california civil war reenactment groups

We strive for historical accuracy with our drill and appearance. Our unit is a dismounted cav.unit. Join the Signal Corps of The James, a living history unit with both Confederate and Union sections. The 14th Alabama Volunteer Infantry Co. G "The Hilliby True Blues", is a progressive company with members from all over Alabama and surrounding states. The 4th North Carolina Cavalry (mounted and dismounted) is committed to promoting and preserving history through an accurate portrayal of the events that changed this great nation during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Sign up here. Company has several pieces to include "mountain" howitzers. Though the original 148th began its service as a garrison regiment in the Norfolk, Virginia area, it went on to serve distinctly in such battles as Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Drewry's Bluff, Chaffin's Farm, Fair Oaks and the numerous battles and skirmishe. Children are welcome, and parents or guardians of the children are expected to be responsible for their children at all times. It was a Confederate victory; Union forces retreated to Jacksonville. Perform most of events in the Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas area. Battery B is a living history military unit located in Central Pennsylvania portraying a Union Civil War Artillery Battery. Since 1997, The Armies of Tennessee has been a re-enactment organization dedicated to the preservation of American History. Family oriented group that travels at least once a month. you can do eather or. Many reenactors enjoy immersing themselves in the period and there just weren't any spectators with smart phones in the 1860's. People with an interest in portraying "REAL Yankees"rather than galvanised one's welcome to join a unit that enjoys the drill of the mid 19th c. as did our regular forebears. Based in Albany,ga. This is a Unit in NE ohio.We have two main rules 1.Safety 2.You must have fun . We ride grey and blue, mostly grey. Annual Conference 2023. Our local event is Idlewild park in Ligonier Pa. Memorial day weekend. So join and make this the best unit that ever was and is. We portray the average soldier fighting in one of Berdan's regiments during the Civil War. Attached are the 1st Arkansas Artillery and 1st Arkansas Civilian Corps. We endeavor to represent the REGULAR US engineer Battalion in the Army of the Potomac. California Historical Group: West Coast WWII Reenacting. 8th Confederate Cavalry / 7th Kentucky Cavalry (US), 35th Alabama Infantry & 13th Kentucky Infantry Regiment, 8th Alabama Company I "The Emerald Guard", Second Connecticut Regiment of Volunteers "The Old 19th CVI'', Eighth Regiment Connecticut Volunteers, Company A, 24th Iowa Volunteer Regiment Civil War Reenactors, Battery G, Second Illinois Light Artillery, 1st North Carolina Volunteers / 11th North Carolina Regiment & 151st PVI, Southern Nevada Living History Association, Hampton's Battery F Pennsylvania Independent Light Artillery, 3rd Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Battery B, 142nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Company F, Ferguson SC Artillery Civil War Reenactors, 28th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Company B, 21st Virginia Volunteer Infantry, F Company, 19th Virginia Infantry Company B - The Albemarle Rifles, 33d Regiment - Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Company E, 3rd Regiment, Confederate Engineers, Carlin's Battery "D" 1st WV Light Artillery. Members protray both Union and Confederate honoring the War Between the States Surgeon. Our focus is to host, co-host and support local, regional and national events in the Western Theatre. Always looking for new recruits. We are Kentucky based reenacting unit portraying Confederate soldiers in the western theater of the American Civil War. We have been active in reenactmenting for 12 years in NC,SC and VA. We portray Confederate Infantry. TMHS: Texas Military Historical Society. The English Civil War Society UK: English Civil War: 1642 AD 1651 AD Combat reenactment, living history, educational visits, film and TV work Ermine Street Guard UK: Roman army: 50 AD 200 AD Combat reenactment, living history, TV and film work, education work, research Historia Normannis UK France USA: Middle Ages: 1100 1215 Combat reenactment . Visit our website at: 7th, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, Company D, The 7th, New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, Company D participates in a number of activities including battle reenactments, living history programs and memorial services and parades. This article is from the California Sun, a newsletter that delivers must-read stories to your inbox each morningfor free. We represent a unit of the Stonewall Brigade. Welcome to the 2nd Colorado Volunteer Infantry located in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. We are a unit composed of individuals from Calhoun, St. Clair, & Etowah Co's. We strive for excellence in bot our appearance and our portrayal. We do travel to all events Where the 14th Ind Co A fought. We are a family unit, open to all reenactors. We are the 1st SC Volunteer Infantry Co H " Cherokee Pond". The first major public reenactment was held in 1911 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. The 2nd KY Cavalry is a Confederate re-enactment group based in Southern/Central California. We participate in living history demonstrations and reenactments of the Civil War era for the educational benefit of the, Lexington Rifles - Co. A, 2nd Kentucky Cavalry. If you're interested in volunteering as a Civil War reenactor, the entire kit (including uniform, canteen, weapon and leatherwear) will cost about $850 to $1,500 [source: Miller ]. Northern California's largest civil war reenactment and one of the largest reenactments west of the Mississippi! 1. We strive for a well disciplined, sharp drilled and savvy field unit that upholds the highest traditions of the historical units that we portray. IL. We are Civil War Reenactors and Living Historians. An outgrowth of the Civil War, the gunfighter-era also spawned a number of outlaws. Carolina Rifles Living history Association. Confederate Mounted Unit always looking for new recruits to join the ranks. Please contact us. The NCWA was a pioneer in the integration of Union, Confederate, and Civilian impressions into one reenacting organization. It was part of the Huntington Beach Historical . We are currently trying to get started. Be part of the finest fighting force of the Civil War. American Civil War Reenactment Groups. The purpose of the Federal Generals Corps is to educate the general public about the Civil War period of American History. "In 2017, Arizona State Parks determined that we were unable to continue hosting, planning and absorbing all costs for . of living history organizations that portray military units and Dr. Binion at. Contact Us. The 104th Penna Volts preserves the history of the Civil War in Bucks County, PA. We are a family oriented unit dedicated to the historical and reenacting aspect of the 104th Pa. Volunteer Infantry, Civil War Regiment. The companies of the orginial 1st Kentucky were the first from that state to rush to arms for the South. A US regular reenacting unit that portrays a skirmish (or sharpshooter) unit. d. FORT POINT NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE LIVING HISTORY DAY AT AN ACTUAL CIVIL WAR FORT Hosted by Co. G, 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry S aturday, February 25, 2023 0900 - 1600 Most members from PA., NJ., Del.& Va. Our home base is Rose Creek, MN. If interested contact Lt Harmer. Learn about the original unit history and the current group. See website for more details and membership. Come fall in with a unit who is non-political and family oriented. Infantry. We come from in and around Shelby County. This Family unit features Mounted, Dismounted, Medical Artillery(2 mountain howitzers)and Civilians,We are based and traval throughout Md,NJ,Pa,Va and are looking For "A FEW GOOD PEOPLE". We occasionally venture 'down South' for some of the major reenactments. WWII Historical Re-enactment Society. This list is far from an exhaustive list. The American Civil War is one of the most fascinating and defining moments in our history. Based in the Greater Buffalo area of Western New York. We are family oriented and welcome all ages to take part in our unit. These groups often focus on reenactment of wars, offering members (and sometimes the public) a glimpse of what life was like during the conflicts that shaped history. Reenactors take their "jobs" very seriously. We are affiliated member with the 3rd ANV for national events. It served initially as prison guards at Fort Delaware near Wilmington. We accurately portray the 37th Virginia Volunteer Infantry for reenactments and Living History Events. We also do alot of school programs for children. The Website is located at: New Company being raised in the Midlands of SC. Today's 69th N.Y.S.V. Milsurpia is not responsible for anything a encountered after leaving this domain. We are Kings Battery Mountaineers, a light artillery unit of the 14th Georgia Artillery, Company D. Our galvanized Federal unit is the 13th New York Independent.Formed in late 2005, Kings Battery consists of Civil War enthusiasts who want to enrich both our knowledge and heritage by participating in CW reenactments. Come and join with us! We are looking for new members both mounted-infantry-civilain-We are 5 members(mounted) doing what comes best, Raiding U.S. camps, also love the feild fights,kidnapping for exchanges and well you get the point, Hope to hear from ya'll soon. The 3rd NHV is an American Civil War Reenacting/Living History group based in South Carolina. The 7th Kentucky is a non-profit Education Corporation in Kentucky. 3rd Minnesota Company C Cavalry Originated from Brackett's Battalion out of Fort Snelling at the beginning of the Civil War. A Civil War Reenactment is the recreation of past battles for the education and entertainment of both spectators and hobbyists alike. Family Oriented Reenacting Unit doing Living Histories, Battles, Parades. Always looking for new people to fill our ranks. looking for men and women to join us. We attend events mostly in TN, MO, KY, AL, and MS. 1st Section, US Signal Corps, Department of New York, Since 1964, the re-created 148th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment has been educating the public and paying homage to the original group of men who set off from the Finger Lakes area of western New York for the seat of war in the fall of 1862. Confederate States Marine Corps National Battalion, We are a National Battalion of Marines and Naval Personnal in which all impressions are welcome. 11232 Tidewater Trl, Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States. Seventh Tennessee Cavalry Company B (dismounted). Seeking recruits to fill the ranks. Our Unit is both Mounted & Dismounted Cavalry and we portray both Confederate & Federal Impressions. We are an authentic unit where you can experience the life of a Civil War Marine. If you want to be involved in first class living history and reenacting contact us. We are a Progressive reenacting unit, but believe in family values in our group and intrust all members to practice them. pride themselves on being open and . The Army of the Shenandoah is a family friendly Civil War Reenactment Organization. We are a new organization of seasoned reeneactors who try to set the "standard of living history and timeline events". We are a family oriented unit that does Battle Reenactments, Living History and Educational Programs and we are currently recruting Troopers. If you are interested, drop us a line. For further information please contact Captain D. Thomas Starr at To us drill is a way of life. We are a family friendly group that portrays Company F 27th Regt New Jersey Volunteer Infantry "Bailey's Boys" Military and civilian impressions welcome, Progressive unit of soldiers and civilians that participate in both Campaign and some mainstream events. Welcome to the home of the 52nd Tennessee Co. C. We are a group of living historians centered around the American Civil War. The unit is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to educate the public about the American Civil War, about the role that field artillery played in the war and about the people, 1st CWT Division (Combined Western Theater). 53rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Company C, Inc. Company B of the 71st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 87th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company C, 97th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Company A, 97th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Co B, 151st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Company D, 10th Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 12th Virginia Infantry, Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, and K, Co. E of the Second Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, 33d Regiment - Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Company K, 2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Association, Company E, 3rd Regiment, Confederate Engineers. One being Confederate, and the other Union. A civilian organization portraying impressions including the U.S. Sanitary Commission. Members of 1st MO Battalion. Army of Northern Virginia is a family oriented organization. We are a very rowdy bunch. Trying to form a new unit out of Delaware.I'm looking for.Expirenced and none expirenced reenactors.The 4th Al will be familey oriented unit. We are located in North Arkansas, Eastern Oklahoma & SW Missouri, Join Us. Alexander's Battalion Field Hospital attached to Alexander's Battalion Artillery of Longstreet's Corps. Glenn W. LaFantasie, a history professor at Western Kentucky University, said baby boomers popularized reenactments after the Civil War's centennial in the 1960s. We are family oriented and also do campaign/progressive events. Accepting applications from individuals, families, existing units, new recruits, and veterans! Family oriented mainstream civil war unit. Come and have fun with us! And its far easier to do that, he said, if you imagine soldiers as embodying a shared heroism, and both sides fighting for valid principles, as opposed to imagining that one side was fighting in defense of the right of human beings to own other human beings., But why should reenactment culture resonate with Californians? The member units of the USV are themselves individual living history Tactical Reenactment: Some reenactments will be listed as "tactical" or "private". New unit forming in NW Indiana. Rifles, 21st Michigan Volunteer Infantry, 9 Dec - 11 Dec. Past event. Most reenactments will also have the opportunity to view the . Men & Women welcomed. Recruits are always welcome in our ranks and by our fire. Confederate reenactors. Short of actually traveling back in time, however, there is no better way to learn about history than by living it first-hand as a reenactor. Visit Slaughter Pen Farm Living History & Battle Recreation to experience the struggles that took place between December 11-15, 1862 in Fredericksburg, Virginia. We are a Civil War dismounted Cavalry, family oriented reenactment group. Modern reenacting is thought to have begun during the 1961-1965 Civil War Centennial commemorations. And that's not including weaponry: An M1 Garand will put you out $700 to $900, while other period guns cost less than $100. Regiment, 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteers, Birney's We portray the 2nd. Under the broad name of "Army of the Southwest Civil War Reenactors" we encompass the 4th Iowa Volunteer Infantry, 9th Kentucky Infantry, Third Iowa Light Field Artillery, Cobbs Battery (Confederate) and the 7th Iowa Cavalry. ACivil War Reenactmentis the recreation of past battles for the education and entertainment of both spectators and hobbyists alike. The Fifth Regiment, 1st Div. Authentic Unit Of Longstreets Corps that maintains the maxim of an "All Military" style Mentality. We are looking for new recruits who will help us man our 12pdr Field Howitzer and Limber. We are a regiment representing the 157th NYV from Madison and Cortland Counties in NY. 14. 7th Michigan Cavalry, Co. F / 1st Nevada Cavalry, Troop D. Company F/Troop D is a combination of members from the American Civil War Association and Nevada Civil War Volunteers. We are a family oriented CS unit based out of Rose Creek, MN. United States Volunteers, Inc. Old West/Gunfighter Groups. Escrito en 27 febrero, 2023. our office. Our members are of all ages, genders, and walks of life, but we all, Family oriented Reenactment Unit originally Mustered into service at Manitowoc, WI in 1861. We participate in re-enactments and headstone dedications in the Virginia and North Carolina areas. Member of N/S Alliance working mostly in the WI, IL, and IA area. We used to be the 5th Texas.In need of men,women and children. Welcome to the home of the 52nd Tennessee Co. C. We are a group of living historians centered around the American Civil War. Rebellion in Huntington Beach. We are always looking for new recruits. See y'all in the field! Civil War Alliance (Southern CA USA) The Civil War Alliance is an informal association of independent reenactor units that work together to participate in sponsored reenactments. Portraying the soldiers who came out of Greene County Illinois and formed Company F, We are a family-oriented reenacting group, with an active interest in the American Civil War period, especially the role of the Confederate Infantry. We primarily do CS but will do US when called to. Group of people interested in giving a better impression of the REGULAR United States soldier of the mid 19th c. including the CW period. Always looking for those interested in Artillery, well equipped and one of the oldest reenactment units in SC. Kevin Hall, a reenacting veteran of some 20 years. We feel drill, material culture as well as camp life are all very important to this portrayal. July 28, 2018. Visit our website, and shoot us an email if interested. This first event hosted no more than thirty reenactors with a single cannon. Living history reenacting later grew due to the popularity of the 125th Anniversary . A progressive unit, portraying the Confederate States Regular Army. We invite anyone interested in living history and education to join our ranks. Prospective recruits welcome. Re-enactments, living history events. Founded in 1983, the National Civil War Association, Inc. is the second oldest continuously existing Civil War reenacting organization in Northern California after the Civil War Reenactors Society. If you are interested in Old West reenacting, come back real soon and we'll . We're always looking for new members. Because all of this dramas been over a flag.. 5th California Infantry Regiment. An American Civil War Sharpshooter reenacting group based in South Carolina, with members in Georgia & Carolina. WWII Research & Preservation Society: West Coast WWII Reenacting. Member of the 10th battalion A.N.V the best battalion in the A.N.V known for its drills and authenticity. Infantry Co. G Tionesta Rangers. Recruiting Sharpshooters/ Call 336 376-9930 / One of the largest groups of Sharpshooters and light artillery groups in NC/ Recruiting new members scope and non scope rifles. This unit is being started in remeberance of and in dedication to the memory of Stonewall Jackson,and the men of the 12th Georgia.Help field this unit,one of Jackson's Foot cavalry. We are currently a four gun battery and will be a six gun battery by Spring 2010. 'M looking for.Expirenced and none expirenced reenactors.The 4th Al will be a six battery! Not responsible for anything a encountered after leaving this domain oriented reenactment group and Confederate honoring War! 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Near Wilmington also spawned a number of outlaws california civil war reenactment groups later grew due the. New York all impressions are welcome once a month unit based out of Delaware.I 'm for.Expirenced.

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california civil war reenactment groups

california civil war reenactment groups

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