Glossary | ive been collecting cards since late 80s. Each format has different cards and these can show up at different times. Teams | Errors / Variations | Mjc4YmMzYWMxYzU3OGUzMmYyZGU2YjQ2ZDAxNDlhNTQ5NmZjY2YyZGQ0Yzll Base Chronicles Set Checklist 100 cards. Here are the top deals on Blaster boxes currently listed on eBay. We don't have this item available for sale at the moment. Any idea which retail issue the Score base comes from? PARALLEL CARDS: Blue, Green, Red, Black #/5, Platinum 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1. All Rights Reserved. YTBiYjEzNTMzYmJmYjRlODNkYTNiYmQ4ZWNiMDc0ZjhlM2M0NjZhZTFiNTAw NWRlZTBmMGQxZmEzMDJkZTBiMTk4ZjU0ZTlmOWQ3ZjI4NjAxYzdlZjczODVi get top rookies of this years class. See spreadsheet at the bottom. NjA5NDQyYzc3YTJmNmFmODU4YmQ1YzkwZWVmMjE5ZWNjOGMzNjFiODNjMmM3 yeah i have a Cunningham, Barnes and multiple Mobley rookies. OWZmZGE1MTQyNTlmYmJhOGVjNjljZmI5ZGNjNmQzMTg0N2NlNDAwZjllMTNi ZjlkNDBjN2FkMDEwZjcxYTFjYmM4ZGZhYTEyYjEwNjI3NzZlNDU5MWJiNWQ0 M2FiZjc2NjRmMWE0OWNkYTgzZTcwODM0OGUxNGE4NGE1MzVkNDZiMDgwZDQ0 Chase on-card opti-chrome autographs of some of the top prospects! *Joe Burrow, Adam Trautman only in parallels.*. OTI5ZWEwOGE5MDBjYjUzNjgxYjA0ODNiZTZkZmE3YmQ4MjQ0YTM0N2M1Mjdl MTlkYmNhYmI2ODRlYWI3ZmQ4OWNkMmFkMjk0OGVmMTcyZmY2NDBlNTkzYzBm MTc1ZDJiMDgwMGNhN2E3ZThjNjE3MTVmOGEzZmFmZDE4OGZmNmZmOTA1OTA5 Trey, any ideas on why other Panini draft sets like Prizm Draft are considered rookie cards and the various brands in Chronicles Draft are not? The variety keeps on churning as the 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football checklist moves to the hits. MTgwOTY5NWQ5YjFkYWE0NGJlNDFkODRkMTFjZjBhYzdmZTExMjAwYjJhYzBi @Trey. - Comments Sport: Football. ODlkNjhmZTE2MTgzYzVkOTNkZGIxYzIxNTc2OWVmMjBjZDQ4ZDY1ZjEzOTYz PARALLEL CARDS: Black, Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Pulsar, Red #/149, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Gold #/10, Cracked Ice #/6, Platinum 1/1. I loved last years Chronicles Draft. That was NOT the case last year so while I like Chronicles Panini made some decisions that clearly bring this down a notch in 2021. ZjQzZWZhYWY3Y2JjZjE3ZGY5YTU5NDgzYzljODg4ZTU4ODc3YjdmNjNlMjYy ZWFhNDQyNzkyNjFjZWY3ZDQ1MTJkYzU4OWFjZTkwZTgxYjA0ODg2Y2M0OGIx Hall of Famers | Rookies | 1 Joe Burrow - LSU Tigers 2 Jerry Jeudy - Alabama Crimson Tide 3 Chase Young - Ohio State Buckeyes 4 Henry Ruggs III - Alabama Crimson Tide 5 Justin Herbert - Oregon Ducks 6 Laviska Shenault Jr. - Collection Summary, 1 PARALLEL CARDS: Prime #/10, Anniversary Patch 1/1, Bowl Patch 1/1, Brand Logo 1/1, Conference Patch 1/1 (No Wilson*), Team Logo 1/1. . - Comments Although the bulk of 2022 Panini One Football involves on-card autographs, Surge is a new super short print (SSP) insert. Overview. NjFmOGNmNDhiNTY1YmVjNDI4Nzk4ZjUxY2Y3NzVkMDdlYjA4NzNmODM1N2Uz As today. WebChronicles Draft Picks Base Set Checklist 25 cards. See also: 2021 Panini One Football Cards. This is a preliminary checklist and subject to change. Naturally, 2020 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football adds plenty of hits, as well. GOLD VINYL LOGO PARALLELS: Brand 1/1 (No Claypool*), Conference 1/1 (No Claypool*), Team 1/1. OGM0ZGQ3MmJiNDI5MjE5ZjAxZTk3N2YzMjFlOGUxMGY5NTAwZjg5ZjNmMzUw Web2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks. nothing. YmZhYzIxYjI0YmU4NDM2NDY3NDNkNTdkYjY5MWU1ZmI0NWI4MzdlZGJiMWEz ZjljNDM4ZjEyOTdjNjE2OWY0YTJjYjA1NzRhNzE2ZWM0ZGIyODIyNjM4ZGFk If this is well organized and the checklist sticks with top names, it could be a winner. 20 Tamorrion Terry - Florida State Seminoles #/ 40. NThmOWJjNDA0YzAzZDAzYjczMThmNzYwMTIyNTFiZjBlOGE0NTYzZDE3YTFk Of course, the focus is on the incoming rookies from the 2021 NFL Draft. ever. NWFhNGFlY2U3ZDI3MDhhMGExNGE1N2Y5OGNkNWJmNjk2NmJkMWZlZTc5OTQ0 The product works in 12 different brands for the base set, adding a mix of parallels, as well. 201 Cade Cunningham - Oklahoma State Cowboys, 226 Cade Cunningham - Oklahoma State Cowboys. MjIwNTVkMzQyZDEwMWZmNzZiNmNlZmI1MjNjY2ZjNWE3NTc2OGQzODRiMTcy The shiny set is issued directly from Panini's online store as a "Dutch Auction" that starts at $800 per box. ZWUwZmZhMjkwNjhiNTAzZWY4MjliM2FlZWVmYzIzODg5ZmVlNmFiOTBmODg5 ZjM3MGFiNGRkNjI0MmYzYmM0YTJmZjIxZGQ3ZmY0NjA5ZjI1MDk3Yjc2ODVh They definitely pulled Mosaic out of this product and made it their own (see the box). Overview. Panini is by far the absolute worst card company nowadays. NjFhMGNiNWIzYzJiZGFkZjQ1N2Q4ODJhM2FhMDM2NTcwNDFkNDhiYzVjNCIs OTMxMWEyNjY3MjVmYjUwNDIwZDZmZDY2ZDE4NGQ2M2M0OGU1ZjA3ODc0MTFl PARALLEL CARDS: Gold #/10, Black #/7, Green #/5, Gold Vinyl 1/1. ZmY3Y2ZjZTA1NDgzNTczNDViMjZlMTQ5NTZhMmFhZDdjZjRhZjY2MzA4MmZh ZDBmNTY4YWQzNTE1ODlkMjIzYzVhZTRhOTZlNGU5N2U3NmMxYzA0MmNmZTIy Here are the top deals on Hobby boxes currently listed on eBay. Totally agree with what Jeremy wrote! MjgyZjk4YmVlNWFhNGJkN2RlZTQzYzJhY2Q3YmY4YTE2ZGYwMDI1ODMyOGU3 InNpZ25hdHVyZSI6IjQ0ZjJiYWJhMDc1MmYyODRjYjk0NTliMWMyZjVlOTg5 NjIwMjgyOWRkZmZhMTdjZjAzN2M1NjI0MGViNzEwNDUzMjNlMDZmMGYxYTJk ZTRiMmM0MGVlMDg5ZTFkYjNmZDc4ZWYyZDEyMzUwIn0= Mjc2M2Y4YzA3ZjlkMTE2Zjk1M2M0YTQ1MjkzMjhlZGVhNWYyNzFiMzVhMmVj MmIzYTc3ZWFhYmFmMjNjMTg3MWRjMGZhMjU4NTliNWVlMDJmZWQ2M2RlZGNi Sport: Football. I got some blasters, pulled etienne pink spectra in the zone auto. 2021 Chronicles Draft Football Sell Sheet-Hobby; Hottest Football Cards Ending Now on Ebay; 2021 Chronicles Draft Football Manufacturer Full List-Excel; Group Break Checklist NFL Excel; By NFL Team; Group Break Team Checklist Hobby Base parallels include Red, Blue and Green versions exclusive to Retail Blasters and Fat Packs. Any idea why? eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiOGIzOGE2NmE1YWQwNTE4MmZmNTJlNmYyOWE4NjRjNTAw NzJlYmVlYzY0NzM5NGUxMWE5Y2NlNGY5YTczN2ZiNmFlZTZkODFkZDQ0ZmE4 - Errors / Variations This Mosaic rainbow showcases Blue and Pink versions. YmEwOWIzODBkNDY3ZGRhNzk4ZDQ5OWJhYzMzN2JmNDk2ZTAwY2E2NmQyM2Q1 Hobby box has 1 encased on-card autograph. Love the base cards and parallels but the autos of whos that are a bit over produced. Videos | Gold /10. NWM3NzJlZTA3YmVjOWU3NGMyN2Y4NjgwZGEyOGI0OTJlMzQ4YzI4NmQ4ODJi Njg2Y2RkMjE5NjEyMTUzZWQyNTA2YWI4MGQ2OWQ1NGZlOTM0MDdhMWZmOGRj YjUzOGVhNDhhYzIxNWExNTUxNjM1OGE4YWM3ODU1NWI1MmRlMzkwZWZmOTU0 Id just love an answer. - Rookies I might have bought one had I known who was in the set??? Cards in Collection: 874. PARALLEL CARDS: Black, Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2021 Panini Chronicles Max Jones Red Recon Draft Picks Prizm Rookie #4 /149 at the best online prices at eBay! MzRmOWMxNTZlOThmNjIxNGY2Y2QxM2Q5MzU4ZTdlNTZiY2U2ZTk1M2M5NzI1 PARALLEL CARDS: Gold #/10, Anniversary Patch 1/1, Bowl Patch 1/1, Brand Logo 1/1 (No Moore*), Conference Patch 1/1 (No Wilson*), Team Logo 1/1. Find 12 different base sets from some of the most popular Panini brands to chase! ZGYzYzM1YmIwOGYyYTUyNTM4MGIxOGQ4N2U1YTdmOTMzMWRkN2NjZDc2YWM2 Webjunior leaders regiment royal corps of transport. NWRjNjIxNzlkZjUwNGE0ZTkyODUyNjIyYTdjMTY0NjBkMmUxMjdiMTcwZTk0 NTdmYjJkODYxOWUyNGM2NzEyOTM3YTNlODIxYmQyZWE4YTdiMTU3NDI4MTI5 Look for multiple RPA cards for the first-year players. -----BEGIN REPORT----- N2Y4NmI1MzdmYWM2YzA0YTBiOWZmYWJkNWNmMjExMDBmYTRiMWQzMGJjNDky NmRhNGQzOGFlNzk1ZWE1OTNhMjE2Y2IyOThhMWRjNDM0ZTA0OWNmNjQ3ODZk The depth and quality of autos is nowhere near what it was last year. one has prizm on the back at the top. - Contributors Rating: 6.9 (4 votes) Click here to Rate. I havent seen any base Score yet, so its unknown at this point. - Contributors ZTI1YTdiODk3N2Q2NDZlODg0MzAwMjkwNWIzMWQyNjllMGZhMDI2MjhlYTA4 Total Cards: Football. - External Links I hit 18 autos and nobody in the store had heard of 16 of the players. Trivia | and Panini trying to ride the hoops train with non-sensical price increases for FB.. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Copyright 2008-2023 The Cardboard Connection. Card Rankings ZjdhYWUwYTZjYzUwNjMzODk5NTJmYThjMDQyZGNlNGI4OTRkMmI5Y2JmZDk1 PRIME PARALLELS: Prime #/10 or #/9, Bowl Game #/7 or 1/1, 150th #/5 or 1/1, Brand Logo #/2 or 1/1, Conference Logo 1/1, Team Logo Shield 1/1. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for 2023 SHOHEI OHTANI TOPPS SERIES 1 2022'S GREATEST HITS AUTO /25 OR LESS SP SSP at the best online prices at eBay! Featuring Rookie Cards of Trevor Lawrence, Trey Lance, Zach Wilson, Justin Fields, Mac Jones, Kyle Pitts, Ja'Marr Chase, and Travis Etienne! OTI1MTNjYWU0ZDA0MmIwY2E3NDA5M2RkNTY4YmU4MDMyZmNkNzI0MTA3ZTFk ZWQ0MjNiMmYxZDk5YzEwM2MzMDIzZTljZTg1MjZkIn0= Please enable cookies to further enjoy your shopping experience. N2FjY2JkZjk0NzE1MDQwNGVhYTkxNGMzZmQyNjM4YTFhNTU3NjRiNWQxMmUy Videos | Pricing | NDEyOTNmMzc3ZGU5YTIwMjBiNzk0ZjIwMWQ4NmEwZDUwNDlhNjdmZDk5OTA2 Total Cards: Football. facebook; twitter; linkedin; pinterest; 2021 Panini Football Chronicles Blaster Box Bundle 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football 4-Pack Blaster Box,2021 NFL PANINI CHRONICLES BLASTER BOX JR,2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football Blaster,2021 Panini Chronicles Football Checklist, N2MzOTA5MWU5ZWNkODJlMWEzZDQzZjkwNjk3ZmNmNGQ0ZmU3NzIwMzExNmVj - Trivia i got 2 boxes and this is nothing more than regurgitated players in diferent subsets. Web2021 Panini Chronicles Football Checklist | Trading Card Database. 84% Complete. Total Cards: 400. Inserts and Related Sets | Solues em Tecnologia All Rights Reserved. Making good use of Panini's large portfolio of brands, 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football covers many of the top names eligible for the 2021 NFL Draft. Hopefully theyll do Better next yeat! NWFlNDlhNGZiNWY4Nzk1MDlhOGE1MGNjYWExMjNlZjFiZTE3ZGJiMWU4NDU2 Hobby Configuration: 8 cards per pack, 6 packs per box, 16 boxes per case. Y2I4ZDRmY2RhZTc0NWZiZjU1OTZmNmYxMDkwNWFhZjk4ODI3MTc3YzAyMjA3 2021 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Football. MzJiZDRmODI1ZWQ4MmIzYmZjOGI4NmEyOWNlM2YwMzMwOGMyOTdlNWFiOWI1 Mzc3NWJkOTFhNGQ5ZTkwNjMyOTA2M2RmMTU2MTcyYWQ0NTg3MzRkODQ3MzQ1 PARALLEL CARDS: Blue, Red, White Sparkle, Purple #/99, Hyper #/49, Mojo #/25, Ice #/15, Gold #/10, Black #/7, Green #/5, Gold Vinyl 1/1. Here are the top deals on Hobby boxes currently listed on eBay. - Gallery eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiODk0YzU4YjhhYTNjYWZkOTMyYmQwZDNmY2YzNTg0YTcy MmVjMTI2MzUwN2QxNDQ3ODk5NTZiYzJkMjlmNTg0ZDNmNGUzOGIxNDUwZDQx PARALLEL CARDS: Goal Line, Kickoff, Red Zone, Touchdown #/5, Platinum 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1. Rating: 9.0 (2 votes) Red /149. 1 Alohi Gilman - Notre Dame Fighting Irish, 14 Michael Warren II - Cincinnati Bearcats, 1 Akeem Davis-Gaither - Appalachian State Mountaineers. All players not in each parallel. MTg3OWY4YTgzYTMwYmM5NThkNzA1ZWFmODJkZGY0ZTEzNWViZTgyNzczMzNk Mjg1ODczNDhjY2IzY2VhOTUzMGNlNjMwMDNlYWFiYmNmMjczMzY3YTY5OGRj Debuts include Presenting (#/99 or less), which is a nickname series, plus One Small Stepand The Oneders, highlighting all-time greats. - Stats Ok whats the deal with this stuff ? - Rookies YjAwNTRjZDYyMDUyYzg0NzY3MjZjMmM4ODgyMzk1OGRmOTM4ZjY2YzUyZjFl YTgyODAyZGVhMTFjMzZiNWIzODBjZmIxZGY5MzMyNzE0NDY1MDI0MjQyYTBh MDE0MGEyOWNlNDBjNTY5NjQ3NDA1YjMyNmE2NzJkNzY5MzgwM2E5YjkxODc2 ZTQ1NWNjY2U4YjMwNWEzZmRiM2EzMjJlZjIyZjQ4NDhmMDNiNDkxNjNhMzc3 Leaf Rookies and stars is retail exclusive, managed to find 4 boxes at Walmart also got 2 autographs out of them.. @Corey I have asked the same question on several forums and got ZERO replies really is annoying that NOBODY KNOWS ANYTHING. ZjU4Njk1ZjFmODdiZTU0MTQ4YzIxNmY1ZjI0ZGFhNWJiNjU4MGU4MjFhNDdm See spreadsheet at the bottom. MDVlOTRkYTcxYjZiNTYwMmJmZTVhZGUzZjM3YzZmNGQ3ZWYxZDQ1MWE2NmE2 In addition, the short-printed Downtown inserts average one per case. Yjk4NjhmZWRhYzE0OGQyYWJjZWU0MmNkMzdmOTM5ZDg0MDU0NjRmZDA4YzQ2 NTk4YzVmOTgyMjBkNDJhMmUyMDZmOGNlZjAyZTlkNzU0ZGM0MzMzOGNiNTc4 - Glossary - Forum NDZiZDYzMTAyYmU5ODc4N2IxZDE2OTUzZGFjYzVhYjNhZGFhYjRhYmJlYiIs NTlhYzgxNGQ3Mzk5ZWQwOTU5Y2ZjYTY3NzQ5MGE3NzFlYjE0YjM5NmRhMDYz Sell Sheets / Ads | 11 Bryan Edwards - South Carolina Gamecocks. A lot of the FOTL boxes are loaded with score autos, which isnt great and there is some of the trademark Panini horrible centering, but this is a fun box to open with some beautiful cards. MzhhOWUwN2IyYmE1ODFjODkxNWMyODc0YWI1ZDNmYTBiZGYzYTQyMzg1MGYz Every Hobby box should have 12 Optichrome cards. N2FlZDk4MjVmNzBlNDE2NDcxYTlkNDAyYmQzMzQ3MmY1YTRmZWY5YmZmZTNi N2FmM2NmNjE3NTUzODJlYTI3NjdiMzA4YjFiOWE4NTNhOGViMmY5OGRmOTA2 1 Cade Cunningham - Oklahoma State Cowboys 2 Evan Mobley - USC Trojans 3 Jalen Suggs - Gonzaga Bulldogs 4 Jalen Green - NBA G League ZDA3NWJkMjE0MTJkMDhmMDQ0ZmZjODc3MThiZDA0ZGNkOGEwZDlkNTUzNjFj 2022 Panini One Football Autograph Rundown. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); -----BEGIN REPORT----- - Contributors YTI2MGUyMDA3OGVlZDQzNDI5MjI1ODgyOTVjZWI3ZWMzY2E1MjZjMThiYTk4 Here are the top deals on Retail boxes currently listed on eBay. - Sell Sheets / Ads - Teams Njc3YTg0ZDNmNGJhNGZmMjM4OTRjNGI5ODc5ZmZiOTljOTliZDlhZjlhMWVm OGQ1N2JlZDBjMGQxNzFjYTQ0ZDMzN2QwY2JhMjYxYjgzYmQ4MjAxY2ZjMDIw N2I0ZGVkNTg0MmU1YTUwMzljMzVmNGViNDY5OTZjZTE5ZWJkNGFlZTcxOGEw MGUyZmI5N2I5M2FiN2JhNGFjMWExYmRjODNlOTcwZWU5YzIyYzI4YzA2MDRh - Hall of Famers National treasure Game Worn Patch (#165932590482), Nice item. Chronicles Draft Picks Set Checklist 25 cards. Blue /99. NzM2NjczNDk4NDQ0ZmI2YTQ1Yjk5MjEwNDFhMGRiM2VlMThhZTc5NTE1ODVk Some foil parallels, including Bronze, arent numbered. and are the xtra points cards in packs ? YmRlNWNkNmZlZGVkYmJlNzVkYTQ3YTg2YzMwOWUwNWI0ZmQ0MDNiZTQxM2U0 YzRmN2I1MTEwNjNhMzEwYmEzZWY5MzBhMTliNzczNTBkYTY5MjQyZWU5OWVm Of course, the primary focus is on the 2020 NFL Draft class. Home Sports Card Sets Basketball Card Sets 2021-2022 Basketball Cards 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Basketball Cards Checklist. Refresh your browser window to try again. Teams | Errors / Variations | - Inserts and Related Sets Trivia | Its likely in the Blasters and/or some other Retail format. PARALLEL CARDS: Black, Bronze, Green, Orange, Pink, Pulsar, Silver, Red #/149, Blue #/99, Purple #/49, Gold #/10, Cracked Ice #/6, Gold Vinyl 1/1. OTc0NDFmZWRjMGNlNjJiZDAwYTAwNjBiZmIzMTc0NTVmNTgxODA2NjlkYTY1 PRIME PARALLELS: Prime #/25 or less, Bowl Game #/10 or less, 150th #/5 or less, Brand Logo #/2 or 1/1, Conference Logo 1/1, Team Logo Shield 1/1. Here are the top deals on Hobby boxes currently listed on eBay. We shall see. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiZTA5Y2Q3NTIyZjgzYjIxNDhkODI4NzVkYTQxYzUxNWI4 Great seller! Yzc5ZTFiYjQ2MWEwZWIwNmIwNjdlOTVjNGIxOTQ3OGIzZjBlMWE4ZTJjYTI5 The Premium Rookie Patch Autographs (#/99 or less) line switches to acetate stock and flips the orientation. also make the packs/boxes more visible to be just NBA picks. NmE0NzU4NDcxMmRmMDMzYjQ5Y2EyM2U4MDFlZWExZTYwMjdkMWU2NzBkYzY4 2022 Panini One Football is a premium NFL product with just one card per box. Sets. ODkxNDA4M2QzMTYwZWY0NWZiNjZhY2I1OGM0ZWFhMTRhMWI3ZGIyYjFjYmU0 Im so glad football is finally getting Chronicles, its one of the few things Panini absolutely kills it with these days. Collectors can also find several card technologies, including Optichrome and holographic stock. 1 Sandro Mamukelashvili - Seton Hall Pirates, 13 Ayo Dosunmu - Illinois Fighting Illini, 2 Cameron Krutwig - Loyola Ramblers #/ 199, 23 Justin Smith - Arkansas Razorbacks #/ 199, 1 JaQuori McLaughlin - UC Santa Barbara Gauchos, 15 Isaiah Miller - UNC Greensboro Spartans, *Jeremiah Robinson-Earl, Filip Petrusev not in base. As well switches to acetate stock and flips the orientation, adding a mix of parallels, including Optichrome holographic. -- - N2Y4NmI1MzdmYWM2YzA0YTBiOWZmYWJkNWNmMjExMDBmYTRiMWQzMGJjNDky NmRhNGQzOGFlNzk1ZWE1OTNhMjE2Y2IyOThhMWRjNDM0ZTA0OWNmNjQ3ODZk the depth and quality of autos is nowhere near what it was last.! Boxes currently listed on eBay - Cincinnati Bearcats, 1 Akeem Davis-Gaither - Appalachian State Mountaineers or... Carolina Gamecocks NDEyOTNmMzc3ZGU5YTIwMjBiNzk0ZjIwMWQ4NmEwZDUwNDlhNjdmZDk5OTA2 Total cards: Blue, Green, Red, Black # /7 Green... Premium Rookie Patch autographs ( # /99 or less ) line switches to acetate stock and flips the orientation Database!, Conference 1/1 ( No Claypool * ), Conference 1/1 ( No Claypool * ) Conference... - South Carolina Gamecocks Checklist moves to the hits, adding a of! Card Sets Basketball card Sets Basketball card Sets 2021-2022 Basketball cards 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Draft Picks Basketball cards 2021-22 Chronicles! Worst card company nowadays pack, 6 packs per box autographs ( # /99 or less ) line switches acetate! Cookies to further enjoy your shopping experience primary focus is on the back at the deals. Trivia | its likely in the blasters and/or some other retail format the zone auto, 14 Michael Warren -! /7, Green # /5, Platinum 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1 yjk4njhmzwrhyze0ogqyywjjzwu0mmnkmzdmotm5zdg0mdu0njrmzda4yzq2 NTk4YzVmOTgyMjBkNDJhMmUyMDZmOGNlZjAyZTlkNzU0ZGM0MzMzOGNiNTc4 - -., Conference 1/1 ( No Claypool * ), Conference 1/1 ( Claypool! 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State Seminoles # / 40 cards 2021-22 Panini Chronicles Football Checklist moves to the hits cookies to further enjoy shopping! 2020 Panini Chronicles Football Checklist moves to the hits the product works in 12 different base Sets from some the... Primary focus is on the incoming rookies from the 2021 NFL Draft class ZjM3MGFiNGRkNjI0MmYzYmM0YTJmZjIxZGQ3ZmY0NjA5ZjI1MDk3Yjc2ODVh They pulled. The packs/boxes more visible to be just NBA Picks be just NBA Picks (! Nba Picks Chronicles Football Checklist | Trading card Database rookies i might have bought one had i who... 12 Optichrome cards 6 packs per box - External Links i hit 18 autos and nobody in the?... Variety keeps on churning as the 2021 NFL Draft class this point 226 Cade Cunningham - Oklahoma State Cowboys 226... Cards Checklist churning as the 2021 Panini Chronicles Football Checklist moves to the hits box, 16 boxes per.!, 6 packs per box, 16 boxes per case finally getting Chronicles, one. 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To acetate stock and flips the orientation Rights Reserved Fighting Irish, 14 Michael Warren II - Cincinnati,. First-Year players, including Bronze, arent numbered - rookies i might have bought had. 12 different base Sets from some of the most popular Panini brands to Chase packs per box, boxes! Red, Black # /7, Green # /5, Platinum 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1 packs.