In his capacity, he provides combat support, health service support, infrastructure support and combat service support to all organizations and branches contributing to the HQ ISAF mission. July 2016 July 2018, Vice Commander, 521st Air Mobility Operations Wing, Ramstein Air Base, Germany The Det 425 Wardawgs were graciously visited by the AFROTC Commander, Colonel Christopher L. Bennett and the AFROTC Southwest Region Commander, Colonel Allen R. Henderson this semester. Michael O'Connor | Navy SH2 Kyle Collins carries the International Security Assistance Force Headquarters/Base Support Group guidon during the BSG assumption of command ceremony, May 19, in Kabul, Afghanistan. { Gen. Terrence Adams, who commissioned through the ROTC program at Alabama State University in Montgomery, partnered with the Montgomery TechLab to host the mentoring event, held Aug. 31, 2022, in conjunction with the Department of the Air Force IT and Cyberpower Conference. As the Administrative Assistant, she is responsible for detachment administrative duties, including uniform and supply management for 175 officer candidates from ASU and 11 cross-town universities. Identify the following term or individuals and explain their significance. We hope to see both Colonels return to Det 425 in the near future for another rewarding visit. During his stay at Cannon Air Force Base, Sergeant Boudreaus team answered their first Presidential Directed Mission, to defend the American Embassy in Iraq. 1994 Bachelor of Science degree in political science, USAFA, Colorado Springs, Colo.2001 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, Ala. September 2022 Det. Mrs. Rachel Vee Lamb is the Business Operations Specialist at Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC), Detachment 025, Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe, Arizona. The Honorable Donald J. Trump. Type 2 covers tuition and fees, but is capped at $18,000 annually. 4. Air Force MAJCOMS. AFROTC offers several types of scholarships. He has held various positions at the squadron, group, wing . Mission 124, establishing AFROTC units at 78 colleges and universities throughout the nation. U.S. Space Force Col. Corey Ramsby took command of the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps from Col. Christopher Bennett during a change of command ceremony, April 4, 2022, at Maxwell. The mission of AFROTC through its 145 detachments is to recruit, educate, train, motivate and develop officer candidates into Air Force commissioned officers through a comprehensive college program comprised of fundamental Air Force doctrine, academic instruction and practical leadership experiences. Major Steven Weippert is the Assistant Director of Operations at Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, Detachment 025, ArizonaStateUniversity, Tempe, Arizona. Citizens who have considered serving their country in any capacity and joining a world-class winning team can contact Air Force ROTC for more information: Air Force ROTC, Recruiting Branch, 551 East Maxwell Boulevard, Maxwell AFB, AL, 36112-6106, call toll-free, 1-866-4AFROTC (1-866-423-7682) or go to February 2022 As the Nations eighth largest AFROTC detachment and the Northwest region's largest detachment, our cadets are provided the unique opportunity of engaging with and leading a diverse Cadet Wing of exceptionally talented students. As an Acquisitions Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Richardson has served as a staff officer, executive officer, program manager and strategic analysist. In each sentence, identify the underlined word or word group by writing above it V for verb, ADV for adverb, PREP for preposition, C for conjunction, or I for interjection. Due to growing up a military brat and being on the move, Winstead said he doesnt really call one place home. In February 1997, AFROTC and Officer Training School merged under the newly created parent organization, Headquarters Air Force Officer and Accession Training Schools. "contentUrl": "", History Additionally, Lieutenant Colonel Richardson is the Professor of Aerospace Studies, where he instructs all Air Force Aerospace courses, covering a variety of topics on National Security and facilitating cadets transition to the Department of the Air Force. Prior to assuming her current position, she was the Product Support Program Manager for a highly classified more than $8 billion Deputy Secretary of Defense-directed strategic combat system. MAJOR CRAIG D. MOORE, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF AEROSPACE STUDIES. 87 terms. Reserve Officers' Training Corps Cadets from Detachment 40 at Loyola Marymount University recite General Orders during a formation held at LMU in Los Angeles, Calif., on March 20, 2015. AFROTC is the largest and oldest source of commissioned officers for the Air Force. Where he served as an AC-130W dedicated Crew Chief. Created by. December 2003 - May 2004, wing air operations officer, 16th Special Operations Wing, Hurlburt Field, Fla. The Spring 2023 Application Season is CLOSED. He is the first Space Force officer to command AFROTC. Privacy Legal & Trademarks Campus Map, Detachment 105 Commander Professor of Aerospace Studies Department Chair of Aerospace Studies. FTP 2020 Quotes. The son of retired Lt. Col. Maurice and Margret Winstead, the colonel has notched nearly 26 years of active-duty military service. He completed Fundamentals of Acquisition Management in June 2019 and Program Manager Academy in October 2019. Recently, the Northwest Region Commander of Air Force ROTC for 19 states while concurrently serving as Chair and Professor of the Aerospace Studies Dept, University of Washington (Seattle). 2006 Master of Business Administration, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colo. 2007 Distinguished graduate, Masters Degree in Military Operational Arts and Science, Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. 2010 Air War College, bycorrespondence She oversees standardization and evaluation of the AFROTC curriculum within the detachment. Disclaimers, University of Colorado Boulder Regents of the University of Colorado Colonel November 1, 2015, Last Updated: 07/07/22 Det 425 gave them a token of our appreciation. (U.S. Air Force photo by Sarah Corrice), Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps cadets protect their camp from a simulated attack during a Field Training Preparatory Exercise, Feb. 22, 2014, at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C. A 45-minute exercise allowed cadets to put their training to use, combining self-aid buddy care, Mission Oriented Protective Posture and teamwork, to defend their camp. Terms in this set (60) Air Mobility Command. He also supports cadet life cycle management and completes actions for contracting, commissioning, extended active duty and AFROTC Field Training. Prior to assuming his current position, Major Weippert was the Deputy Commander at 11th Battalion, United States Military Entrance Processing Command, St. Louis, Missouri where he was responsible for the diligent certification of mental, physical, and moral qualifications of over 20 thousand applicants into the Armed Forces. Prior to assuming his current position, he was the Chief of Maintenance, 606th Air Control Squadron, Aviano Air Base, Italy. Det. The University of Arkansas' Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps commander and professor of aerospace studies was commissioned as a lieutenant colonel into the United States Space Force . Colonel Bradley L. Spears. February 2021 After three years of postal, Sergeant Williams went on to Joint Base Lewis-McChord and became the Combat Maintenance Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge for the 22nd Special Tactics Squadron then the Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge of Administration. ThomasPostans. Sergeant Williams spent one year there training with the Immersions Program at the 355th Communications Squadron then moving to the 355th Equipment Maintenance Squadron, the 3rd largest maintenance squadron in the Air Force. He completed Carpentry and Masonry Advanced Individual Training in July 2012 and promoted to the rank of Specialist in April 2014. May 2004 - December 2005, TG-10B/C/D evaluator, assistant operations officer, 94th Flying Training Squadron, USAF Academy, Colo. January 2006 - July 2006, sailplane site chief, 306 Flying Training Group, USAF Academy, Colo. Colonel Bennett and Colonel Henderson visit Det 425. Prior to his current position, Capt Perez was the Software Program Manager, Control and Reporting Center, Hill AFB, Utah. June 2020 Present, Commander, Air Force ROTC Detachment 105, Boulder, Colo. SUMMARY OF JOINT ASSIGNMENTS Then in October 2016 he was assigned to the 27th Special Operations Wing, Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico. Match. Sign up for an informational monthly Zoom meeting here! Flashcards. As the new BSG commander, he's . -AFROTC Southeast Region Commander-AFROTC Det 775 Commander. Im excited to lead Air Force ROTC and continue the legacy of excellence in developing the leaders of character our nation wants and needs. Brig. }, SKIP ENTRY LEVEL AND & GO STRAIGHT TO MANAGEMENT, The experiences that Ive had in Air Force ROTC have made me grow by leaps and bounds., Leaders Arent Born, Theyre Made In Air Force ROTC, Watch the video for Leaders Arent Born, Theyre Made In Air Force ROTC. Col. Spears is a command pilot with more than 3,100 hours in C-21A, C-130E, MC-130E, and TG-10 aircraft, including over 300 hours of combat time. December 2021 Learn. Center 2 (NATO), Uedem, Germany, FLIGHT INFORMATION KABUL, Afghanistan Air Force Col. Curtis M. Winstead assumed command of the International Security Assistance Force/Base Support Group in a ceremony here May 19, presided by Polish Maj. Gen. Boguslaw Samol, ISAF Deputy Chief of Staff for Resources. 220 is comprised of over 200 future Air Force and Space Force leaders and boasts a scope of operations unmatched at most universities with Air Force ROTC programs. Bennett is retiring from the Air Force after 29 years of service. After World War II, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, chief of staff of the War Department, signed General Order No. 96 terms. On July 1, 1993, Air Training Command merged with Air University to form Air Education and Training Command. University, Tempe, Arizona. Sergeant Williams spent the next two years there in the Commanders Support Staff. In AFROTC, youll not only build lifelong friendships, but you may also have the opportunity to pay for school through our scholarship programs. CAPTAIN CHRISTOPHER PEREZ, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF AEROSPACE STUDIES. 12. Bennett is retiring from the Air Force after 29 years of service. Major Wrendy K. Rayhill is the Education Officer at Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) Detachment 25, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. May 2022 Major Craig D. Moore is the Operations Officer at Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Detachment 025, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. May 2021 Staff Sergeant Sharay Williams is the Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge (NCOIC) of Cadet Actions at Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Detachment 25, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. His staff assignments include Plans Officer, NATO Combined Air Operations Center Uedem, Germany; Chief, Commanders Action Group, Headquarters Air; and Chief, Operational and Adaptive Plans, Headquarters United States Air Forces in Europe. Check back for updates to apply for Fall 2023! These two men are an inspiration to all those serving as well as those in training.
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