the board in 2018 and ran for reelection in April. My involvement with the schools, town government, and HOA boards has helped me cultivate relationships to build on. Weve worked hard for many months to maintain compliance with state regulations and address concerns brought to us by the Erie Board of Trustees and our neighbors.

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christiaan van woudenberg erie co

christiaan van woudenberg erie co

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